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The operational costs for:


Now exceed $4,000 USD per month, we currently get $1,465 from Patreon.

We could use your financial support more than ever while I build a foundation for long term financial support (think official hosting).

Please boost 🙏


3 Personen haben dies geteilt

I just pledged to the Kickstarter! Let's make this happen.
Not sure if this is something that's already been suggested, but I feel that a giant "DONATE HERE" link in a very visible part of the Pixelfed UI would help tons.
we have one in the footer, I'm hesitant to make it more visible because I don't want apple to reject future app updates due to their clause on collecting 30%
Ah, good point.
Make it big in all other platforms. Or, better, instead of a donation window, have the donation display a message saying "Apple sucks, please donate with another platform"
at least according to https://getonthestore.com/nonprofit-donation-apps/

> Apple’s 30% commission applies to payments made through in-app purchases (IAP). However, charitable donations are not processed through IAP, so this commission does not apply to donations made within your app.
It is incredible what is being accomplished here for this amount on money. Public social media is us. Now is our time. We can make this happen. Please donate what you can to Pixelfed. ☝️
Build a foundation with Mastodon's team ? It would be more powerful an easier for us (users of the fediverse) to participate, donate, etc...
Where is your patreon link?
Le message précédent de @dansup concerne l'instance originale de Pixelfed, mais n'oublions pas que nous sommes nous-mêmes sur des instances financées uniquement par les dons, et c'est ce qui fait l'autonomie, notamment politique, du #fediverse. Alors si vous le pouvez, pensez, de temps en temps, à verser quelques euros aux admins de votre instance Mastodon, Peertube ou autre : c'est le prix de la liberté et de l'indépendance !

#autonomie #liberté
Should those of us who are willing and able to migrate to other instances, to lighten both financial and administrative load?
what do you prefer? Patreon or Kickstarter?
Is there a open document that explains cost per item? And maybe get some companies to pitch in to ensure existence for the future?
I wonder how much of this cost is „cloud pricing overhead“
that's fair, but at the same time, I can't worry about devops.

I have to focus on coding, devops and marketing, otherwise I would go another route.
I don‘t even know what „worry about devops“ means in that context.
(This is not a question)
do you have a nonprofit?

I ask because if you do that means two things:

1: in the US I can donate using pretax dollars which allows me to contribute considerably more
2: I can submit those contributions to be matched 1:1 by my employer through Benevity
but why then do you want to have an onboarding that leads to one instance? It will raise the server costs even more and you can't meet the monthly costs atm? I don't understand
because a lot of new users do not understand federation, its a complicated step
but they understand discord, i know it's a complicated step, but can't you orientate on how mastodon is doing it? I feel that worked pretty well, adding the alternative but otherwise lead them to pixelfed?
This was probably proposed, but: what if any instance could have some setting in it which says that it is ok with being a “general” one. Then, on the onboarding step, a random instance from a list of instances that participate would be selected, with some simple explanation for a user, a button to randomize it from the same list again, and then a link to all instances?
That won't work, people who are not familiar with the fedi want to join the flagship instance with the most trust and reliability.

Using random servers to register on is very dangerous, because not all of them are as dedicated to this as I am, some of them don't update frequently or handle mod reports as fast as we do.

For new people, it's essential we provide them the best experience and server, and few can provide the level that I can, because I'm the developer.
Mm, I think maybe we should have a bit more faith in the Fediverse, and other Pixelfed servers? That's why I mentioned the “pledge”, and why I mentioned some moderation over which servers are accepted. Of course, just random servers would be bad from many standpoints.

Not giving an option is saying “all other servers deserve no trust”.
I think you should at least try to explain it. Mastodon did a good job with that too. Moving between instances should also be a feature with priority. 🙂
how about putting the same dedication in your software, you claim for your hosting? Like proper image support, using out-of-date libraries or a GDPR compliant exporter?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Wochen her)
Isn't "fediverse" half of the name of "pixelfed"? Isn't federation the point?
So, you have 8 websties to maintain, 4 software projects to write and you've been taking on more stuff recently.

I MUST warn you about the dangers of burnout at this point.
I work in cloud infrastructure, let me know how I can also donate spare server capacity
as well as donations for the main servers, I think we need to push more on the idea of "decentralization" and teaching people how easy to it to setup your own instances or smaller communities. This reduces cost on the larger servers also. I run Mastodon and Pixelfed for myself and family, for example.
Even I don't have an account, you'll get a dollar a month through liberapay for the next 3 years. Since Meta blocked Pixelfed, there must be something. I like real competition for commercial platforms.
I hope you reach soon the financing you need, but please, don't lay the rest of instances aside, because they are what will make PixelFed thrive.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Wochen her)
why not close registrations to spread the cost?
woah, with those numbers it’s probs worth getting an architect in to suggest cost optimisations
"The Pixelfed homepage and "support our project" page both have a banner directing people to a Kickstarter that's almost 200% funded. I wonder if they've cannibalized their own donations by steering people there."

I have joined #pixelfed only some days ago and love it aleady. I happily just joined your Patreon with a monthly donation! Keep on your good work 🥳
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Wochen her)
Is there a chance I can donate via PayPal
DONE Both in Kickstarter and Patreon!
I want to become a supporter. Which of the three support channels do *you* prefer?
how about ISPs host an instance for their customers as a value add. This is how usenet uses to work and it worked pretty well.
hi Dan! I would love to migrate to another pixelfed server. Is it possible to take my posts in the migration?
»Official hosting« would be awesome! If you set up something similar to masto.host, I would be very interested in running my own Pixelfed/Loops instance under my own domains with you.
y'know, making the Loops app less about federation and pointing everyone to your own servers doesn't help with this :P
hello! If anybody in your team is in southern Arizona and considering collocation space with transit, please reach out!
donated today at the #kickstarter program. #pixelfed
I had never thought that the project was going through so much difficulty. Have you ever thought about presenting the project to a college, or collaborating with a foundation like Blender Org or Ubuntu? Maybe this will help reduce costs
Wer sagt den Neuen, dass, wer kann, im Fedi Geld geben soll, weil keine Aufmerksamkeit und keine Daten verkauft werden?
Es braucht mehr Ehrlichkeit beim Geld, finde ich.
step one is to stop the bleeding of funds. Disable sign ups.