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Beiträge, die mit nuclearpowerplants getaggt sind

Sites with #radioactive material more vulnerable as #ClimateChange increases #wildfire, #flood risks

Climate change increasingly threatens research laboratories, weapons sites and power plants across the nation that handle or are contaminated with #radioactive material or perform critical energy and defense research.

Updated 1:04 AM EDT, May 22, 2024

"The Nuclear Regulatory Commission [#NRC] considers only historical #ClimateData rather than future projections in licensing decisions and oversight of #NuclearPowerPlants, according to a General Accounting Office study in April that recommended the NRC 'fully consider potential #ClimateChange effects.' The GAO found that 60 of 75 U.S. plants were in areas with high flood hazard and 16 were in areas with high wildfire potential."

Read more: https://apnews.com/article/wildfire-flood-climate-change-nuclear-radioactive-sites-72bf711fe931a051709e44199c656267

#NoNukes #NoWar #NuclearWeapon s #NuclearWaste #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #SeaLevelRise #GlacierMelt #PantexPlant #LosAlamos #CerroGrandeFire #SantaSusana #LawrenceLivermore #Hanford