Beiträge, die mit media getaggt sind
Puolet finalisteista on Ylen juttukokonaisuuksia.
#Media #Lumilapiopalkinto #Tutkivajournalismi #Journalismi #Tutkivanjournalisminyhdistyssuomi
Maakuntalehti Keskipohjanmaata kustantava Hilla Group teki viime vuonna tappiota yli miljoona euroa. Sama etumerkki on ollut edellisvuosienkin tuloksissa.
#Media #Hillagroup #Kokkola #Yritystiedot #Tulostiedot #Talous #Kainuu #Kainuunsanomat #Keskipohjanmaasanomalehti #Keskipohjanmaa
Britain’s assisted dying debate turns toxic – POLITICO
Numerous committee members told POLITICO the atmosphere in the room had been largely collegiate and respectful. But tensions have risen to the surface, both in the sessions and in the hothouse of social media.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
382 verified accounts from #news organizations in
21 languages and on
116 instances.
197 were active today.
Some accounts, that were active today are
@slashdot (ENG)
@berria (BAQ)
@CQFDjournal (FRA)
@ElSaltoDiario (SPA)
@appletips (NLD)
Find the whole list on:
Built by @mho
#MastodonMigration #SocialMedia #Fediverse #Media #Press #Newspaper #TwitterMigration #Newstodon
Victoria Justice @ 36th GLAAD Media Awards 2025
Victoria Justice @ 36th GLAAD Media Awards 2025 - INBELLAINBELLA
⛔️🇺🇸First Trump uses Musk to attack veterans, then he puts incompetent idiot in charge of active duty military, many of whom no longer feel their lives or security are safe under Hegseth leadership (MSNBC News VIDEO) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Press #News #Taiwan #Media #Japan #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom
#EuropeanUnion #russiaUkraineWar
#journalism #journalist #democracy #academia #activism #obituary #RIP
Robert McChesney, the Great Champion of Journalism and Democracy, Has Died | The Nation
The academic and activist inspired generations of people to challenge corporate power and support a media reform movement that lives on.The Nation
US 'evaluating' Russian conditions for Black Sea ceasefire including lifting sanctions, Rubio says
According to U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio, some of the sanctions Russia wants lifted "are not ours — they belong to the European Union."Tim Zadorozhnyy (The Kyiv Independent)
Dan Pfeiffer wrote: "The White House press corps has finally coalesced around a collective action to respond to the authoritarian attacks on the Freedom of the Press, and they landed on: wearing a pin."
#AssociatedPress #GulfOfMexico #FreeSpeech #politics #EmptyGestures
#USpol #PalestineCoverage #MSM #USmedia #mediaCriticism #media #WesternMedia #mediaBias #Palestine #Gaza #MediaTreatmentOfGaza @palestine
#politics #media #inequality #marginalization #politicalscience #cornell
Social media and playing at democracy
Voters believe they are active participants in democracies, but the real power is concentrated in the hands of the few.Kaushik Basu (The Japan Times)
Covering protests for all to see,
But in Turkey, she was caught,
Arrested and then sought,
Deported from the land by the sea.
#GuardianLimerick #Turkey #BBC #Media #Protest #Europe
¿Realmente es tan difícil para los editores de periódicos como #ElNorte o #Reforma traducir el inglés #tariffs al término correcto en castellano: #Aranceles? Una cosa somos la perrada en comunicaciones informales, y otra deberían ser son los editores profesionales.
Ya hago suficientes corajes cuando dicen amar o encariñarse en lugar de calcular.
#News #Media #Newspaper #Translation #Traducción #Editores #English #Spanish #Inglés #Castellano
#50Anos25Abril #Histodons #MastoLivros #25deAbril #Imprensa #PenínsulaIbérica #MastoBooks #25April1974 #Media #PortugueseRevolution #RevoluciónDeLosClaveles #Prensa #MastoLibros
A Revolução a que se Pode Ir de Carro
ESTE LIVRO analisa a receção e o processo de construção da Revolução de 25 de Abril de 1974 pelos media espanhóis e
Pikachu Spotted Fleeing Police Crackdowns During Turkey Protests
As a real video of someone in a Pikachu suit at a protest goes viral, an AI-generated “photo” is fooling a lot of people.Samantha Cole (404 Media)
In Turkey, she covered each wave
But the authorities frowned
Her voice would be bound
Now she's gone, but her message may save
#GuardianLimerick #Turkey #BBC #Media #Europe
OpenAI's viral Studio Ghibli moment highlights AI copyright concerns | TechCrunch
ChatGPT's new AI image generator is being used to create memes in the style of Studio Ghibli, reigniting copyright concerns.Maxwell Zeff (TechCrunch)
Section 230 is Under Attack (Again)
The latest bipartisan push to reform a crucial Internet law.Columbia Journalism Review
‘I recently watched an interview with Mehdi Hasan, the journalist behind Zeteo. He’s using Substack to build a left-leaning media company as an alternative to legacy outlets such as the BBC. Naomi Klein, Owen Jones and Cynthia Nixon are already involved in delivering content.
