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Beiträge, die mit corporategreed getaggt sind

Hey folks. Shit news but we all knew it was coming. Caval ridge, Lake Vermont, and Boggabri have all been approved just now #fossilfuels #coal #gas #auspol #energy #corporategreed #money #australia
A list of the new coal approvals (listed above)

“The Czech is in the Mail”

by Another Angry Voice on Substack

“The [Labour] government has approved the sale of Royal Mail to #Czech #billionaire #Daniel #Křetínský, turning what was a not-for-profit public service just eleven years ago into a billionaire's plaything”



#Press #UK #RoyalMail #Privatization #NeoLiberalism #AssetStripping #Profiteering #Labour #Starmer #CorporateGreed #PublicUtilities #Water #Energy #Nuclear #ForeignOwnership