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Beiträge, die mit Film getaggt sind

#usa #israel #palestine : #violence / #film / #solidarity

„The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences apologized Friday for failing to defend an Oscar-winning Palestinian filmmaker who said he was attacked by Israeli settlers.“

„October 8”

#Dokumentation zeigt blanken #Israel -Hass an Elite-Universitäten
Nach den Anschlägen der #Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 brach unter amerikanischen Studenten blanker Israel-Hass aus. Eine Dokumentation dazu deutet an, dass die #Terrorgruppe seit vielen Jahren an der #Manipulation des Israel-Bildes im Westen arbeitet.

#Film #Kultur #Gesellschaft #USA


#Israelhass #Eliteuniversitäten #Propaganda #Gazastreifen


„Ein Mob israelischer Siedler hat den palästinensischen Filmemacher und Aktivisten Hamdan Ballal nur drei Wochen, nachdem der von ihm mitregierte Dokumentarfilm über die Gewalt der israelischen Besatzung Palästinas, „No Other Land“, einen Oscar gewonnen hatte, angegriffen.

Laut seinem Co-Direktor Yuval Abraham und Zeugen rief Ballal laut Haaretz einen Krankenwagen, nachdem ihn Siedler angegriffen hatten. Er wurde jedoch von israelischen Soldaten festgenommen, die den Krankenwagen anhielten, um ihn zu verhaften. Sein aktueller Zustand und sein Aufenthaltsort sind unbekannt."


Und hier ist dieser preisgekrönte Film, welchen er zusammen mit seinem jüdischen Partner Yuval Abraham gemacht hat. Der ganze Film, nicht blos Trailer!


Schulklassen tauschen Klassenzimmer gegen Kinosaal https://www.diesachsen.de/kultur/schulklassen-tauschen-klassenzimmer-gegen-kinosaal-3003624?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=dpa&utm_content=textlink #Film #Sachsen #Schule #Bildung #Dresden

☣️ Sloborn
Schriftsteller CharakterDARSTELLER
vergeht sich an DAVID BOWIE

🚭 DIE 👟 #Redaktion

4 Wo. FatTZa Entzug

#studio #kulturzeit #fernsehen #show #klimaneutral #film #info #unterhaltung #medien #politik #transparenz #gesellschaft #zukunft #kultur #ard #zdf #3sat #kunst

'diversity is beautiful!'
#art #history: i wasn't about to let the day sneak away without a sketch of the stupendous human being, simone signoret (born #otd in 1921).
she wasn’t afraid of risking her career to stay true to her left-wing activism, human rights & social justice. she & her husband, yves montand, often showed solidarity with activists & striking workers by turning up at demos to support them.
(brief thread...)
#simoneSignoret #illustration #france #film #activism #solidarity
a digital pencil sketch of french actor & activist, simone signoret, whose stunning face (here turned to her left, her gaze fixed upon something in the distance) was equalled by the beauty in her heart.
behind her is a grid framed by rugged, dark pencil lines. 
the illustration is in black on white.
a digital pencil sketch of french actor & activist, simone signoret, whose stunning face (here turned to her left, her gaze fixed upon something in the distance) was equalled by the beauty in her heart.
behind her is a grid with some squares filled by light blue. it's framed by rugged, dark pencil lines. 
colours are shades of french blue.

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #westbank / #occupation / #film / #release

„Palestinian filmmaker Hamdan Ballal and two others were released by Israeli authorities after being detained in the West Bank. Their arrest followed an assault by Jewish settlers during Ramadan. Ballal, co-director of the Oscar-winning documentary 'No Other Land,' claims the attack and detention were linked to the film’s international success highlighting Palestinian struggles.“


Palestinian ‘No Other Land’ director reportedly beaten by settlers and arrested by Israeli military


Hamdan Ballal, who won an Oscar earlier this month, was allegedly seized from an ambulance.

