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Beiträge, die mit illustration getaggt sind

Worlds of IF (January 1953)

Love it. Completely mad but instantly understandable.

Fun fact, the farming term for doing this used to be "broadcasting".

Original magazine: https://archive.org/details/1953-01_IF

#Magazine #MagazineCover #PulpMagazine #PulpFiction #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Horror #Art #Illustration
A giant robot walks through a ploughed field carrying a sack and sowing what would normally be seeds, but the seeds here are human figures.
Worlds of IF magazine cover from 1953.

Has the U.S. become Nazi Germany? It sure seems like it.

Support orgs fighting back: https://resistance-toolkit.com

#resist #resistance #gestapo #streetart #illustration #photoshop #typography
Text in a stencil font reads "21st Century". Below that in a blackletter font similar to that used by Nazi propaganda text reads "Gestapo". A silhouetted illustration of a person wearing a backwards ICE hat and a bandana stares out at the viewer. In the bottom left corner is The Resistance Toolkit logo and a website url: resistance-toolkit.com

'diversity is beautiful!'
#art #history: i wasn't about to let the day sneak away without a sketch of the stupendous human being, simone signoret (born #otd in 1921).
she wasn’t afraid of risking her career to stay true to her left-wing activism, human rights & social justice. she & her husband, yves montand, often showed solidarity with activists & striking workers by turning up at demos to support them.
(brief thread...)
#simoneSignoret #illustration #france #film #activism #solidarity
a digital pencil sketch of french actor & activist, simone signoret, whose stunning face (here turned to her left, her gaze fixed upon something in the distance) was equalled by the beauty in her heart.
behind her is a grid framed by rugged, dark pencil lines. 
the illustration is in black on white.
a digital pencil sketch of french actor & activist, simone signoret, whose stunning face (here turned to her left, her gaze fixed upon something in the distance) was equalled by the beauty in her heart.
behind her is a grid with some squares filled by light blue. it's framed by rugged, dark pencil lines. 
colours are shades of french blue.

My childhood changed after losing my parents. On our first date, he took me to the hills. We flew a kite. It was simple. It was enough.For the first time in years, I felt weightless. #art #queerart #illustration
Two people fly a kit, long view

An incredible person has started a movement to tell the stories of #US #scientists and #science experts who have been dismissed because of the #trump #madness over there at the moment

If you know scientists who have lost funding or jobs because of *certain decisions*, you should contact them! They are also looking for #volunteers ❤️❤️

More here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/silencedsciencestories_faces-of-terminated-scientists-activity-7303887945944420352-Gb2j?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&rcm=ACoAADNAIO0BuzwIm3tNVH5tUXHgOK6WxKwxPr8

#scicomm #stem #illustration #art #sciart #illustrators #terminated #federalscience #sciencematters #standupforscience

Weird Tales vol. 43, no. 3 (March 1951)

This is a bit of a mishmash, I don't really like it. If you're going to do a collage of ten different images, tie them together better?

Forgive me for being so judgemental, underpaid genre-magazine designer from 1951. I don't know your life.

Original magazine: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v43n03_1951-03

#Magazine #MagazineCover #PulpMagazine #PulpFiction #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Horror #Art #Illustration
Head and shoulders of a young man in the foreground with an anguished expression, an older man in armour holding a bloody sword in the background. Other superimposed images of skulls and bones and coffins.
Weird Tales magazine cover from 1951.

'...obviously it’s a worldwide fact that women have still a lot to gain. when i started as an actress, i did everything possible to fight for myself. in a way, fighting for myself was fighting for women in general, but i always felt i had to be in a certain position in the films i was doing.'
happy huppert day, everyone!
#isabelleHuppert #film #cinema #feminism #france #illustration
digital ink & gouache illustration of the absolute queen, french actor, isabelle huppert.
the reference for this drawing was taken from joseph losey's 1982 film, 'la truite'/'the trout'.
her head is straight on, eyes boring holes through you. 'peut-etre' is printed on her her long-sleeved, white t-shirt. behind her is a deco cloud motif.
colours are light & burnt oranges, peach, deep rose, grey & sea green.

Elles sont là ! Elles sont là ! Courez vite chez votre libraire, Chignole et Mégawatt débarquent aujourd'hui sur ses étagères ! Et ça va déboulonner sévère ! Gare à la poussière !


Avec les éditions Palomita @editions_palomita et les illustrations d'Élodie Guilland @elodieguilland
#nouveaute #albumjeunesse #livrejeunesse #litteraturejeunesse #librairie #librairiejeunesse #livre #lecture #edition #illustration #presse #media #bibliotheque #entreprise #batiment #concurrence #sororité

New guy in Peplandia: sentient mushroom Taikatalvi.

