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Beiträge, die mit media getaggt sind

Mediakonserni Hilla Groupin tulos painui tappiolliseksi myös viime vuonna

Maakuntalehti Keskipohjanmaata kustantava Hilla Group teki viime vuonna tappiota yli miljoona euroa. Sama etumerkki on ollut edellisvuosienkin tuloksissa.


#Media #Hillagroup #Kokkola #Yritystiedot #Tulostiedot #Talous #Kainuu #Kainuunsanomat #Keskipohjanmaasanomalehti #Keskipohjanmaa

⛔️🇺🇸First Trump uses Musk to attack veterans, then he puts incompetent idiot in charge of active duty military, many of whom no longer feel their lives or security are safe under Hegseth leadership (MSNBC News VIDEO) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Press #News #Taiwan #Media #Japan #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom
#EuropeanUnion #russiaUkraineWar

Robert McChesney, a #media scholar, #author, and co-founder of media advocacy #nonprofit #FreePress, died from cancer at 72


#journalism #journalist #democracy #academia #activism #obituary #RIP

How To Spot A Media Distraction - taking a look at a couple of stories that jumped out at me as examples of obvious attempts to manipulate you via media, and media's failure to stop falling for it. #disinformation #propaganda #mediacriticism #media #journalism


I usually respect the #media but here is a recent example of media stupidity:
Dan Pfeiffer wrote: "The White House press corps has finally coalesced around a collective action to respond to the authoritarian attacks on the Freedom of the Press, and they landed on: wearing a pin."
#AssociatedPress #GulfOfMexico #FreeSpeech #politics #EmptyGestures

There once was a reporter bold and free,
Covering protests for all to see,
But in Turkey, she was caught,
Arrested and then sought,
Deported from the land by the sea.

#GuardianLimerick #Turkey #BBC #Media #Protest #Europe



¿Realmente es tan difícil para los editores de periódicos como #ElNorte o #Reforma traducir el inglés #tariffs al término correcto en castellano: #Aranceles? Una cosa somos la perrada en comunicaciones informales, y otra deberían ser son los editores profesionales.

Ya hago suficientes corajes cuando dicen amar o encariñarse en lugar de calcular.

#News #Media #Newspaper #Translation #Traducción #Editores #English #Spanish #Inglés #Castellano
A news layout featuring headlines related to the automotive industry, including stock declines, government compliance with trade agreements, and political updates. Accompanying images depict parked cars, automotive manufacturing, and a political figure.

📕 A primeira monografia da Rita Luís foi publicada pela Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. "A Revolução a que se Pode Ir de Carro. Portugal, Espanha e os media (1974-1975)" analisa a receção e o processo de construção da Revolução de 25 de Abril de 1974 pelos media espanhóis e internacionais.

👉 https://www.ics.ulisboa.pt/livros/revolucao-que-se-pode-ir-de-carro

#50Anos25Abril #Histodons #MastoLivros #25deAbril #Imprensa #PenínsulaIbérica #MastoBooks #25April1974 #Media #PortugueseRevolution #RevoluciónDeLosClaveles #Prensa #MastoLibros
Capa do livro "A Revolução a que se Pode Ir de Carro. Portugal, Espanha e os media (1974-1975)", de Rita Luís, publicado pela Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. A capa é ilustrada por um desenho de um carro sobre o pé de cravo; o pé do cravo está dobrado, ficando a flor de cravo posicionada à frente do carro.

Google testet Nachrichtenverzicht in der Suche: In 8 EU-Märkten wurden 2,5 Monate lang für 1 % der Nutzer keine Nachrichten angezeigt – ohne messbaren Einfluss auf das Werbegeschäft. Das Ergebnis könnte Googles Verhandlungen mit Verlagen beeinflussen, birgt aber regulatorische Risiken. #Google #Media

There once was a reporter so brave
In Turkey, she covered each wave
But the authorities frowned
Her voice would be bound
Now she's gone, but her message may save

#GuardianLimerick #Turkey #BBC #Media #Europe


The #US decision to put employees of #VOA, Office of #CubaBroadcasting & USAGM on leave, terminate contracts of contract staffers & end financial support for #RFE/RL, #RFA, #MiddleEast Broadcasting Networks puts many #media workers at risk. This fundraiser will support pressing needs of staff/contributors under threat, including #legal help for staff at risk of #reprisals by foreign regimes, medical bills, &…financial hardships.” 👉 DONATE to USAGM Employee Assoc. More at https://secure.givelively.org/donate/usagm-employee-association/support-for-us-international-media-workers

New post on my Media Gifts blog: ‘The Rest Is Substack: Mehdi Hasan, Zeteo and the Parallel Establishment’


‘I recently watched an interview with Mehdi Hasan, the journalist behind Zeteo. He’s using Substack to build a left-leaning media company as an alternative to legacy outlets such as the BBC. Naomi Klein, Owen Jones and Cynthia Nixon are already involved in delivering content.

