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Beiträge, die mit Biden getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit Biden getaggt sind

The most interesting part is how the whole thing has been hidden in plain sight.

#ConsumerCredit reached an all time high under the #Biden/ #Harris administration in the #USA. And while they tried to mitigate that somewhat by for instance restructuring programs for #StudentLoans, the double #burden of stagnating #wages and rising #inflation has pushed many households over the edge.

Now #Trump is adding way more inflation to the mix & laying off tens of thousands of govt #workers.

When you say EU you mean Germany and France, the top and most significant arms salesmen in EU, holding a majority vote with their puppet dependents. They will vote on state expenditure for arming Ukraine and most of Europe to funnel funds to 4-5 industries as beneficiaries. Fat cats feeding and eating together with fatter cats.

Analogous lobby that funded the #Biden campaign to hand them a major war expenditure.


This is also #Biden's fault, he booby trapped their accounts

Or DOGE fired the wrong NSA technician


#FOX Gutfeld: Nobody knows where George Clooney stands

Gutfeld: Nobody knows where George Clooney stands 'The Five' co-hosts discuss actor George Clooney doubling down on pulling support for former President Joe Biden as the Bidens plot their comeback. #media #actor #biden #thefive Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political…


📰 Arabische Amerikanen 'in de maling genomen' door Trump?


🕖 19:00 | Nieuwsuur
🔸 #Biden #Trump #Arabisch #Israel #USA

Trump entzieht Biden und Harris Sicherheitsfreigabe

Schon im Februar hatte er den Schritt angekündigt, jetzt hat US-Präsident Trump mehreren politischen Gegnern die Sicherheitsfreigabe entzogen. Dazu gehören auch der ehemalige Präsident Biden und seine Vizepräsidentin Harris.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/trump-sicherheitsfreigabe-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Trump #Sicherheitsfreigabe #Biden

Imagine what the media would say if #Trump did this?

Something like "#Biden was a "#Venezuela Dictatorship tool"🤣

"Biden’s Secret Deal Allowed #Chevron to Pay Venezuela Millions - Bloomberg"


NoPayWall https://archive.ph/3HHej

The Walking Dead returns!

#JoeBiden has announced his intention to return to politics and 🤣help the #DemocraticParty🤣

The "Help"... #SocialSecurity edition below

#Biden wants back in
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/bidens-want-back-in-rcna196956 #USPol
"Joe Biden's record of working to cut Social Security

1983: Joe Biden floats the idea of raising the retirement age

1984: Joe Biden partners with Republicans to co-sponsor a freeze on Social Security

1995: Joe Biden says he's tried four times to freeze Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans' benefits

1995: Joe Biden votes for Balanced Budget Amendments that cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans' benefits

1996: Joe Biden floats the idea of chained CPI cuts to Social Security

1997: Joe Biden votes AGAIN for Balanced Budget Amendments that cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans' benefits

2007: Joe Biden brags that he's proud of his support for a Social Security age increase

2007: Joe Biden proposes a Social Security plan that is open to raising the retirement age

2007: Joe Biden tells NBC's Meet the Press that cuts to Social Security & Medicare should "absolutely" be on the table

2018: Joe Biden says Social Security & Medicare "still need adjustments"..."

The reports of the Canadian fellow inmates of 10 months of incarceration for visa violations is a human rights violation going on under #Biden and #Trump.

Trump brings it to a new and crueler level but the US owns this on both sides of the aisle.

The US and slavery! Keep in mind that not working get inmates in isolation which is defined as torture. Those private for profit detentions are nothing but modern slave camps.

#humanRight #migration #US #Politics #ICE #Prison4Profit #slavery

President Joe #Biden last year ordered his #NationalSecurity team to establish working groups to monitor the issue amid warnings from US #intelligence that Russia was escalating a shadow war against Western nations.

The plan was led by Biden's #NSC & involved at least 7 national security agencies working w/European allies to disrupt plots targeting #Europe & the #UnitedStates….

#security #USpol #geopolitics #Russia #sabotage #disinformation #cyberattacks #NewWorldOrder #Trump #PutinsPuppet

#Trump ha agafat el relleu a #Biden per garantir la tradició dels #EEUU a facilitar que #Israel continui assassinant la vida a #Palestina, sense distingir la condició social, professió, edat, sexe, religió... només ha de prevaldre el #sionisme.

Tots els dies són un bon dia per mantenir encès el #genocidi sionista colonialista.

Hi ha una altra tradició encara, la d'això que anomenem Europa, d'un sibil·lisme pervers propi del "poli bo".

Trump entzieht Bidens Kindern Secret-Service-Personenschutz

Bis zum Sommer sollten die Kinder des ehemaligen US-Präsidenten Biden vom Secret Service beschützt werden. Nun hat Trump die Agenten abgezogen. Auch die Begnadigungen seines Vorgängers stellt er infrage.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/trump-secret-service-biden-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#USA #Trump #Biden

#Demokratie #Rechtsstaat #Gnade #USA #Trump #Biden #Willkür #Justiz #Gerichte #Richter*innen #TeamResopal #JuraBubble

Trumps Rachsucht ist grenzenlos. Nun erklärt er Begnadigungen, die Biden ausgesprochen hat, um Menschen vor Trumps Rache zu schützen, für wirkungslos - weil Biden sie angeblich mit einem Unterschriftsautomaten habe zeichnen lassen.

