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It will be a Lib appointment, so we expect crap. After Dr Young, we got shortchanged badly with GBDGerrard
Must’ve been an awful shock.
It was. It was almost like Morrison chose him.
@auscovid19 he certainly presided over the highest loss of life in Queensland ever, in terms of excess deaths. It was in his power to make decisions to reduce that toll, but instead he dug in.

The repeated waves of illness and death since his early calls to “build a wall of immunity” would’ve been increasingly hard to ignore.
"You will all catch covid-19 [because of my deliberate policy], but it will be mild and be good for you and your family."

What a tosser for someone who is supposed to be an infectious disease specialist and in charge of health policy in the state. He never kept up with the research and information coming out.

He said Covid is no worse than the flu. He said that it would soon be endemic, and thus predictable. He said masks were unnecessary. He said Covid among children was not a problem. He said that Long Covid should not be discussed, because it spread unnecessary alarm.
Under his watch, children were being hospitalised for Covid, RSV, & whooping cough. Good riddance to bad rubbish, imo. @mike_honey_ @auscovid19