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Beiträge, die mit mediscare getaggt sind

GP visits to become free for most under $8.5b 'legacy defining' Labor Medicare promise

Anthony Albanese says he'll make 90% of GP visits free from out-of-pocket expenses by 2030. This is a bargain for the government with a price-tag of only $8.5 billion. It's also a strong, traditional Labor policy for social services.

I'd like to think this is a sign that Albo is getting back to his roots, and announcing policies that will get the approval of the Greens and other left-leaning parties. It's also laying the groundwork for another "Mediscare" campaign in anticipation of Peter Dutton's toxic bullshit.

Boosting funding for bulk-billing will have massive flow-on effects for the general wellbeing of Australians: quality of life, ability to function in school and at work, and therefore a long-term payback for the economy. Anyone arguing against this policy has a deep-seated ideological hatred for "poor people" and knows nothing about the economy — I'm looking at you, Peter Dutton.

Details I'd like to hear more about:
- Mental health care funding got a boost, so it's good to see the government taking this neglected area more seriously.
- Dental health care was not mentioned, and it absolutely needs to be covered by Medicare. Teeth are a vital part of your body that require life-long care and shouldn't be at the mercy of private health insurance.
- GPs got screwed by Scott Morrison when he made a bunch of massive cuts to Medicare. The government will need to coordinate with GPs to make sure they get fair compensation for their work.
- Peter Dutton having a sook, and rolling-out that tired old lie about Labor being wasteful with money.

#AusPol #AnthonyAlbanese #Albo #Medicare #MentalHealth #ScottMorrison #ScottyFromMarketing #Mediscare #PeterDutton