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Beiträge, die mit art getaggt sind

Title: Mount Asahi, seen from Mount Shirouma (1924)

Artist: Hasui Kawase

https://www.go-nagano.net/en/trip-idea/id19434 #ShinHanga #Art #Taisho #Winter #Snow #Spring #Nagano #HidaMountains #JapaneseAlps #MountAsahi #MountShirouma #Japan
A view looking out over the Hida mountains on a bright day in Nagano, Japan. Slowly melting snow is retreating between ridges on rugged mountain terrain; bare earth, green grass and dark rock are showing through the snow. The sky above is blue, the horizon populated by stacks of tall white clouds.

Worlds of IF (January 1953)

Love it. Completely mad but instantly understandable.

Fun fact, the farming term for doing this used to be "broadcasting".

Original magazine: https://archive.org/details/1953-01_IF

#Magazine #MagazineCover #PulpMagazine #PulpFiction #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Horror #Art #Illustration
A giant robot walks through a ploughed field carrying a sack and sowing what would normally be seeds, but the seeds here are human figures.
Worlds of IF magazine cover from 1953.

New at my Patreon... Wrocław, in southwest Poland, is inhabited by gnome statues dotted around the city. This one, though, has changed his name. Here's why:

#wroclaw #wrocław #poland #art #history https://www.patreon.com/posts/image-of-week-of-125109757

"To Every Orange Tree," a show focused on anti-imperialist and liberation movements by Rhode Island School of Design students, staff and local community members, has been shuttered, four days into its run. This appears to have been done in response to accusations by the StopAntisemitism X account of "promoting violence against Jews and calling for the removal of Israel." Here's more from @ArtNews


#Galleries #Art #Exhibitions #StudentProtests #RhodeIslandSchoolOfDesign #Palestine

‘sonde poetiche’ @ radioarte, oggi, 27 marzo: “arte altre parole”


radioarte - sonde poetiche - 27 marzo
cliccare per ingrandire

a cura di Gianluca Codeghini e Andrea Inglese
27 marzo 2025 ore 6.30, 9.30 pm
N. 4 di 5: Arte altre parole

Vincenzo Agnetti di Federica Boragina, Ermanno Cristini, Chiara Pergola, Carlo Dell’Acqua, Antonio Syxty, Cesare Pietroiusti, Luisa Turuani, Pasquale Polidori, Gianluca Codeghini e Andrea Inglese

su/on https://www.radioarte.it

COSA è / WHAT is

Con questa nuova piattaforma ci rivolgiamo principalmente a quel non pubblico che non ha nulla da perdere se non la propria curiosità, il proprio desiderio e lo stupore per le parole. Ogni puntata di SONDE POETICHE sarà caratterizzata da suoni con durata a tempo variabile, da parole e rumori intorno a un concetto o a un autore. Questo numero quattro di cinque è dedicato alla parola in mano ad artisti visivi, una parziale indagine e selezione nel visivo meno visivo, una proporzione in fase di descrizione, una pluralità di forme e media, parole scolpite, sonore, fumo. Una, mille procedure per trasformare la realtà e disertare dal pensiero.

#AndreaInglese #AntonioSyxty #art #arte #CarloDellAcqua #CesarePietroiusti #ChiaraPergola #ErmannoCristini #FedericaBoragina #GianlucaCodeghini #LuisaTuruani #media #parole #PasqualePolidori #poesia #RadioArte #SondePoetiche #VincenzoAgnetti

'diversity is beautiful!'
#art #history: i wasn't about to let the day sneak away without a sketch of the stupendous human being, simone signoret (born #otd in 1921).
she wasn’t afraid of risking her career to stay true to her left-wing activism, human rights & social justice. she & her husband, yves montand, often showed solidarity with activists & striking workers by turning up at demos to support them.
(brief thread...)
#simoneSignoret #illustration #france #film #activism #solidarity
a digital pencil sketch of french actor & activist, simone signoret, whose stunning face (here turned to her left, her gaze fixed upon something in the distance) was equalled by the beauty in her heart.
behind her is a grid framed by rugged, dark pencil lines. 
the illustration is in black on white.
a digital pencil sketch of french actor & activist, simone signoret, whose stunning face (here turned to her left, her gaze fixed upon something in the distance) was equalled by the beauty in her heart.
behind her is a grid with some squares filled by light blue. it's framed by rugged, dark pencil lines. 
colours are shades of french blue.

My childhood changed after losing my parents. On our first date, he took me to the hills. We flew a kite. It was simple. It was enough.For the first time in years, I felt weightless. #art #queerart #illustration
Two people fly a kit, long view

When I walked past the National Galleries of Scotland on Sunday evening, they were projecting images of their artwork onto the National Gallery building on the Mound. It was very effective, and great to see so many wonderful pictures. I took photos of some (on my phone).

#Edinburgh #art #NationalGalleryOfScotland

A colour photograph of a painting by Roger Brown called Misty Morning protected onto a Georgian palladian building at night.

The original painting shows repeated stylised green semi circles with a road sneaking through them. It is most likely classified as pop art.

The projection illuminates the columns and arches of the building.
A colour photograph of a painting by Callum Stevenson, a portrait of Nicola Benedetti, protected onto a Georgian palladian building at night.

The original painting shows Nicola Benedetti playing the violin in front of a large rose window, which illuminates her from behind, bathing her in yellow light 

The projection illuminates the columns and arches of the building.
A colour photograph of a painting by FCB Cadell called Portrait of a Woman in Black protected onto a Georgian palladian building at night.

The original painting shows the top half of a woman dressed in black, wearing a broad hat.

The projection illuminates the columns and arches of the building.
A colour photograph of a painting by John Singer Sargent called Lady Agnew of Lucknaw  protected onto a Georgian palladian building at night.

The original painting shows a seated woman dressed in fine clothes, looking directly at the viewer.

The projection illuminates the columns and arches of the building.


Have YOU 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼 ever wanted to escape reality by living in a GINORMOUS rustic mountainside inn inhabited by literal #Pokémon????? Well NOW you CAN!!!!!!!!!!


#art #digitalart #krita #blog #rss #indieweb

Winter Stations 2025: Frosty Art at Toronto’s Waterfront


#blog #toronto #canada #winter #uniquegifts #art #MotivationMonday #WinterStations

An incredible person has started a movement to tell the stories of #US #scientists and #science experts who have been dismissed because of the #trump #madness over there at the moment

If you know scientists who have lost funding or jobs because of *certain decisions*, you should contact them! They are also looking for #volunteers ❤️❤️

More here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/silencedsciencestories_faces-of-terminated-scientists-activity-7303887945944420352-Gb2j?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&rcm=ACoAADNAIO0BuzwIm3tNVH5tUXHgOK6WxKwxPr8

#scicomm #stem #illustration #art #sciart #illustrators #terminated #federalscience #sciencematters #standupforscience

Pinguin-Statue gegen #Erdogan

"Auf dem Bürgermeister-Koschnick-Platz steht jetzt eine Bronze-Skulptur eines Pinguins. Mit der Aktion will der "Bremer Banksy" an die Opfer der Geziparkproteste in Istanbul 2013 erinnern. Die Proteste, wurden zu einer landesweiten Bewegung gegen Erdogan. Doch der Sender CNN Türk zeigte damals eine Pinguin-Doku statt der aktuellen Protestbilder. So wurde der Pinguin zum Symbol der Proteste. Hinter einem QR-Code am Sockel der Statue verbirgt sich eine Webseite. Hier sind die Menschen aufgelistet, die im Zuge der Gezi-Proteste durch Polizeigewalt gestorben sind......"


#Bremen #Art #Kunst #Protest #Antireport

Beschouwing tentoonstelling "fluisteringen" bij Museum Belvédère (tot 22 juni 2025), uitgave "Fotokunst - Photo art". Oscar Voch. Highbrow House, januari 2025.
#beschouwing #boekbespreking #kunststukjes #blog #tumblr #OscarVoch #MuseumBelvédère #fotokunst #photoart #collage #photoshop #HighbrowHouse #catalogus #tentoonstelling #kunst #art #poëzie

This looks interesting.
Personally I think I'll swerve the annoying-faced Eddie Redmayne one though.

@kathimmel @SallyStrange seems like it's your kinda jam.


#Art #War #Cinema #Resistance

:linux:📄 Minimal Linux OS runs in a 6MB PDF Document in Chrome.

A version of the Linux operating system can now be run inside a PDF opened by a Chromium-based browser. The developer [Ading2210] explains that Linux need a modified version of the TinyEMU RISC-V emulator.


#linux #pdf #chromium #based #browser #it #engineer #media #programming #art #tech #developer #artist #news
If you wish to try out the LinuxPDF, it requires a Chromium-based browser to work correctly (I checked, but it didn't work in Firefox on PC).

