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Beiträge, die mit fucknazis getaggt sind

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

I left the #FuckNazis bench shortly after the top of the hour.

It's up to 7°! In the sun, with a wind block, damn near shirtsleeve weather!

But, I know it's gonna get wet and nasty again real soon. Probably Monday.

Everyone and their cousin is taking in the air, and heading downtown. 😜 I'm so glad I got my stuff done before the throngs descended on the Neue Mitte.

It's #Caturday.
Yoshi One-Eye, a fat grey tabby, camouflages herself in the grey shag carpet.
Emma Peel, a tuxedo cat, looks on, annoyed.
Harley Quinn, an almost black tortoiseshell cat with cinnamon and cream splotches,  is also creeping the carpet.
Pussy Galore, a grey tiger tabby, noshes on proferred sausage.

Today i had scheduled a call with a potential client who needed some work done on their server security and Nextcloud instance. They presented themselves as a volunteer group who fights for voting rights. Just before the call i searched about them and i found out they are a pro Trump group. I was so pissed at myself for spending time texting back and forth with those assholes for almost two hours. I cancelled the call and told them i do not work with right wing extremists.
That pissed them and they changed their job requirements to only people from the USA.

#fucktrump #fucknazis