Beiträge, die mit receptayyip getaggt sind
While Calm Reigns in Damascus, Battles in Syria’s Northeast Rage On #Abdullah #Ahmed(AbuMohammadAlJolani)(1982) #AlShara #Conflicts #Erdoğan #HayatTahrirAlSham #IslamicStateInIraqAndSyria(ISIS) #KurdistanWorkers’Party #kurds #Öcalan #RecepTayyip #SecessionAndIndependenceMovements #Syria #SyrianDemocraticForces #Turkey
While Calm Reigns in Damascus, Battles in Syria’s Northeast Rage On
In the Syrian capital, Damascus, the country’s new leader has hosted a national unity conference and welcomed foreign dignitaries as crowds gather at cafes, speaking out freely for the first time in decades.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Syria Civil War: What to Know About the Fall of Bashar al-Assad #Ahmed(AbuMohammadAlJolani)(1982) #AlNusraFront #AlShara #Assad #BasharAl #Conflicts #Erdoğan #FreeSyrianArmy #HayatTahrirAlSham #RecepTayyip #Syria
Syria Civil War: What to Know About the Fall of Bashar al-Assad
The rebels who ended the Assad family’s brutal rule in Syria began asserting control on Monday. They took up positions outside public buildings in Damascus and directed traffic in a show of their newly claimed authority.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)