Technically, this character is old and was created five years ago as a fungi leshy-champion for a Pathfinder campaign. But I liked him a lot and decided to transfer to Peplandia.

#MastoArt #mushroom #illustration #CharacterDesign #fantasy #procreate
Stylized illustration of a grumpy mushroom guy wearing a full plate. He holds a shield and a trident in his arms.

Works by Italian illustrator Cecilia Sammarco, 2020s, who after a spinal cord injury created her "Tetrapride" project to explore disability experience and representation.

#art #illustration #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Line drawing of two cartoon-style eyes in black staring out at the viewer, overlaid with white line medical tools and machines, over a soft blue background.
Segmented composition of rectangles and squares, each containing a different face or object, including a stringed musical instrument, a red house, and a person playing keyboard. The art style is simplified and flat, with a largely pastel color scheme of pink, brown, white, and blue.
Illustration in a simplified, flat style of a woman with dark hair whose torso is filled with art supplies and one leg is a keyboard and the other is a classical column. Next to her is a two-tone blue and orange rectangle with labeled line drawings of shows and objects related to an art career, with text written in Italian within a yellow border.
Illustration in a flat style of several horizontal registers in purple, green, orange, and periwinkle, featuring different images within each row, including a row of faces, a row of musical notes, and a row of green leafy plants.

Democracy Under Siege
Date: Tuesday, March 4
Time: 7:00pm ET
Venue: IFC Center, 323 Sixth Ave, NYC
TRT: 89 minutes
Q&A with director #LauraNix and protagonist #AnnTelnaes ex-cartoonist for The bossy boots billionaire Bezos Washed Post.

#documentary #films

Trailer (about):


#art #cartoons #illustration
Art #Cartoons #illustration by Ann Tenaes 

“Three Award Winners”
Best Supporting Toadie(s)
Best Performance of a Russian Operative 

Image: Three “Oscar” academy award style “gold” statuettes of POTUS Trump and two toadies.

New #GeniusLoci article:

The Burners

A spiritual movement that favours the principle of “starting over, unburdened by the past”.
There are bunch of "cults" in Genius Loci - I think this is the first published on the blog - that follow some cherry-picked theme of what people understand of the supernatural, but more worldly ideas as well.

#worldbuilding #fantasy #highfantasy #blog #cult #magic #illustration #art #characterdesign
A portrait of a fantasy character running

Time for a nonsens #doodle. Have a good start to the week! 🐹 🏇

#illustration #horse #hamster
A hamster sits on a red horse and calls hop. Both are in a good mood.

#GeniusLoci post on my blog - COSTUME!

Perhaps quaint at first look, but as an artist worldbuilder, naturally aesthetics are interesting to me. While I love the modern fantasy look, there are so many cool existent designs that I always try to add something not-seen-as-often. Taking different physiologies into account is also fun - have you ever dressed up a lizardwoman for icy winter?

#worldbuilding #blog #fantasy #illustration #art #fashion
A sheet of elaborate fantasy costume designs in human and lizardfolk variants.

🪼🐚🫧 Mischievous Mermaids 🪼🐚🫧

This one started out as a “Creepy Cryptids” design but I enjoyed drawing these gals so much I had to give them their own illustration.

Still want to draw the other cryptids some day though…

#illustration #surfacepatterndesign #mermaids
An illustrated pattern of mischievous looking mermaids of different hair styles and skin tones, swimming in a jellyfish and shell filled ocean

#art #history:
question: what's better than juliette greco?
answer: three juliette grecos.
the smoky-toned chanteuse & actor (interpreter of jacques brel & prevert, boris vian, charles aznavour...) was born #otd in 1927.
the OG boho certainly made a mark with her life. how could she not? jean-paul sartre declared her to have 'a million poems in her voice'.
#illustration #julietteGreco #music #cinema #france
digital pencil, pastel & ink drawing of legendary french bohemian, juliette greco.
here, her perfectly lined eyes look off-camera to her left & her hands are folded in front of her, eclipsing the right side of her chin.
apart from her red lips & red pastel background, she's in black & white.
digital pencil, pastel & ink drawing of legendary french bohemian, juliette greco.
here, her perfectly lined eyes look off-camera to her left & her hands are folded in front of her, eclipsing the right side of her chin.
she's in black & white.
digital pencil, pastel & ink drawing of legendary french bohemian, juliette greco.
here, her perfectly lined eyes look off-camera to her left & her hands are folded in front of her, eclipsing the right side of her chin.
apart from her red lips & spruce pastel background, she's in black & white.

