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Beiträge, die mit QLDPol getaggt sind

Not part of our plan? Repealing abortion in Queensland to be kept off the official agenda at this weekend's LNP state council in Rockhampton which means they haven't figured out exactly how to go about it & when to do it. #qldpol https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/feeding-the-chooks/david-crisafulli-and-the-lnp-are-on-a-victory-lap-but-federal-mps-are-uneasy/news-story/9d2f00648d2f603933b06b505d9db4fa

A training business run by #Queensland Premier David Crisafulli received government funding for more hours of teaching than it actually delivered, according to an audit. #qldpol #QLDVotes #grifter


The LNP is deploying the same tactic as with youth crime. Make infrastructure into a crisis by feeding the media their own numbers. Then they'll suddenly say the finances are worse than we thought, we can't do all those promises, & we need an audit. It's Labor's fault. #qldpol https://x.com/7NewsBrisbane/status/1856253296643846178?t=DOxZbo3u5rylkjL9W2U98w&s=19

The Indigenous flag & the Torres Strait Islander flag were not present in the media conference room in the Tower of Power last Monday. On Friday the Australian flag was not present either. #qldpol

Giving the LNP the benefit of the doubt, I've written to my Waterford MP Shannon Fentiman to see if she can enquire as to why the Indigenous flag & the Torres Strait Islander flag were not present during the deputy premier's media conference last Monday. #qldpol

With Dr John Gerrard stepping down as Qld CHO a look back at the position. Dr Jeannette Young was CHO during the lockdown phase of covid-19. Once a Qld health minister declares a public health emergency the CHO is granted extraordinary powers. #qldpol https://nofibs.com.au/queensland-chief-health-officer-dr-jeannette-young-granted-extraordinary-powers-qldaah-qldpol/

Lord Pocketsquare is a rat. Removing the flags of Indigenous & Torres St Islanders from his press conference was intentional. He has form on stunts. If he pulled this in South Africa, they'd slot him with the worst of the Apartheid rulers. #qldpol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-07-26/bleijies-fu-cufflinks-trigger-complaint/10038304

David Fully-Costed gave Fiona Simpson the portfolios of Women, Indigenous & Multiculturalism. She was Speaker during the Newman government & banned Qld media cameras. No sympathy for the media if this happens again. You brought this on yourselves. #qldpol

The Indigenous flag & the Torres Strait Islander flag will be put back in the Brisbane press conference room. The 4 flags will fly in Qld until such time as the Queensland people & the Australian people decide on any changes. Not you, Lord Pocketsquare. #qldpol

The Courier Mail is still at it with their King David Fully-Costed nonsense. What a bunch of subterranean altitude flyers they are. Have a whip-around the office & build him a statue. #qldpol

Why is Qld in such trouble? We don't have the same calibre of journalists we had 10yrs ago under Newman. ABC's Matt Wordsworth interviews Fitzgerald Inquiry's Gary Crooke. Govt tells Matt there's a storm outside, Matt opens the window & has a look. #qldpol https://youtu.be/lh7MygAdDe4

Many may not realise but it's The Courier Mail's Phil Dickie & ABC's Chris Masters that help trigger the Fitzgerald Inquiry. It's almost impossible to conceive now that the CM was once an integral part of Qld politics. Article from 2019. #qldpol https://theconversation.com/thirty-years-on-the-fitzgerald-inquiry-still-looms-large-over-queensland-politics-119167

The Courier Mail, the once great paper that helped trigger the Fitzgerald Inquiry, believes Qld Premier David Crisafulli is the embodiment of David. Perhaps they should have a whip around the office to commission him a statue. It's been a glorious 11 days. #qldpol

David Fully-Costed vows a fresh start. Campbell Newman's assistant minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs, David Kempton, returns in 2024 as the MP for Cook. #qldpol https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/assistant-minister-david-kemptons-luxury-junket-provided-by-wind-farmer-20140916-10hmez.html

A coalition of environment groups has rejected attempts by LNP leader David Crisafulli to breathe life into a tourism development proposal in Springbrook National Park that was rejected by the Beattie Government years ago. #qldpol https://www.queenslandconservation.org.au/lnp_cableway_springbrook_world_heritage_area

The LNP have moved on from creating pamphlets with Lord Pocketsquare spending his first days as deputy premier with the office equipment to make a booklet. He has no idea where the pledged pumped hydros are to go. It's now full speed Crisafulli government in reverse. #qldpol https://x.com/7NewsMackay/status/1853723942432977008?t=ihxeBZkgmtYSFJqla0XBGQ&s=19

He's not Queensland's most powerful man. He's not a king. He's bound by the Qld constitution & checked by the parliament. He's granted executive powers & he must not abuse them. He must respect the doctrine of the separation of powers & the rule of law. He serves the Qld people. #qldpol

New 7News Brisbane co-anchor Sarah Greenhalgh was not a big fan of Queensland's covid-19 measures. #qldpol https://x.com/GreenhalghSarah/status/1432801884486737921

Tree clearer of the Newman era, Andrew Powell, has returned as David Crisafulli's environment minister. Even though Newman was defeated in 2015 the destruction continued. Being in minority, the Palaszczuk govt wasn't able to get the numbers until 2018. #qldpol https://youtu.be/-Owp8R6S9hc

David Fully-Costed has given his old Newman era job of local govt minister to Ann Leahy. In 2016 she was publicly admonished for divulging confidential parliamentary CCC info. Of all the people to email it to, she stupidly sent it to the premier. #qldpol https://youtu.be/DZQB6xIBGF4

There's no honeymoon period here. This lot are on parole from what they did last time, their officers are the Queensland people & they've made a couple of violations already. #qldpol

David Crisafulli was successful in getting his crime statistics permeated throughout the media instead of the official Queensland police ones. Now in government he can manipulate those. He learnt from Campbell Newman - an example from 2014 where the fall is suddenly 11%.The police commissioner will have 2 choices. #qldpol https://youtu.be/1Ti9Kq3lYG8

Forensic Science Queensland director Linzi Wilson-Wilde calls for new $450m DNA lab
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-24/qld-health-forensic-dna-lab-testing-calls-for-replacement/104384730 #biotech #qldpol #auslaw

Reminder that the Gold Coast has no Climate Change strategy despite two decades of warnings about climate impact forecasts which have specifically mentioned the Gold Coast.

It did not suit the interest of the current and past Council members, each whom have heavy vested interests in Development/Contruction, as it would mean development approvals cannot be rushed through as easily.
#QldPol #GoldCoast

Queensland to see more storms and a heatwave on the way, after wild weather wreaks havoc over Christmas.


Not reported here, but there’s been astoundingly pervasive campaign to spread claims of ‘Chemtrails’ and ‘Geoengineering’ conspiracy as the reason for why the South-East Queensland was affected.
Gold Coast locals that follow LNP MP social media seem most subscriptive of the conspiracy, using the conspiracy theory to deflect and distract climate change awareness.
#ClimateCrisis #QldPol #AusPol

Steven Miles to be next premier of Queensland as Shannon Fentiman withdraws https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-12/steven-miles-premier-of-queensland-shannon-fentiman-withdraws/103214566 via @ABCaustralia #qldpol