Late to the party, but House of Reps has been debating the Social Media Bans since 12:17pm.
Notably, no Labor members will speak according to Michael McCormack, currently on his feet. Not even the Minister? Kind of strange and gutless.
#auspol #socialmedia
Notably, no Labor members will speak according to Michael McCormack, currently on his feet. Not even the Minister? Kind of strange and gutless.
#auspol #socialmedia
Live Minutes
These minutes are a draft record of the proceedings of the House of Representatives as they occur, and are subject to revision. The official record of proceedings is the Votes and
Tingo •
#auspol #socialmedia
Tingo •
Current and future govts and ministers could wield the legislation like a weapon against virtually any platform that allows online communication, banning under-16s and forcing all other Australians to use identification to use them.
S̵h̵a̵d̵o̵w̵ ̵c̵o̵m̵m̵u̵n̵i̵c̵a̵t̵i̵o̵n̵s̵ ̵s̵p̵o̵k̵e̵s̵p̵e̵r̵s̵o̵n̵ ̵D̵a̵v̵i̵d̵ ̵C̵o̵l̵e̵m̵a̵n̵,̵ ̵t̵h̵e̵ ̵M̵i̵n̵i̵s̵t̵e̵r̵ ̵u̵n̵d̵e̵r̵ ̵a̵ ̵D̵u̵t̵t̵o̵n̵ ̵g̵o̵v̵t̵, Andrew Wallace MP just rattled off half a dozen including gaming platforms not currently listed.
Edit: Corrected name of Coalition speaker, Wallace referred to Coleman and it was not Coleman himself speaking. Coleman spoke earlier.
#auspol #socialmedia
Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024 •
This is the largest digital power grab Australia's yet seen and eclipses virtually any other government short of the likes of China, Russia or North Korea.
#auspol #socialmedia
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt