Beiträge, die mit feminism getaggt sind
There's already been a lot of business push-back, so a clear worry is that rather than being a downpayment on a Labour led change for workers, its the whole thing.
However, if it is really is a first step & it Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) start to inform policy, then Amy Brooker's hopes for workers may be fulfilled.
#gender #workers #feminism
The Employment Rights Bill: A Bold Step Toward Building a Feminist Future of Work - Progressive Britain
Labour recently announced it's Employment Rights Bill to improve the working conditions of millions and the Women's Budget Group analyses how this Bill will greatly help women.Amy Brooker (Progressive Britain)
Quit shitting on folklore without knowing it.
Also, I recently heard the term "add a sword feminism" and it is very accurate.
#storytelling #folklore #StorytellingPSA #feminism
#SaltIslandDiaries #historicalfiction #bookstodon #victoriana #Massachusetts #feminism
Anyone who feels trapped in a brain-dead job ought to check out these factory workers.
Some articles about them are here:
#19thcentury #history #industrial #feminism #bookstodon #midjourney
#capitalism #unions #industrial #feminism #midjourney #history #19thcentury #NewEngland #Massachusetts
The Mill Girls of Lowell
At a time when people increasingly feel disempowered and without outlook, the "mill girls of Lowell" offer an inspiring story of human triumph in face of
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The humid air of the cape, which had overly embraced us to-day, began off the coast to consider greater ambitions. It would seek us out to-night for wet kisses and sudden discharges of electric energy. I feared for Ophelie in her barn loft, but reminded myself that the barn animals have always been safe there, and she would be as well.
#midjourney #bookstodon #HistoricalFiction #foreshadowing
#feminism #VictorianEra #Victoriana
#bookstodon #AmReading #WomensHistory #music #feminism #books #Canada
From Kitchen To Carnegie Hall: Ethel Stark and the Montreal Women's Symphony Orchestra — Second Story Press
By Maria Noriega Rachwal The all-women symphony orchestra that revolutionized music in Canada. In the 1940s it was unheard of for women to be members of a professional orchestra, let alone play “masculine” instruments like the bass or trombone…Second Story Press
#SaltIsland #Massachusetts #NewEngland #VictorianEra #feminism
The Salt Island Diaries
Shunned by Victorian society at every turn, the residents of a cliff-top boarding house struggle to survive - and to build a home they can call their own.Nissa Tolton