Following up yesterday's post: here is the same view of Varick Street by the Holland Tunnel, as seen today (Friday) at 5pm. Normally at this time my office is filled with a symphony of horns honking and traffic managers screaming at drivers. To see this and hear mostly silence at 5pm on a Friday would have been unthinkable even a week ago.
Needless to say, I am 100% sold on congestion pricing in New York City.
#nyc #CongestionPricing
Needless to say, I am 100% sold on congestion pricing in New York City.
#nyc #CongestionPricing
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Tage her)
Ben O’Matic •
The *only* problem I have with congestion pricing is that basically what it means is that wealthy people who don't care about any number of dollars with less than four digits on a given day just get free range.
I know that NYC has maybe the best commuting infrastructure in the country, so maybe I'm inventing a problem, but it still pains me that it effectively makes life just that much more luxurious for the ultra-wealthy.
Ben O’Matic •
Honestly, I would really appreciate that; I don't like the taste of these sour grapes.
Jason Isaac •
GlennMG hat dies geteilt