Beiträge, die mit prisonersrights getaggt sind
Addendum 4
Utah private prison company returns $5M to Mississippi after understaffing found at facility
Investigations continue into 2 other Mississippi prisons operated by Management & Training Corporation >> search: ALEC AND "Management & Training Corporation"
"American Legislative Exchange Council"
#Utah #Mississippi #prisons #PrisonIndustrialComplex #corporations #DefundCorporations #ALEC #PrisonersRights #neoliberalism
Utah private prison company returns $5M to Mississippi after understaffing found at facility
Investigations continue into 2 other Mississippi prisons operated by Management & Training Corporation >> search: ALEC AND "Management & Training Corporation"
"American Legislative Exchange Council"
#Utah #Mississippi #prisons #PrisonIndustrialComplex #corporations #DefundCorporations #ALEC #PrisonersRights #neoliberalism
Utah private prison company returns $5M to Mississippi after understaffing is found at facility
A Utah-based private prison company has returned $5.1 million to the Mississippi Department of Corrections after an investigation found it failed to provide enough workers at one of the prisons it was operating.The Salt Lake Tribune
Addendum 3
CON JOB: Inside privatized prison industry
* national advocacy group Families Against Mandatory Minimums called for federal investigation into Trousdale Turner prison, operated by private for-profit corporation CoreCivic
#prisons #incarceration #parole #FAMM #PrisonersRights #HumanRights #CoreCivic #PrisonIndustrialComplex #corporations #DefundCorporations #PrivateEquity
CON JOB: Inside privatized prison industry
* national advocacy group Families Against Mandatory Minimums called for federal investigation into Trousdale Turner prison, operated by private for-profit corporation CoreCivic
#prisons #incarceration #parole #FAMM #PrisonersRights #HumanRights #CoreCivic #PrisonIndustrialComplex #corporations #DefundCorporations #PrivateEquity
CON JOB: Inside looks inside the privatized prison industry
The Privatization Report: A weekly newsletter of news and analysis about the corporate takeover of education, water, and other public goods.Jeff Hagan (In the Public Interest)
Addendum 2
Parole Didn’t Integrate Me Into Society. It Kept Me Out of It
Parole supervision destabilized my life, kept me homeless
" ... much easier to obtain/sustain basic adult necessities req'd to be tax paying, positively contributing member of polite society as fugitive f. justice than as compliant ward of Dept. Corrections. ..."
#prisons #incarceration #parole #PrisonersRights #HumanRights #PrisonIndustrialComplex #corporations #DefundCorporations #PrivateEquity
Parole Didn’t Integrate Me Into Society. It Kept Me Out of It
Parole supervision destabilized my life, kept me homeless
" ... much easier to obtain/sustain basic adult necessities req'd to be tax paying, positively contributing member of polite society as fugitive f. justice than as compliant ward of Dept. Corrections. ..."
#prisons #incarceration #parole #PrisonersRights #HumanRights #PrisonIndustrialComplex #corporations #DefundCorporations #PrivateEquity
Parole Didn’t Integrate Me Into Society. It Kept Me Out of It. | Truthout
I didn’t want to be a fugitive, but parole supervision destabilized my life and kept me homeless.Samantha Borek (Truthout)