Glad the inexorable Me Too movement is slowly attempting to bring justice for the victims of celebrity perpetrators, but have anecdotal knowledge of survivors of 'everyday' criminals and crimes that go unbelieved or acted on.
I believe the high profile cases mask continuing and ongoing injustice and there remains systemic issues in the legal and law enforcement systems.
Worse, there's a counter-movement, mainly espoused by men, but also some women, who use language like, 'It was just boys being boys' and other misogynist tropes that seek to normalise and excuse the crimes.
#metoo #auslaw #auspol
I believe the high profile cases mask continuing and ongoing injustice and there remains systemic issues in the legal and law enforcement systems.
Worse, there's a counter-movement, mainly espoused by men, but also some women, who use language like, 'It was just boys being boys' and other misogynist tropes that seek to normalise and excuse the crimes.
#metoo #auslaw #auspol