Conni- und Pixi-Zeichnerin Eva Wenzel-Bürger gestorben

Bis heute sind ihre Illustrationen in vielen Kinderzimmern zu finden. Nun ist die Kinderbuchillustratorin Eva Wenzel-Bürger im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/eva-wenzel-buerger-tot-conni-zeichnerin-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Bücher #Illustration

15 months of protest art for Gaza https://hyperallergic.com/985555/15-months-of-protest-art-for-gaza/

#art #illustration #Gaza #Palestine #NYC
#protest #solidarity

Da meine Hündin erkrankt ist und die Rechnung vom Tierarzt leider höher ausfällt, verkaufe ich einige meiner A6 Aquarelle für je 40€ plus Versand. Damit kann ich hoffentlich einen Teil der Rechnung bezahlen. Wer eins kaufen möchte, schreibt mich an. Dankeschön 🙏🏻
#MastoArt #art #illustration #TraditionalArt
Grinsender Fuchs, kleiner grüner Druide mit Maske, bunter Papagei mit Cocktail, schwimmender Otter, süßer Esel

#art #mastoart #illustration #surrealism #kleinekunstklasse
Selten fahre ich mit dem Auto, aber es gibt auf der Straße und am Wegesrand immer etwas zu entdecken.
Blick aus dem Autofenster: Rechts steht vor der Leitplanke ein Arbeiter, der einen Schlauch geschultert hat, dessen rechtes Ende in einem Wasserkrug mündet, und den ein zweiter am Boden hockender Arbeiter durstig an den Mund hält. Der Schlauch führt durch ein Loch aus dem Wasserkrug hinaus und endet als verzweigtes Wurzelwerk in den Armen eines kleinen weiß gekleideten Mädchens an der rechten Bildseite. Im Hintergrund verzweigen sich die Schläuche zu zwei Lebensbäumen mit dichtem Astgewirr. Im rechten Baum sind verschiedene Tiere wie Früchte in Medaillons abgebildet. Im linken sind Elemente aus dem Bereich der Technik zu sehen. Unter diesem Technik-Baum steht auch eine Zapfsäule, die nahelegt, dass der durstige Mann nicht Wasser, sondern Benzin trinkt.
Im Seitenspiegel ist schemenhaft eine Frau zu sehen, die die Szenerie fotografiert.
Eine Giraffe galoppiert auf der Autobahn, die im linken Teil des Bildes durch die Windschutzscheibe sichtbar ist, vor dem Auto her. Links unten kann der Betrachter auf dem Display eines festgeklemmten Smartphones die Navigation des Autos verfolgen.

Fellow Canadian artists! It’s more important than ever right now to support local and buy Canadian! 🇨🇦

I’m actively looking for Canadian alternatives to my art supplies that are currently made in the US. I’ll share what I find here! 🎨

Do you have any favourite Canada-made paper, sketchbooks, or other art supplies? Let me know in the replies and I’ll boost!

#MastoArt #canada #illustration #canadianartists #canadamade #cartooning #artistsonmastodon #tradewar #buycanadian
A cartoon drawing of an Owl proudly holding a Canadian flag

#art #history: she's 81 today & she will never die.
celebrate the life of indefatigable activist, author, philosopher, academic, vegan, marxist & full-time badarse ANGELA DAVIS.
as far as i'm concerned, she's rarely wrong.
#angelaDavis #activist #marxist #writer #academic #illustration #palestine #gaza #vegan
digital ink & paint illustration of living legend, angela davis.
here, she's half smiling in 3/4 profile. her eyes are looking slightly downward & her hair is a glorious halo.
above is her quote: 'palestine is a moral litmus test for the world.'
colours are pale spruce, sepia, black, white & blood red.
digital ink & paint illustration of living legend, angela davis.
here, she's half smiling in 3/4 profile. her eyes are looking slightly downward & her hair is a glorious halo.
colours are sepia tones from pale to burnt sienna.

My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...

Some zooms into my Jurassic landscape packaging art, for the Megalosaurus coin, from the 2020 Dinosauria collection (Tales of the Earth range), by The Royal Mint and the Natural History Museum, London.

#Art #Painting #PaleoArt #PalaeoArt #SciArt #SciComm #DigitalArt #Illustration #Dinosaurs #Birds #Reptiles #Palaeontology #Paleontology #Megalosaurus

My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...

Here's my stupid face with the Jurassic landscape packaging art, for the Megalosaurus coin, from the 2020 Dinosauria collection (Tales of the Earth range), by The Royal Mint and the Natural History Museum, London.

#Art #Painting #PaleoArt #PalaeoArt #SciArt #SciComm #DigitalArt #Illustration #Dinosaurs #Birds #Reptiles #Palaeontology #Paleontology #Megalosaurus