#Palestine #Israel #film #cinema #oscars #nootherland #press
 Rachel Szor, Hamdan Ballal, Basel Adra, Yuval Abraham at the 97th Oscars held at the Dolby Theatre on March 2, 2025 in Hollywood, California. (Rich Polk/Penske Media via Getty Images)

If anything our teachers wanted us to learn in my not-so-flawless art academy is that being a filmmaker, like being a journalist, comes with significant social responsibility. Every frame you choose is a political act.

That is why I have immense respect for filmmakers who stay authentic to their truth regardless. This is the only way to justify the existence of this art.


#filmnews #film #filmmaking #cinema #documentary #NoOtherLand #Palestine #HamdanBallal

There's a new documentary being released next week about the Columbia Palestine protests, called The Encampment. It's been produced by Macklemore and features interviews with Mahmoud Khalil. It opens on 28th March in New York and on 4th April in LA.
More information here:


Here's the trailer.

#USPolitics #FreePalestine #Resist #Film #Documentary

💡Happy #FollowFriday! 🖤

💙 If you are a #photographer, reply and share one of your photos to brighten my feed today. Or, tag an amazing #photography account you admire and share the love.

📷🎞️ Here are four of my favourite #35mm #film photos! You can see more film and digital photos in my themed Portfolios - here https://www.obsidianurbexphotography.com/portfolio/film-photography-colour/

🐘 Follow Me if you like my work. Let's share cool photos together!

#FotoFreitag #Photo #Photographer #Portfolio #35mmFilm #Share #Friday
photo of old Citroen, overgrown
control room console
arch ways in abandoned building
overgrown plant behind window

From #Texas to Florida, Louisiana, and New Jersey, the film reveals how librarians across the country have become victims of a crisis manufactured by national organizations bent on infiltrating and disrupting local school boards. https://www.texasobserver.org/librarians-movie-sxsw-book-bans/

#library #censorship #documentary #film #movies #SXSW

It's been too long since Myfanwy & Friend have been on an adventure.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #film #sillyScribbles
A pastiche of the Titanic poster, originally with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet on the bow of the ship. For this version it is Friend (a simple drawn figure) instead of DiCaprio and Myfanwy (a teal and cream knitted chicken) instead of Winslet. The film title at the bottom is CHICKENSHIP.

Filmfest Dresden zeigt über 380 Kurzfilme aus 61 Ländern https://www.diesachsen.de/kultur/filmfest-dresden-zeigt-ueber-380-kurzfilme-aus-61-laendern-3000765?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=dpa&utm_content=textlink #Film #Festivals #Sachsen #Dresden

If you are involved in any way in helping to organize a conference in the US at this time, it is imperative that you offer online attendance and speaker options.

And not just because it's the right thing to do for environmental and accessibility reasons (but you should do it for those reasons, anyway).

#Professional #Education #ContinuingEducation #Academia #Science #Math #Art #Design #Theatre #Film #Media #Tech #Technology #History #Archaeology #Business #Literature #Library #Conference
A speaker presenting at a large conference, looking out over a large audience

Neuer Termin: Am 15.04. in #Leipzig um 17:00 Uhr:

:blobmiou: "Ja, Andrei Iwanowitsch" - Filmvorführung in Anwesenheit des Protagonisten Andrei Iwanowitsch Moiseenko und des Filmteams

Andrei Iwanowitsch Moiseenko ist einer der letzten Überlebenden des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald und der …

Ort: Kinobar Prager Frühling


#le1504 #Film

'...obviously it’s a worldwide fact that women have still a lot to gain. when i started as an actress, i did everything possible to fight for myself. in a way, fighting for myself was fighting for women in general, but i always felt i had to be in a certain position in the films i was doing.'
happy huppert day, everyone!
#isabelleHuppert #film #cinema #feminism #france #illustration
digital ink & gouache illustration of the absolute queen, french actor, isabelle huppert.
the reference for this drawing was taken from joseph losey's 1982 film, 'la truite'/'the trout'.
her head is straight on, eyes boring holes through you. 'peut-etre' is printed on her her long-sleeved, white t-shirt. behind her is a deco cloud motif.
colours are light & burnt oranges, peach, deep rose, grey & sea green.

