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Beiträge, die mit westbank getaggt sind

Israeli settlers raid #MasaferYatta following days of increased attacks

The #WestBank community spotlighted in an #Oscar-winning documentary has been attacked by settlers and soldiers

from #MiddleEastEye #MEE
By Nader Durgham and Alex MacDonald
Published date: 29 March 2025 16:36 GMT

Locals were arrested, vehicles were damaged and the gates to animal pens were breached, allowing sheep to escape.

The attack follows another major one on Friday, during which settlers beat Palestinians with iron bars, resulting in at least two major head injuries.

#Israeli forces arrested 22 #Palestinians - but no settlers.


#EndTheOccupation #SettlersOut
#BDS #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#news #press @palestine @israel

Hamas: Israel’s settlement plan seeks Palestinian displacement https://www.byteseu.com/877873/ #breaking #Conflicts #Hamas #Hamas:Israel’sSettlementPlanSeeksPalestinianDisplacement #Israel #SettlementPlan #WestBank
Hamas: Israel’s settlement plan seeks Palestinian displacement

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #westbank / #opt / #blockade / #displacement / #humanitarianaid / #civilianwarvictims / #uno / #unrwa / #report

„An Israeli military operation has displaced 40,000 people from refugee camps, but restrictions on humanitarian access are complicating the response.“


"#Israele ammette di aver sparato contro ambulanze a Gaza."
Perchè ormai sono consci del fatto che possono fare qualsiasi cosa e tanto non succede nulla.

#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #29marzo


Calling it #Apartheid or #genocide is supposedly antisemitism, but what other words can you use for how #israele treats Palestinians in #Gaza and the #WestBank. This has s not new but has escalated so much that denying actually an actively happening genocide is more than just dishonest. https://edition.cnn.com/2025/03/27/middleeast/ballal-palestinian-oscar-settler-assault-interview-intl-cmd/index.html
#NoOtherHome #NoOtherLand


"Indeed, when the attacks commenced, three Palestinians were seized by the Israeli military, detained, and then subjected to police interrogation. Such violent raids are far from unique in West Bank, especially in the areas of South Hebron Hills, Masafer Yatta and the Jordan river valley. Since the start of this year, the Centre for Jewish Non Violence has documented more than 40 violent settler attacks in the village of Susya alone.

Most go unnoticed by the rest of the world. But this time was different. One of the Palestinian victims was the award-winning director Hamdan Ballal, whose film, No Other Land, which covers the destruction of Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank, won best documentary at the recent Academy Awards. For hours, the military didn’t officially disclose his whereabouts, and attempts to locate him failed. When the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) finally issued a statement, they absurdly labelled him and his fellow villagers terrorists.

This facade of justice, when law is nothing but an empty shell, is typical of how the Israeli occupation works. Under its veneer of legality, the most brutal savagery is legitimised and the role of criminal and victim inverted."


#Israel #Palestine #WestBank #Settlers #LandTheft #LandGrabbing

“Israel strikes Beirut for first time since Hezbollah ceasefire. Plumes of smoke rise from suburb of Dahiyeh in Lebanese capital after airstrike that threatens fragile truce.” I don’t think Israel threatens fragile truce it’s driving a sledgehammer through it. When is this cruel and nasty little country going to be stopped? #Israel #Lebanon #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Syria

Ingefluisterd door #Israel omdat ze kritisch is op wat daar gebeurd in #Gaza en op de #Westbank. #IsraelWarCrimes

Nederlands pro-genocide-kabinet weigert steun aan herbenoeming VN-gezant Albanese



„Ein Mob israelischer Siedler hat den palästinensischen Filmemacher und Aktivisten Hamdan Ballal nur drei Wochen, nachdem der von ihm mitregierte Dokumentarfilm über die Gewalt der israelischen Besatzung Palästinas, „No Other Land“, einen Oscar gewonnen hatte, angegriffen.

Laut seinem Co-Direktor Yuval Abraham und Zeugen rief Ballal laut Haaretz einen Krankenwagen, nachdem ihn Siedler angegriffen hatten. Er wurde jedoch von israelischen Soldaten festgenommen, die den Krankenwagen anhielten, um ihn zu verhaften. Sein aktueller Zustand und sein Aufenthaltsort sind unbekannt."


Und hier ist dieser preisgekrönte Film, welchen er zusammen mit seinem jüdischen Partner Yuval Abraham gemacht hat. Der ganze Film, nicht blos Trailer!


