Beiträge, die mit futurefund getaggt sind Australia’s opposition to Israel’s ‘unlawful’ settlements set to impact Future Fund #AlbaneseGovernment #FutureFund #GregoryRose #HumanRightsCouncil #InternationalLaw #Israel #OccupiedPalestinianTerritory #UnitedNations
Australia's opposition to Israel's 'unlawful' settlements set to impact Future Fund - EUROPE SAYS
Are more changes coming for Australia's $230 billion sovereign wealth fund?Two weeks ago, I wrote a piece aboutEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Auspol #FutureFund #LNP #MWM
Coalition vows to overturn axed Future Fund priorities - Michael West
A decision to elevate housing, clean energy and infrastructure to priority status for the federal government’s $230 billion investment fund will be overturned if the coalition returns to power.AAP (Michael West)