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Beiträge, die mit GeorgiaProtests getaggt sind

The latest news from Georgia is that the government has banned the sales of protective equipment such as gas masks, goggles and helmets.

The Georgian government don't want their people to protect themselves from the tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets the unidentified special forces are using against them.


“Is it me you are afraid of?!”

Illustration by Tamunia Budaghashvili

This illustration is not just a representation, but taken from a video of a real life confrontation in Tbilisi, Georgia 2 nights ago

The latest news is that the lone woman who confronted the row of riot police was arrested and fined €900, the equivalent of 2 months wages in Georgia, and then released. We're still waiting to hear from her directly.


Illustration of a lone woman kicking at a row of riot police with shields in Tbilisi Georgia

“Is it me you are afraid of?!”


Illustration by Tamunia Budaghashvili
Georgian protestors kicks through a row of riot police shields.

"Today, we find ourselves in a situation where a knife has been driven into the constitution, tearing it apart completely"

Georgian President Zourabichvili addressed the nation following the Constitutional Court of Georgia's decision to reject her appeal, along with those of over 30 former opposition MPs, challenging the results of the parliamentary elections.


"Giorgi Gakharia, the former Minister of Internal Affairs under GD, states that he has legitimate suspicions that those wearing black masks during protest dispersals are not employees of the MIA but belong to informal groups. It has long been reported that US-sanctioned minister Zviad Kharazishvili has informal punitive squads."

Anna Gvarishvili,
Georgian journalist.


"The masks are off. We owe it to those brutally beaten while being arrested to spread the word and show the extent of the violence the Georgian people endure daily.

This is horrifying. It is inhumane."

Elene Kintsarashvili,

Photomontage showing dozens of Georgian protestors with severe facial injuries received from police brutality.

In Georgia, the Public Broadcaster TV channel has just announced that they will grant protest members airtime every evening as long as the crisis is ongoing.

This follows this mornings' statement from over 60 public broadcaster staff members denouncing the protest violence and the fact the public broadcaster wasn't showing the protest violence.

Maybe this will help their ratings!


The Russian disinformation on the Georgia protests is something else. No, Russia is not going to invade and no, George Soros is NOT funding all the protestors. Obvs.

In a nutshell, the Georgian people are protesting the recent rigged elections and the government's unconstitutional decision to stop their E.U. membership bid.

Georgians want new elections. That's it. It's not that radical.



And, finally, a statement from the U.K. government condemning the police brutality used against protestors in Georgia and the Georgian government's turn away from democratic norms .

At least 5 days late and pretty weak, but welcome all the same.



"Sixty employees of the Georgian Public Broadcaster, including its prominent faces, TV presenters Nino Zautashvili and Vasil Ivanov-Chikovani, have signed a statement condemning the violent crackdown on protesters and distancing themselves from the Georgian Dream party’s decision to halt the EU membership process until 2028. The document says that the move violates Georgia’s constitutional commitment to European integration."



Joint statement from parties in the Council of Europe on 'The Grave Political Crisis in Georgia.'


Statement from parties in the Council of Europe. Text reader recommended.

“The use of unnecessary or disproportionate force against protesters and media workers is extremely worrying."

“All Georgians from across the political spectrum should be able to express their views about the future of their country freely and peacefully.”

Volker Turk,
UN Human Rights Commissioner.



Last night's protests in Tbilisi, Georgia-

There were even more protestors than previous nights.
The 'police' crackdown started very early, with more water cannons and more tear gas, but overall there were less beatings and much less arrests. This wasn't for lack of trying. They were just outmanoeuvred.

It seems the unidentified and unknown special forces terrorising Tbilisi are human after all.

And they're getting tired.


Aerial shot of over a hundred thousand protestors in Tbilisi, Georgia

"Across Georgia, people are rising against the Russian puppetry regime. From the capital to the smallest towns, this is a movement unlike anything in our history.
The message is clear:

Give me my vote back!

Give me my European future back!"

Salome Zurabishvili,



You can check this live map of Georgia to see how many protests are currently happening in Georgia.
The last count was 25. Freedom is contagious.


Map of protests in Georgia

Mélanie Joly, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that Canada intends to “sanction key individuals, as well as companies and entities involved in human rights violations or corruption, based on our sanctions regime”. Canada reiterated its support and solidarity with the Georgian people and expressed concern about the current political situation in Georgia.


In Georgia, they're heading into their fifth consecutive night of protests, although it's fairer to say it's one continuous protest at this point. They haven't stopped at all today, with even the schoolchildren going on strike.

While the focus of the anti government protests is the parliament in the capital Tbilisi, today there are also big protests in about 15 towns and cities across Georgia.

They're not backing down.




"You can't defeat these brave, smart and cunning people!
Get away from us! Go to the dark and evil world and rule there!"


Teoko Illustrations,

Illustration of protests in Georgia. Brightly coloured young people shooting stars at a row of silhouetted police officers in the night time.
It's very stylised and beautiful.

In Georgia, the Senior Instructor at the Tactical Training Department of the Police Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Giorgi Gabekhadze resigns.

This is the first resignation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the department responsible for policing the protests.


Photo of Giorgi Gabakhdze, 
"Senior Georgian Police Academy official resigns in protest."

Via Formula News

"Following Baltic countries, the EU should immediately put sanctions on those responsible in the ministry of interior & police for the violence of the Georgia uprising…

Time that Europe acts ! … instead of words …."

Guy Verhofstadt,



"Georgia Public defender Levan Ioseliani has said that 124 out of 156 persons (80%) detained during the protest that his office had access to reported being subjected to violence and mistreatment by the police. “The number of citizens claiming that the police used excessive force is growing at an alarming rate,” Ioseliani said and urged law enforcement not to overstep legal boundaries."




In Georgia, about 200 people so far have been detained following protests. They have all been beaten, round the head and in particular the eyes.

While some of these beatings are happening during the protests, reports are coming in that a lot of the beatings are actually happening during detention.

It's not casual police brutality in the heat of the moment, but deliberate targeted punishment beatings of protestors once they are in custody.


Georgian protestor in a hospital bed with severe bruising round his eyes.

Democracy fighting back with protests as president makes a stand in Georgia
#Georgia #GeorgiaElections #georgiaprotests #democracy
BBC News - Georgia president calls for new elections as protests erupt again

The mood in Georgia right now.

Street Art by Gagosh,

Tbilisi, Georgia.


Two water cannon trucks direct jets of water at a naked woman who is casually bathing in the water.

Art by Gagosh, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Georgian opposition leader Zurab Japaridze has been released from police custody after being arrested for protesting outside parliament.




"Georgians did not expect that their own police would show so much sadism. They did not consider that their cops are being trained by Russian specialists. All protests are suppressed by Russian rules which include inflicting injuries, including in the head of the protestors, necessity of group beatings and so on."

Alexander Nevzorov,
Russian journalist.


Photo of Russian journalist Alexander Nevzorov. Text reads "Putin critic: Russia trains Georgian police in brutality tactics"
Credit: Formula News Georgia

Local media in Georgia are reporting that Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister Teimuraz Janjalia has resigned, although we are still waiting for an official statement or any reason for his resignation.

Janjalia is the first member of the ruling Georgian Dream government to resign, so his resignation statement is eagerly awaited.




Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will impose sanctions against the Georgian officials responsible for suppressing pro-E.U. protests in recent days, Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna announced on Sunday.

“The three Baltic States jointly agreed to impose national sanctions against those who suppressed legitimate protests in Georgia. Opponents of democracy & violators of human rights are not welcome in our countries.”




"In Georgia, the majority of the arrested protesters have injuries to their heads and faces , broken face bones, eye sockets, open wounds. Have been subjected to systematic beatings between arrest and transport to already overcrowded detention facilities. As reported by lawyers."

Salome Zurabishvili,



In Georgia, opposition party leader Zurab Japaridze was arrested this morning during a crackdown on overnight protests in Tbilisi.
The police appear to have deliberately targeted the politician as he was leaving the protest area.




In Georgia it seems like tonight's protests are even bigger than last night's protests. Huge crowds in Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Zugdidi, Rustavi, Dmanisi, Lanchkhuti, Kvareli and more.


Montage of photos of protests in 8 different towns and cities in Georgia

"The chair of Georgia’s illegitimate Parliament states that, as a result of yesterday’s riot, the Parliament’s cafeteria is completely ruined.

I mean, the cafeteria and Georgia’s European future but yeah, everyone has their own priorities."

Anna Gvarishvili,
Georgian journalist.



The latest statements from Georgian PM Khobakidzle can be found in the article below.

Tldr: Crisis? What crisis? Everything's just fine in Georgia. Nothing to see here...




The disinformation campaign against the pro E.U. protestors in Georgia is heating up. So, first, the facts.

Georgia is pro Europe.

Pursuing E.U. membership has long been enshrined in the constitution.

Polling has showed the Georgian people massively in favour at 80/90%.

Every political party campaigns on the manifesto promise of joining the E.U.

The ruling Georgian Dream party's election campaign was "Towards Europe With Dignity".



"We stand with the Georgian people and their choice for a European future.

We condemn the violence against protesters & regret signals from ruling party not to pursue Georgia's path to EU and democratic backsliding of the county.

This will have direct consequences from EU side."

Kaja Kallas,
E.U. Foreign Affairs.



In Tbilisi, Georgia, despite several attempts by the riot police to disperse them, the overnight protests have continued right through into the morning.

It's now 12.30 and the protests have moved on to the University grounds.


Protestors stand round a makeshift camp fire in Tbilisi,Georgia.

In Tbilisi, Georgia, firefighters are deliberately and demonstratively emptying the water from their trucks so the riot police can't use them for their water cannons.
There's a moment in the video where a firefighter drinks the water to prove that it's the riot police and not them who are mixing pepper spray into it.



Barricades made by protestors in Tbilisi, Georgia.

It's the smiley that makes it.


Protestors in Tbilisi, Georgia wave flags from behind a makeshift barricade designed to deter riot police. Someone has spray painted 'You suck!' and a smiley face on it.

Students of Kutaisi International University, founded by Bidzina Ivanishvili, protested against the 'stolen European future'.


Via Publika Georgia.
The lights of a university building have been switched on to spell out 'Theft!' in the night sky in Kutaisi, Georgia.