A plea to maskless health-care workers from vulnerable patients.
"If your trauma is so severe that you can’t mask for a vulnerable patient – or worse, you lash out at a patient for masking – then you need to carefully assess whether you should be in a patient-facing role."
"If masks remind people of the pandemic, that should be a good thing. People need to know the pandemic is not over and that by not masking, they are taking serious risks with their health."
@auscovid19 #PandemicIsNotOver #MaskUp😷
Source: https://healthydebate.ca/2024/11/topic/plea-maskless-health-care-workers-vulnerable-patients/
"If your trauma is so severe that you can’t mask for a vulnerable patient – or worse, you lash out at a patient for masking – then you need to carefully assess whether you should be in a patient-facing role."
"If masks remind people of the pandemic, that should be a good thing. People need to know the pandemic is not over and that by not masking, they are taking serious risks with their health."
@auscovid19 #PandemicIsNotOver #MaskUp😷
Source: https://healthydebate.ca/2024/11/topic/plea-maskless-health-care-workers-vulnerable-patients/
A plea to maskless health-care workers from vulnerable patients - Healthy Debate
Health-care workers have a responsibility to protect their vulnerable patients. Our lives are in your hands.Maddi Dellplain (Healthy Debate)
I am Jack's Lost 404 •
Inhaltswarnung: boost covid mh
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt
Judy Olo 🌊Cats for HARRIS🌊 •
It's mind boggling. On my last doctor visit, normal yearly visit, August. I, of course wore N95 (no others seen.) My doctor, whom I love dearly-- a young woman from South America, comes in. Previously she has been pro-mask. Upon entering, she looks at me, wearing mask, and asks "Are you sick?' Actually shocked, I answer, No--are you?? WTELF is going on????