Report Hamdan Ballal, a Palestinian co-director of the Oscar-winning documentary, No Other Land, was brutally attacked by West Bank settlers and then detained by the Israeli military.

He has since been released

Basel Adra, another co-director, witnessed the detention: “We came back from the Oscars and every day since, there is an attack on us."


Exactly how fascists work to silence dissent

#NoOtherLand #israelicrimesagainsthumanity #westbank #ethniccleansing #uspol .
Codirectors of the film

‘It was revenge for our movie’: Oscar winner says soldiers helped settlers attack him in West Bank

Hamdan Ballal says Israeli soldiers beat him with their rifle butts and threatened to kill him


#Israel #WestBank #Genocide #Apartheid

PALESTINA: CONTINUA IL GENOCIDIO A GAZA. L’OBIETTIVO DI NETANYAHU E’ L’OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE DELLA STRISCIA. https://www.radiondadurto.org/2025/03/26/palestina-continua-il-genocidio-a-gaza-lobiettivo-di-netanyahu-e-loccupazione-militare-della-striscia/ #INTERNAZIONALI #strisciadigaza #giornalisti #Palestina #WestBank #israele #Unrwa #News #gaza #OCHA

Oscar-Winning #Palestinian Filmmaker Hamdan Ballal Brutally Beaten in Mob Attack by #Israeli Settlers


#usa #news #uspol #gaza #westbank

"Invece di usare troppe parole, possiamo descrivere in due parole questo complesso dove l'esercito intende concentrare gli abitanti di Gaza, dopo averli fatti fuggire dai luoghi in cui si trovano attualmente con minacce e bombe: un campo di concentramento.
Questa è la definizione più precisa, la più efficace, quella che più ci aiuta a capire a che punto siamo."

#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #26marzo

Una tendopoli per sfollati sulle rovine del quartiere di Zeitoun, nella parte orientale di Gaza City, il 25 febbraio 2025 (Foto: Khalil Kahlout / Flash90)

L'immagine ritrae un campo di rifugiati con numerose tende bianche etichettate con la scritta "Life" in blu. Le tende sono disposte in file ordinate in una zona visibilmente segnata da detriti e macerie in primo piano. Sullo sfondo, si vedono edifici gravemente danneggiati, indicativi di una zona colpita da conflitti o calamità. In primo piano, è visibile un bambino con un cappello a righe e un maglione scuro con scritte sulla manica.

Descrizione generata con AI.

#israel #palästina : #krieg / #gaza / #westbank / #gewalt / #siedler / #idf / #straflosigkeit / #repression / #centerforjewishnonviolence

„«Nachdem er die ganze Nacht in Handschellen gefesselt und in einem Militärstützpunkt geschlagen wurde, ist Hamdan Ballal nun frei und kann zu seiner Familie zurückkehren», schrieb Yuval Abraham auf X. Abraham ist Co-Regisseur des Dokumentarfilms «No Other Land». „


#Westbank #OscarWinner #Attacked by #Settlers

[2]“Oscar Winner 'LYNCHED, KIDNAPPED' By Israeli Forces”
by Breaking Points


Quote by BP:
“Mar 25, 2025
Ryan and Saagar discuss an Oscar winner for No Other Land being lynched and kidnapped by Israeli forces in the West Bank.”

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus

Netherlands expresses concern about rising ‘settler violence’ in West Bank https://www.byteseu.com/864322/ #AnadoluAjansı #CasparVeldkamp #HamdanBallal #Israel #Netherlands #Palestine #WestBank
Netherlands expresses concern about rising 'settler violence' in West Bank

The Oscar-winning director of a documentary on the Israel-Palestinian conflict was released on Tuesday, a day after being arrested during a raid by Israeli settlers on his village in the West Bank. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/26/world/oscar-palestinian-director-israeli-settlers/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #hamdanballal #oscars #westbank #middleeast #israel #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians

I don't think Israel will ever have an "are we the baddies?" moment.

Oscar-winning Palestinian director Hamdan Ballal released from detention


#Gaza #WestBank #Israel

#HamdanBallal who won an Oscar with his documentary #NoOtherLand has been brutally beaten and #abducted by #IDF soldiers during a settler attack. Nobody has heard of him since.

#press #news #BreakingNews #WestBank #FreePalestine


Israeli authorities have released “No Other Land” co-director Hamdan Ballal after holding him overnight at an army base.

