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A friend of mine was a federally registered whistleblower against a major medical corporation. They are killing people by the thousands, and thousands, and thousands.

Protected status notwithstanding, my friend was brutally attacked in his home by hired thugs, is lucky to be alive, and has fled the country entirely to stay that way.

Just sayin'.

For some reason we imagine this country isn't rife with mafia/cartel shenanigans like Those Other (less white) Places. That's a goddamn fantasy, THIS is the home turf of the most powerful ones. The ones who use those others against each other-- well, mostly against us-- like game pieces on a board.

Rule of law is a superficial fantasy. The shit we call "democracy" is a superficial fantasy.

Some of us are still comfortable enough to not actually notice this yet. That day WILL come for you, too. ALL of you.
