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A good reminder of what we're up against. This ABC News article describes an 'anti-fossil fuel' protest.

No explanation WHY there was an 'anti-fossil fuel protest'.

No comments from any scientist.

No mention of the future risks to human civilisation with continued use of fossil fuels


Goose chasing an ABC News reporter asking 'Why was there an anti-fossil fuel protest'?
Given that the majority of the population seems either ignorant or disinterested it would seem quite important to provide the context.

It's not the life of human kind depends on it or anything.
"this report brought to you by the people who bring you oil and natural gas"

Yeah it's basically the entire capitalist system is dead set on accelerating climate change
Nothing reminds you that you live in one of the world's most powerful PetroStrates than your national broadcaster running cover for the fossil-fuel industry