“All my body is pain,” he told The Associated Press. “I heard the voices of the soldiers, they were laughing about me … I heard ‘Oscar’ but I didn’t speak Hebrew.”

Basel Adra, another of the film’s co-directors, says there’s been a massive upswing in attacks by settlers and Israeli forces since the Oscar win.

(AP) #HamdanBallal #Israel #WestBank


I bambini amputati di #Gaza combattono contro il trauma psicologico, oltre a quello fisico, della perdita degli arti in mezzo allo stop degli aiuti umanitari imposto da #Israele.

"Il 2 marzo Israele ha vietato l'ingresso a tutte le forniture mediche, nonché a cibo, carburante e altri aiuti. La ripresa della campagna militare da parte di Israele la scorsa settimana, che ha ucciso centinaia di palestinesi, non ha fatto altro che aumentare le fila degli amputati."

#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #25marzo


Hamdan #Ballal, Ko-Regisseur des mit dem Oscar prämierten Dokumentarfilms »No Other Land«, wurde von israelischen #Siedlern zusammengeschlagen und anschließend festgenommen. #westbank https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1190048.israel-und-palaestina-der-regisseur-hamdan-ballal-wurde-verschleppt.html

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #westbank / #occupation / #film / #release

„Palestinian filmmaker Hamdan Ballal and two others were released by Israeli authorities after being detained in the West Bank. Their arrest followed an assault by Jewish settlers during Ramadan. Ballal, co-director of the Oscar-winning documentary 'No Other Land,' claims the attack and detention were linked to the film’s international success highlighting Palestinian struggles.“


#acqua #Water

"In #Israele, l'acqua è una risorsa che viene distribuita in modo discriminatorio.
Si tratta di una discriminazione sistematica."

#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #25marzo

Cisterne vicino alle comunità senza accesso all'acqua. Palestinesi vanno a prendere l'acqua da un'autocisterna vicino alla fattoria Ma'on, sulle colline a sud di Hebron, nel giugno 2006 (Foto: Naji Haslamon/Flash90)

L'immagine ritrae un gruppo di persone di varie età che trasportano secchi e pentole in un ambiente arido e assolato. Al centro della scena, tre bambine camminano in fila indiana, ognuna con un contenitore in mano. La bambina in primo piano indossa una maglietta verde chiaro e porta una pentola d'acciaio. Dietro di lei, un'altra bambina con un abito a motivi floreali e un velo rosa porta un secchio bianco. La terza bambina, con una maglietta arancione, trasporta un secchio d'acciaio.

A sinistra, una donna con un velo sulla testa alza un secchio bianco sopra la spalla. Sullo sfondo, un grande serbatoio d'acqua metallico domina il paesaggio. Uomini e ragazzi sono raggruppati vicino al serbatoio, alcuni dei quali indossano cappellini da baseball. Il terreno è brullo e polveroso, con una bassa vegetazione spinosa e un mucchio di pietre sullo sfondo. Il cielo è luminoso e suggerisce una giornata calda.

Descrizione generata con AI.

"Hamdan Ballal and two other Palestinians left a police station in the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, where they were being held on Tuesday. Ballal had bruises on his face and blood on his clothes.

The three had spent the night on the floor of a military base while suffering from serious injuries sustained in the attack"

I suspect the international outcry had something to do with it. Otherwise...

#HamdanBallal #Israel #WestBank #IDF #NoOtherLand #Settlers


Israel releases Oscar-winning Palestinian director after he was attacked by West Bank settlers.

@AssociatedPress reports: "Lamia Ballal, the director’s wife, said she heard her husband being beaten outside their home as she huddled inside with their three children."


#Israel #WestBank #HamdanBallal #News #Oscars #documentary

About 40 percent of Palestinian males have been imprisoned by Israel at some point in their lives, a human rights lawyer said.

“It’s the highest rate of incarceration in the world, and it’s because Israel creates this system whereby the means of controlling Palestinians is through their imprisonment.”

Diana Buttu


LIVE: Israel kills dozens of Palestinians in Gaza as it mulls reoccupation | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Israeli army says Hezbollah commander killed in Lebanon
- Israeli military conducts more raids in occupied West Bank
- Israeli minister: Shin Bet chief believes in establishing Palestinian state
- PRCS says its 9 staff members still missing; Israel blocks search effort

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel