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Think it's high time I log onto the internet and tell some random strangers they're Part of The Problem
Have a different perspective on something relatively minor in the grand scheme of things? That's it, buddy. You're Part of The Problem. Go look at yourself in the mirror and think about what you've done. This is why we're at where we're at.
but I was just sitting here having a beer? 😅
having a beer is Part of the Problem. I won't tell you why though, that's for you to discover for yourself.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
well I tried doing some research on that but google kept saying 'I don't understand'. AI means 'always idiotic'
if it makes you feel any better, Google is definitely a much bigger Part of the Problem than you could ever hope to be.
Organic stupidity is the inverse of AI. Just saying.
both of these things are PoTP. I'm abbreviating it now because I'm already getting tired of typing it out.
“Do your OWN research, buddy”
Also people who butt in to threads are a big Part of the Problem!
Don’t make me explain it to you!
doing your own research, expecting someone else to do your research, and just deciding it's not worth your time to worry about are all Parts of The Problem. Which admittedly places anyone who is not me in a predicament
I don’t see how I can be bothered to research this issue when it has been extensively covered on this random Reddit thread by anonymous posters. Surely this is Part of Another Problem and not the Original Problem™️
I think I'm going to make you my Deputy Problemspotter™
I’ll need a corner office and 6 weeks paid vacation. Or is that a Problem?
it is. I haven't figured out how to get paid for this either so right now you just have to do it for the love of the game
Oh well, I guess I could make an Exception™️ this time. I will need Comp Time®️ between assignment of Problem Identification©️
But…um…what about the corner office?
you find yourself a corner office and it's yours. And since we're doing this for free you really can have all the comp time you want as long as it's not between 9-5 on weekdays and holidays.
and demanding to do your free work from home is…you know.
being proud you're Part of the Problem is like, at least two Parts of the Problem. There's the original part and then the being proud of it part
how many parts are there, in total?
quite a few. I'm doing an assessment now based on how many people reply, there are at least that many parts unless I think of more at a later date. Probably 17 or so, bare minimum
Well, that was briefly amusing. A hearty thank you to the folks who humored me. Back to my dysthymia I go.
thanks, friend ❤️
Your distress is familiar to me. x
You could still engage in the other main activities of this fine social media platform/network/thingy: #CatsOfMastondon #dogsofmastodon #birdsofmastodon
Cats, after all, are what the internet is for. Just ask them…
Don't abandon your effort so soon.
people thinking that sounds good is Part of the Problem, sir.
Ooh, me first! Me first!

being eager to be Part of the Problem? Definitely Part of the Problem. But at least you can be proud of it. You set out with a goal and you accomplished it
isn't it over optimistic of them to assume that the solution they imagine is better than the problem?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
accurately assessing the pitfalls of telling random strangers they're Part of The Problem is part of a different problem, and that problem is "throwing a wrench in my ability to tell strangers they're Part of The Problem"
I can do both though, that's the beauty of the internet
It's true though, that's literally the entire problem.
There are clearly answers to them. People would also literally rather burn alive.
Call that whatever you will.
I call it the problem.
(What this says is they gave some homeless people $1,000 a month universal basic income and it saved the city $500,000)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
wait, you're saying calling strangers Part of The Problem is Part of The Problem? Or are you saying strangers *being* Part of The Problem is Part of The Problem?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
"strangers" are the entire problem we have answers.
For every little node like me actually out here working on something productive. There's millions that are not, ignoring answers we've had for decades or centuries.
People have known what to do the whole time, just like they knew about climate change in the '70s and '80s.
They'd also clearly rather die.
it's never too late. Just have to get a few more parts and you're set
After all, isn't that what Mastodon is for?
"Do better, complete stranger!"
i fully admit being Part of The Problem. i revel in it. my only wish is that one day i will be a much bigger Part of The Problem.

and now... i need to doomscroll my feed and disagree with the PoV of some complete strangers, because... They. Are. Wrong.
I find your sentiment.... problematic
You'll fit right in here