Beiträge, die mit turkishlira getaggt sind
Ras al-Ain: Prices remain unchanged despite improvement of Syrian pound’s value #AlHasakah #CommodityPricesInSyria #Conflicts #EnabBaladi #NortheastSyria #RasAlAin #SDF #SNA #Syria #SyrianDemocraticForces #SyrianEconomy #SyrianNationalArmy #SyrianNews #SyrianPound #Turkey #TurkishLira
Ras al-Ain: Prices remain unchanged despite improvement of Syrian pound’s value
The markets in the city of Ras al-Ain, northwest of al-Hasakah, are witnessing dissatisfaction among residents, as there have been no noticeable changes in the prices of goods, despite the improvement in the value of the Syrian pound over the past tw…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)