Beweise? Wozu braucht ein Trump Beweise?
Rechtliche Prüfung, ob ein Schreibautomat nicht - wie auf der ganzen Welt üblich - als zulässig gilt? Wozu braucht ein Trump rechtliche Regeln?

Die USA sind wohl endgültig angekommen in der Nach-Demokratie und Nach-Rechtsstaats-Ära.

Gnadenrecht und Rechtsstaatlichkeit vertragen sich nur, wenn das Gnadenrecht klar geregelt und sehr zurückhaltend und verantwortungsvoll zu dem einzigen legitimen Zweck eingesetzt wird: Umstände zu berücksichtigen, die das zuletzt entscheidende Gericht nicht gekannt hat oder die damals noch nicht vorlagen.

In Deutschland gibt es dazu durchaus detaillierte Regelungen. Dennoch gilt auch bei uns: Gnade ist kein rechtlicher Akt, weder gibt es einen Anspruch darauf, noch müssen Gnadenakte begründet werden. Gerade deshalb braucht es verantwortungsvolle Menschen für die Handhabung des Gnadenrechts.


Die #USA sind eine #Diktatur.
#Trump ignoriert Gerichtsbeschlüsse, bricht Gesetze und widerruft nun, ohne dass er irgendeine Befugnis dazu hätte, Amnestien von #Biden.

So agiert nur ein Diktator.
So kann jemand nur in einer Dikatur vorgehren.

Die USA sind eine Dikatur.


Trump just screwed a significant part of his electoral base. Will they notice?

"The president reversed Biden’s 2021 executive order that raised the #minimumwage for federal contractors to $15 an hour."

Donald #Trump rolls back over a dozen #Biden-era executive orders, actions.

https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5196563-trump-biden-executive-orders-actions/ #labor

US preparing to resume delivery of long-range Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bombs to #Ukraine

Stockpile already in Europe

GLSDB's delivery announced by #Biden Admin in Feb 2023, w first supplies arriving in Feb 2024

Delivery resumes after #Trump Admin lifted suspension of military aid

"The US is set to send Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDB) to #Ukraine after upgrades to counter #Russia-n jamming, according to Reuters.

This comes as Ukraine's stock of Army Tactical Missile Systems (#ATACMS) runs low.

The GLSDBs, part of a $33.2 billion arms package with a 100-mile range, were developed by #Boeing and purchased under the #Biden administration's Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative."
Cite links here https://t.me/geopolitics_live/46115 #militaryindustrialcomplex

Emily Tamkin strongly faults the Biden administration for representing itself as "the rights-respecting alternative to Trump’s authoritarianism" while Biden vacillated on human rights issues re: Palestinians and applied human rights principles inconsistently, again re: Palestinians. She finds this especially galling since she says that Biden must have known there was a good chance Trump would return to offrice.

#Biden #Trump #Israel #Gaza #Palestinians


"In a 10-minute address, #Teixeira said he was “exposing and correcting the #lies that were perpetrated by President #Biden and force-fed to the American people” about the war in #Ukraine."

#Pentagon leaker #JackTeixeira pleads guilty to obstructing justice (not spying or leaking classified dox)


#Biden and #Obama are still the deportation kings, and #Trump's fear strategy keeps them out. See how the two primary color-coded #fascists factions of the #duopoly work together towards common #xenophobia #racists goals?

"Trump deported fewer people than Biden a year ago, but border crossings have plummeted"


#Biden killed these beautiful creatures if the sockpuppet in orifice doesn't respond favorably, but MARK MY WORD that the wwe wrestlemania heel WILL BE BLAMED for ALL of it.

"In August 2024, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finalized a plan to kill 450,000 invasive barred owls along the West Coast.
The plan permits the lethal removal of the owls by attracting them with recorded calls and then shooting them."

Lawmakers ask #Trump admin to halt barred #owls killing


@histodons funny how #trump said he doesn't want to be #hoover when was complaining about #biden potentially leaving him a broken economy.

Reuters centering: #Trump to revoke 240,000 white East Europeans

Reuters burying: Trump to revoke 530,000 black and brown Central Americans and Caribbeans

Liberal #socialmedia who supported #Biden’s racialist embrace of Ukrainians as he mass deported Haitians will lose its shit strictly on the 240K
#news #media #immigration

🧵 reportedly, #Trump going to blame #Biden [shocker 🙄] for inflation, including egg prices specifically. The price of a dozen #eggs in US cities hit a record $4.95 in January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as millions of hens have been slaughtered in the hopes of containing a bird flu outbreak.

Not for nothing, #Musk fired the folks working on #BirdFlu & Trump has an #antivaxxer, #RFKJr, in charge of the #HHS.

The #bootlickers on #CNBC talking up the #Biden economy over the past year as they try to promote #Trump is comical.

Under #Bush, russia occupied parts of #Georgia

Under #Obama 1.0, russia destroyed #Aleppo

Under #Obama 2.0, russia occupied the #Crimea

Under #Trump 1.0, russia occupied parts of the #Donbas

Under #Biden, russia occupied more of the #Donbas

Under #Trump 2.0, russia activated #Krasnov and occupied the #WhiteHouse

#Zelenskyy said the #US "will feel it". I would argue that the American people feel it already.

#Ukraine #Syria #ArmUkraineToWIN #ArrestPutin