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Really excited with @delta chat so far. I think there is space for all types of apps in the ecosystem. If something works and provides a solution elegantly than I am for it.

Especially when it comes to free software based on FOSS principles.

The UI is great and the feature set quite extensive.

End to end encrypted both ways. Easy profile creation. I’m sure it will fit in my toolset somewhere.
@feld It's almost like reinventing the wheel from scratch is a waste of time compared to starting with a good base of existing standards. :blobfoxthonking:
our general approach is that we only use a reasonable *subset* of the standards. Both #email and #OpenPGP specifications contain a lot of flexibility that has caused many past projects to drown in complexity. We avoid that by thinking about and steering developments starting from the desired UX/UI we want to offer. UX/UI-first if you will ;)
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