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Don't know what's worse. Shorten losing an election running on good policy, or Albanese winning with no policy, which he goes on to prove was not a tactic but the deal.

Sure we all imagined an Albanese Prime Ministership would have something up its sleeve to define the first term, but nope. Here we are at the end and what is there to show for it?

Little but noise and thought bubbles, some dumped, some desperately clung to, but no consistency. No overarching narrative. Albanese is Labor's Morrison. How depressing. What a waste of three years.

results after 3 years? SFA! Huge disappointment in them. Just LNP under a different banner, so much promise and opportunities, so much lost.
no, LNP will be nasty imo. We'll be an 7gly, divided country of us v them. Anything but an LNP win.