I'm not uncritical of Substack, nor unaware of how it works. Still, at first glance, I could see the appeal. …

But before even more of us rush out to join Substack, let me say that lasted all of about five minutes.

Then I came across this piece ... which delves into the politics of Substack. It highlights how the platform isn’t just a neutral tool for independent journalism - it’s a key pillar of what Marc Andressen, Balaji Srinivasan and other advocates of the 'Network State' call the 'parallel establishment...'

#Substack #zeteo #journalism #media #bbc #podcast

“The peace agreement will be groundbreaking.” Mirzoyan https://www.byteseu.com/867872/ #analysis #Armenia #information #Media #News #press #RA #Radar #RadarArmenia #Reliable #RepublicOfArmenia #source #unbiased
"The peace agreement will be groundbreaking." Mirzoyan

‘sonde poetiche’ @ radioarte, oggi, 27 marzo: “arte altre parole”


radioarte - sonde poetiche - 27 marzo
cliccare per ingrandire

a cura di Gianluca Codeghini e Andrea Inglese
27 marzo 2025 ore 6.30, 9.30 pm
N. 4 di 5: Arte altre parole

Vincenzo Agnetti di Federica Boragina, Ermanno Cristini, Chiara Pergola, Carlo Dell’Acqua, Antonio Syxty, Cesare Pietroiusti, Luisa Turuani, Pasquale Polidori, Gianluca Codeghini e Andrea Inglese

su/on https://www.radioarte.it

COSA è / WHAT is

Con questa nuova piattaforma ci rivolgiamo principalmente a quel non pubblico che non ha nulla da perdere se non la propria curiosità, il proprio desiderio e lo stupore per le parole. Ogni puntata di SONDE POETICHE sarà caratterizzata da suoni con durata a tempo variabile, da parole e rumori intorno a un concetto o a un autore. Questo numero quattro di cinque è dedicato alla parola in mano ad artisti visivi, una parziale indagine e selezione nel visivo meno visivo, una proporzione in fase di descrizione, una pluralità di forme e media, parole scolpite, sonore, fumo. Una, mille procedure per trasformare la realtà e disertare dal pensiero.

#AndreaInglese #AntonioSyxty #art #arte #CarloDellAcqua #CesarePietroiusti #ChiaraPergola #ErmannoCristini #FedericaBoragina #GianlucaCodeghini #LuisaTuruani #media #parole #PasqualePolidori #poesia #RadioArte #SondePoetiche #VincenzoAgnetti

🕸️ We are doing this conference at Media of Cooperation in June ... It is called THE DATAFIED WEB, and it will be a blast! Registration for #RESAW25 is now open. Please spread widely, and do not forget to check out the marvelous programme at https://www.datafiedweb.net!

Really looking forward to everything, especially the keynotes by @nthylstrup on "Vanishing Points: Technographies of Data Loss" and @jwyg on "Public Data Cultures"!

#www #history #archive #data #AI #media
Registration open for RESAW 2025 The Datafied Web at Siegen University

[+] Trump blijkt allergisch voor het activisme van ‘B-ster’ en ‘mislukt politiek expert’ George Clooney | https://www.parool.nl/kunst-media/trump-blijkt-allergisch-voor-het-activisme-van-b-ster-en-mislukt-politiek-expert-george-clooney~b5e4d6d7/ | gisteren 🕗20:00 | #parool #kunst #media

[+] Van gouden klassieker tot flop op Broadway: het verhaal van Cyrano de Bergerac – en zijn neus – blijft intrigeren | https://www.parool.nl/kunst-media/van-gouden-klassieker-tot-flop-op-broadway-het-verhaal-van-cyrano-de-bergerac-en-zijn-neus-blijft-intrigeren~b036e0d7/ | gisteren 🕗20:00 | #parool #kunst #media