Veteran broadcaster Alan Jones arrested in Sydney amid alleged indecent assault and sexual touching offences investigation's been a lot of allegations against RWNJ radio shock-jock, Alan Jones over the years. Some of them have been made by former workmates. Earlier this morning, when I heard that Alan Jones had been arrested, I thought it was going to be because of that angle. But, as details of this arrest come to light, they add another horrifying dimension: he's being investigated by the Child Abuse Squad.
For decades, Alan Jones has been untouchable because he has friends who are rich, powerful, politically connected (all the way up to a former Prime Minister), or high-up in the NSW Police force -- but I'm starting to wonder if his defence by his old boys network is crumbling because they're old, retired, or deceased.
It's time Alan Jones faces legal consequences. This is long overdue, and his victims deserve justice.
AlanJones #
ChildSexualAbuse #
SexualAbuse #
Child Abuse Squad detectives arrest veteran broadcaster Alan Jones at his Sydney apartment following an investigation into alleged indecent assault and sexual touching offences spanning two decades.
Jesse Hyland (ABC News)