Beiträge, die mit DigitalSustainability getaggt sind
Have you ever wondered if we could apply the "turning off the light switch" in #kubernetes ?
Well, there is a way to do so, and I'm explaining how in the following article!
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#LightSwitchOps #DigitalSustainability #Sustainability #blog
Well, there is a way to do so, and I'm explaining how in the following article!
Boosts are appreciated!
#LightSwitchOps #DigitalSustainability #Sustainability #blog
Turning the lights on/off in Kubernetes clusters
Some time ago, cruising through the Sustainability-related parts of the Internet, I've arrived upon a term LightSwitchOps. Since I'm a fool for all the things Ops, I decided to have a look.Marjan Bugarinović (Wondering Chimp)