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Beiträge, die mit ImmigrantsWelcome getaggt sind

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County sheriffs will be key to Donald Trump's promise of "mass deportations." Alongside community activists from CIMA, Jessica Pishko, author of The Highest Law in the Land, explains the roles of these elected officials, how they work with white supremacist and anti-immigrant groups, and how communities can resist.

This event will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel (no registration required). Simultaneous interpretation will be provided for in-person participants.


Alguaciles y policías de el condado van a ser la clave para la promesa de “deportaciones masivas” que hizo Donald Trump. Junto a activistas comunitarios de CIMA, Jessica Pishko, autora The Highest Law in the Land (“La ley más alta del país”) explicará las funciones de estos funcionarios electos, como trabajan con grupos de supremacistas blancos y antiinmigrantes, y como pueden resistir las comunidades.

Este evento sera transmitido en vivo en nuestro canal de YouTube (no es necesario registrarse). Se proporcionará interpretación simultánea para los participantes en persona.


#ImmigrantRights #ImmigrantsWelcome #NoBorders #StopHB10 #ChingaLaMigra #FeministBookstore #FirestormCoop
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A promotional graphic for Mass Deportations & Far-Right Sheriffs, a hybrid event taking place at Firestorm Books on January 19th at 4pm EST. The image features the cover of the book "The Highest Law in the Land" alongside a headshot of the author, Jessica Pishko.