Since #republicans think #democracy is a toy to be played with ...
#Biden should declare #martiallaw now as well.
Just declare the last election was fraudulent. Republicans deserve to be proven correct on their decade long claims of election #fraud and #recession.
#Biden should declare #martiallaw now as well.
Just declare the last election was fraudulent. Republicans deserve to be proven correct on their decade long claims of election #fraud and #recession.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
Wyatt H Knott •
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RememberUsAlways •
Harris becomes President automatically if they have any success.
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RememberUsAlways •
Republican states are all rigged for permanent Republican majority.
Republicans commit the most election fraud every election.
We live in a Republic now. #Democracy is powerless to change the State structures and the Judiciary.
The #UnitedStates abandoned democracy for the #Republic.
RememberUsAlways •
That's where we are different.
I recommend acting now rather than waiting for the Republicans to act when they have full control of Government.
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
Wyatt H Knott •
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RememberUsAlways •
I'm not going to attack you personally but your position is quite naive .
To believe US Democracy is healthy and working the way it was intended for the #UnitedStates, you must have missed the last 25 years when Republicans are in control of Government.
No, it's an entire political party that believes Democracy runs second to the Republic.
You can take your shame game and go boil an egg now.
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RiaResists •
We are not of the people or for the people. Freedom and liberty are not for everyone.
Seems the country, as a whole just cannot pull its head out its ass.
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RememberUsAlways •
MrRaccoon •
RememberUsAlways •