Qld LNP Indigenous Minister Fiona Simpson runs away.
David Crisafulli mistakenly thought Path to Treaty was divisive. It's brought us Queenslanders much closer together. Indigenous people of Queensland will be heard. #qldpol https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/queenslands-truth-telling-inquiry-reopens-submissions/sq4df0e1s
David Crisafulli mistakenly thought Path to Treaty was divisive. It's brought us Queenslanders much closer together. Indigenous people of Queensland will be heard. #qldpol https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/queenslands-truth-telling-inquiry-reopens-submissions/sq4df0e1s
Queensland's truth-telling inquiry reopens submissions
The inquiry has reopened online submissions, after a pause due to public comments made by LNP leader David Crisafulli about the government’s intention to repeal the Path to Treaty Act 2023Rudi Maxwell (NITV)