I'm not uncritical of Substack, nor unaware of how it works. Still, at first glance, I could see the appeal. …
But before even more of us rush out to join Substack, let me say that lasted all of about five minutes.
Then I came across this piece ... which delves into the politics of Substack. It highlights how the platform isn’t just a neutral tool for independent journalism - it’s a key pillar of what Marc Andressen, Balaji Srinivasan and other advocates of the 'Network State' call the 'parallel establishment...'
#Substack #zeteo #journalism #media #bbc #podcast
Gary Hall - Media gifts - The Rest Is Substack: Mehdi Hasan, Zeteo and the Parallel Establishment
I recently watched a February 2025 interview on the BBC’s Media Show with Mehdi Hasan,
How do Senegal and Kenya fact check news?
#worldnews #news #africa #media
Fighting fake news: how media in Kenya and Senegal check facts
Fact-checking is seen as an effective strategy to combat misinformation and disinformation.The Conversation
By Victoria Pengilley
The data of 16,000 readers of the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Financial Review is exposed online following a major cyber security breach
#CyberSecurity #CyberCrime #Media #NewsandMagazinePublishingIndustry #VictoriaPengilley
“The peace agreement will be groundbreaking.” Mirzoyan
Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said in Astana that the peace agreement between Yerevan and Baku will be a turning point.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
‘sonde poetiche’ @ radioarte, oggi, 27 marzo: “arte altre parole”
cliccare per ingrandire
a cura di Gianluca Codeghini e Andrea Inglese
27 marzo 2025 ore 6.30, 9.30 pm
N. 4 di 5: Arte altre parole
Vincenzo Agnetti di Federica Boragina, Ermanno Cristini, Chiara Pergola, Carlo Dell’Acqua, Antonio Syxty, Cesare Pietroiusti, Luisa Turuani, Pasquale Polidori, Gianluca Codeghini e Andrea Inglese
COSA è / WHAT is
Con questa nuova piattaforma ci rivolgiamo principalmente a quel non pubblico che non ha nulla da perdere se non la propria curiosità, il proprio desiderio e lo stupore per le parole. Ogni puntata di SONDE POETICHE sarà caratterizzata da suoni con durata a tempo variabile, da parole e rumori intorno a un concetto o a un autore. Questo numero quattro di cinque è dedicato alla parola in mano ad artisti visivi, una parziale indagine e selezione nel visivo meno visivo, una proporzione in fase di descrizione, una pluralità di forme e media, parole scolpite, sonore, fumo. Una, mille procedure per trasformare la realtà e disertare dal pensiero.
#AndreaInglese #AntonioSyxty #art #arte #CarloDellAcqua #CesarePietroiusti #ChiaraPergola #ErmannoCristini #FedericaBoragina #GianlucaCodeghini #LuisaTuruani #media #parole #PasqualePolidori #poesia #RadioArte #SondePoetiche #VincenzoAgnetti
radioarte - una disciplina che ha un ruolo
radioarte - una disciplina che ha un ruolo con l intento di muoversi dal terreno dell arte visiva verso la radio ( l etere) utilizzando il medesimo come materiale tecnico, come materia.radioarte
Really looking forward to everything, especially the keynotes by @nthylstrup on "Vanishing Points: Technographies of Data Loss" and @jwyg on "Public Data Cultures"!
#www #history #archive #data #AI #media
Trump blijkt allergisch voor het activisme van ‘B-ster’ en ‘mislukt politiek expert’ George Clooney
In een recent interview benadrukte George Clooney het belang van vrije pers, ‘zeker als de democratie dreigt te falen’. Daarmee haalde de Amerikaanse acteur zich de woede van president Donald Trump op de hals.Edwin van der Aa (DPG Media)
Van gouden klassieker tot flop op Broadway: het verhaal van Cyrano de Bergerac – en zijn neus – blijft intrigeren
Cyrano de Bergerac hunkerde naar liefde, maar zijn neus zat hem als een Mont Ventoux in de weg. In een nieuwe toneelbewerking kruipt Jeroen Spitzenberger in de rol van de romantische poëet en vechtersbaas met de legendarische gok.Patrick van den Hanenberg (DPG Media)