On the topic of speed and efficiency, [Ading2210] humbly admits that performance might be the largest problem with LinuxPDF. "The Linux kernel takes about 30-60 seconds to boot up within the PDF, which [is] over 100x slower than normal," notes the developer. With Chrome's current PDF engine having its Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler disabled, [Ading2210] sees no way of speeding up the code, for now.
[ImageSource: Ading2210]

The TinyEMU RISC-V emulator runs in the PDF thanks to a technique where its code is compiled "using an old version of Emscripten that targets asm.js instead of WebAssembly." This is embedded and loads in the PDF, subsequently auto-running a minimal Linux kernel targeting that architecture.

In this implementation, once you agree to 'Start Emulator' in your browser, you will see the LinuxPDF UI load, and a welcome message in the Linux viewport, as you wait for the OS to boot.
[ImageSource: Ading2210]

Below the Linux viewport in the PDF is a soft keyboard created by an array of PDF buttons. However, it is likely quicker for everyone with a decent physical keyboard to input commands into the 'type here for keyboard inputs' field to the lower right of the keyboard UI area.

Weird Tales vol. 43, no. 3 (March 1951)

This is a bit of a mishmash, I don't really like it. If you're going to do a collage of ten different images, tie them together better?

Forgive me for being so judgemental, underpaid genre-magazine designer from 1951. I don't know your life.

Original magazine: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v43n03_1951-03

#Magazine #MagazineCover #PulpMagazine #PulpFiction #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Horror #Art #Illustration
Head and shoulders of a young man in the foreground with an anguished expression, an older man in armour holding a bloody sword in the background. Other superimposed images of skulls and bones and coffins.
Weird Tales magazine cover from 1951.

Whoa: The European Space Agency's Solar Orbiter spacecraft got a spectacular view of Comet ATLAS (C/2024 G3) as it passed close to the Sun. Look at that enormous, splintered tail!

This comet won't be seen again for another 600,000 years.

https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Solar_Orbiter #space #science #art

Quake ported to Arduino Nano Matter. [Using only 276kb RAM]

Nicola Wrachien with Silicon Labs created this fun handheld, porting Quake using the Arduino Nano Matter. For easy playing a custom controller shaped board was designed with joysticks and a screen.


#quake #arduino #nano #diy #handheld #port #retro #gaming #art #maker #engineer #artist #media #programming #tech #news
On a technical level, Quake was a dramatic improvement over DOOM, allowing for things like real-time 3D rendering, polygonal models instead of sprites and much more intricate level design. As a result, ports of this game tend to rely on much more powerful processors than DOOM ports and this team shows real mastery of their hardware to pull off a build with a system with these limitations.

Other Quake ports, like one running on an iPod Classic require a similar level of knowledge of the code and the ability to use assembly language to make optimizations.
[ImageSource: Nicola Wrachien]

For a much tougher challenge, a group from Silicon Labs decided to port DOOM‘s successor, Quake, to the Arduino Nano Matter Board platform instead even though this platform has some pretty significant limitations for a game as advanced as Quake.


To begin work on the memory problem, the group began with a port of Quake originally designed for Windows, allowing them to use a modern Windows machine to whittle down the memory usage before moving over to hardware. They do have a flash memory module available as well, but there’s a speed penalty with this type of memory. To improve speed they did what any true gamer would do with their system: overclock the processor. This got them to around 10 frames per second, which is playable, but not particularly enjoyable.

The further optimizations to improve the FPS required a much deeper dive which included generating lookup tables instead of relying on computation, optimizing some of the original C programming, coding some functions in assembly and only refreshing certain sections of the screen when needed.

The third little bug magnet design has been assembled! I’m still on the fence about making the horns a bit bigger on this one, what do you think?

This is the biggest model so far, and it has two magnets because it just seemed more fitting!

#handmade #wip #workinprogress #beetle #insect #insects #cute #sewing #embroidery #art #smallbusinesssaturday #smallbusiness #fediverse #fediart #mastoart #pixelfed
A little felt magnet held on my fingers, overlooking some gardens. 
The magnet is as long as my fingers and looks similar to a jewel beetle: it’s long and thin and has a three-toned green back, an orange head with silly black and white eyes and two reddish horns and mandibles. Its legs are a dark brown.
Another angle of the magnet.

Happy Friday to everyone who spends more time customizing their browser than actually working. 🎨🫡

#Browser #Apps #Tech #Friday #Art