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Beiträge, die mit filthyrats getaggt sind

#Trump needs approval from our overlords in #Israel before he can even let out a fart.

#SenSchumer will gladly facilitate.


#Israel have approved more settlements in occupied #Golan since they expanded the buffer zone - DW (Deutsche Welle)

Stealing more land from neighbours.
You wonder why they got kicked out of Europe.

#DeutscheWelle #occupation #IsraelTerroristState #filthyrats

Boris #Epshteyn is the new Leon #Trotsky
(Lev Davidovich Bronstein)
The evil behind the horrors.

#uspolitics #MOT #filthyrats

Wasserman Schultz says #Gabbard 'likely a Russian asset'

The audacity of this jew is something. She would fight for #Israel until the last drop of American blood. Filthy scum!

#fldemocrats #fl25 #election2024 #israelfirst #wassermanschultz #democrats #filthyrats #israeliasset #mossadagent