Count me in, I love seeing films at the cinema. One of the more affordable art forms too.

'Most Academy Award acceptance speeches are filled with thanks to the winner’s family, agent, colleagues or God – but this week the Oscar-winning director of Anora Sean Baker used his to deliver a call to cinematic arms.

'“Watching a film in the theatre with an audience is an experience; we can laugh together, cry together, scream and fright together, perhaps sit in devastated silence together, and in a time in which the world can feel very divided, this is more important than ever,” Baker said.

'“Please watch movies in the theatre, and let’s keep the great tradition of the movie-going experience alive and well.”'

#movie #movies #film #cinema https://www.smh.com.au/culture/movies/an-oscar-winner-urged-us-to-keep-cinemas-alive-these-australians-already-are-20250306-p5lhfq.html

Ja, ich mag #Bücher. Aber ich finde auch #Blogs, #Podcasts, #Musik & #Filme relevant!

Und zu dieser humorvollen Weisheit vom Postillon möchte ich nun doch nerden:

In der sehenswerten Netflix-Miniserie "Zero Day" mit Robert De Niro spielen Frage & Song "Who killed Bambi?" eine große und mehrdeutige Rolle.

#Postillon #Satire #USA #Trump #Bambi #Thriller #Film #ZeroDay #Medien #Demokratie #Thymokratie #Wahrheit #Empfehlung ! :-) https://www.der-postillon.com/2025/03/trump-bambis-mutter.html

The Teacher – Watch the trailer for the new Palestinian drama from Farah Nabulsi https://bit.ly/4bw6lwq

#TheTeacher #FarahNabulsi #film #SalehBakri #ImogenPoots #MuhammadAbedElRahman #Palestine

A review of "2073" and the rise of tech fascism. A ducu-drama, I can't help thinking events have overtaken the premise.

#film #tech #movie


Another animal encounter - watch to the end, when I have to step back to stop him colliding with my feet.
Edit: it’s an Echidna.
#animals #australia #nature #video #cute #film

Der Spielfilm "Fünfzehn Minuten" erzählt die Geschichte von Jasmina, die zusammen mit ihrer Familie abgeschoben werden soll.

Wir zeigen den mit dem Deutschen Menschenrechtsfilmpreis ausgezeichnete #Film sowie weitere Preisträgerfilme heute Abend bei der Langen Nacht des Menschenrechtsfilms 🎥

🗓️ Heute, ab 18:30 Uhr
📍 Hackesche Höfe Kino, Rosenthaler Straße 40/41, 10178 Berlin

Plakat mit dem Logo des Deutschen Menschenrechts-Filmpreises. Rechts davon steht:
"Lange Nacht des Menschenrechtsfilms
6. März 2025, 18:30 Uhr
Hackesche Höfe Kino
Rosenthaler Straße 40/41
10178 BerlinEintritt frei, keine Anmeldung möglich
Karten vor Ort solange der Vorrat reicht
Einlass ab 18:00 Uhr"
Oberhalb und unterhalb der Ankündigung sind je zwei Screenhots zu sehen. Jeder Screenshot ist mit einem Filmtitel unterlegt. Die Titel lauten:
"Hausnummer Null" C Dropout Cinema
"Alles gehört zu dir" C Hien Nguyen, Mani Pham Bui
"Fünfzehn Minuten" C Sejad Ademaj
"Sieben Winter in Teheran" C Steffi Niederzoll

Design for Accessibility: A Cultural Administrator's Handbook:


"This resource was developed by the Accessibility Offices at the National Endowment for the Arts and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and has not yet been updated to reflect the 2010 Regulations on the Americans with Disabilities Act or the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design"


The Kennedy Center offers numerous resources related to the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD®) program, including tipsheets, books, videos, and webinars.

#Disability #Reference #Arts #Theatre #Media #Film