Beiträge, die mit archaeology getaggt sind
Found in the pile dwelling settlement of Sipplingen-Osthafen, Lake Constance, dating 3316-3306 BC. The damp environment has preserved it in good condition.
📷 Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg
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Foto: @antiquities_en
#archaeology #archeologia #israele #scoperte #israel #scopertearcheologiche #piramide
Enorme piramide di 2.200 anni fa scoperta nel deserto della Giudea
Scoperta una piramide di 2.200 anni fa deserto della Giudea. Nel sito papiri greci e monete ellenistiche. Un enigma archeologico?E. P. (Storie & Archeostorie)
Dark skin was widespread across the continent for a considerably longer period of time than previously believed, according to a DNA study that has completely changed our perception of the appearance of ancient Europeans. In the study, 348 ancient human genomes from people who lived between 45,000 and 1,700 years ago were examined..
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#archaeology #anthropology
Most ancient Europeans had dark skin until 3,000 years ago, study finds
Dark skin was common in Europe for much longer than previously believed, according to a recent DNA analysis...Dario Radley (Archaeology News Online Magazine)
And not just because it's the right thing to do for environmental and accessibility reasons (but you should do it for those reasons, anyway).
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„Palestinian experts and British archaeologists say more than two-thirds of heritage, cultural and archaeological sites in Gaza have been damaged.“
📷 Christos Kapoulas
#Greece #archaeology
Il racconto del ritrovamento nell'articolo di @elenapercivaldi su @storieearcheostorie
Foto: @antiquities_en
#archeologia #archaeology #israele #israel #gerusalemme #scopertearcheologiche #scoperte
Scoperti a Gerusalemme i resti di una monaca in catene
Scoperta a Gerusalemme: i resti di una monaca in catene rivelano l'ascetismo estremo praticato dalle donne nel monachesimo bizantino.Elena Percivaldi (Storie & Archeostorie)
(Note: I carefully placed glow sticks in the windows so as to not disturb the ruin. No fire was used for the effect.)
#AstroPhotography #Canyon #Desert #Archaeology #Photography #Darktable
#GoodNews #Archaeology #Meteorite #AncientCraftsmanship
Researchers have made a remarkable find in Poland’s Częstochowa Museum collection—several ancient ornaments made from meteoritic iron. A team of Polish and French scientists analyzed burial objects from two early Iron Age graveyards, Częstochowa-Raków and Częstochowa-Mirów.
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Ancient jewelry made from meteorites discovered in Poland
Researchers found ancient meteoritic iron ornaments in Poland's Częstochowa Museum while analyzing Iron Age burial objects.Dario Radley (Archaeology News Online Magazine)
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#History #GLAM #Heritage
A recent study using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology has uncovered the true magnitude of Guiengola, a 15th-century Zapotec city in southern Oaxaca, Mexico. Previously believed to be a military fortress, the site has now been identified as a fortified city covering 360 hectares, consisting of over 1,100 structures...
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#archaeology #Guiengola #LiDAR #Zapotec
Lost 15th-century Zapotec city unearthed in Mexican jungle
A recent study using LiDAR technology has uncovered the true magnitude of Guiengola, a 15th-century Zapotec city in southern Oaxaca, Mexico.Dario Radley (Archaeology News Online Magazine)
I’m consistently only finding various images of this same side:

#Syria #heritage #archaeology
An extraordinarily well-preserved section of a gold-plated, gemstone-encrusted helmet has been uncovered in Lejre, Denmark, providing new information about the country’s role as a seat of political and cultural power during the era of the Late Germanic Iron Age. Dated between 650 and 750 CE
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#archaeology #archeology #archaeologynews #helmet #lejre #vikings
Rare pre-Viking helmet fragment discovered in Lejre, Denmark
A well-preserved gold-plated helmet fragment uncovered in Lejre, Denmark, sheds light on its role as a hub in the Late Germanic Iron Age.Dario Radley (Archaeology News Online Magazine)
The Geometric period lasted from ca. 900 to 700 BC. It's named after geometric patterns and motifs used to decorate pottery vessels.
On display at Altes Museum, Berlin
📷 taken by me
#RomanArchaeology #archaeology
Una nueva visión de Roma con las tecnologías más nuevas y las ánforas más viejas
La colaboración entre historiadores, matemáticos, informáticos y físicos ha permitido una revisión en profundidad de todo lo que sabíamos sobre las redes comerciales de alimentos en el imperio romano.Gustau Nerín (
Archaeologists have uncovered a rare 1,720-year-old Roman boundary stone at the Tel Abel Beth Maacah dig near Metula in northern Israel. The basalt slab, which is inscribed in Greek, provides a very rare glimpse into the administrative organization of the Roman Empire during the Tetrarchy period (293–306 CE)
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#archaeology #archeology #romanempire
#Palestine #archaeology
226 Archaeological Sites Damaged in Gaza Due to Israeli Strikes
Ramallah: According to a report released by the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Israeli strikes have caused significant damage to 226 archaeological sites in Gaza during the ongoing cFouzia Farhana (Latest News in English | Hyderabad, Telangana, India & World | Munsif News 24x7)
@archaeologymag #archaeology #Iraq
News - Paleolithic Artifacts Discovered in Iraq - Archaeology Magazine
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM—More than 800 Paleolithic artifacts have been recovered from a dried lake bed in […]Jessica Esther Saraceni (Archaeology Magazine)
Mysterious earth rings emerge from the hills onto the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia, in the suburb of Sunbury; they bear the secrets of hundreds of years in their silent rings. These incredible earthworks were created by the Aboriginal Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people between 590 and 1,400 years ago...
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#archaeology #aboriginalaustralia #ethnography
From Bordeaux, dating 1st/2nd AD.
Photo: Bordeaux, Musée d’Aquitaine
#archaeology #romanarchaeology
Neanderthals cared for 6-year-old with Down syndrome, fossil find reveals
The unique shape of an ear bone belonging to a Neanderthal child found in a cave in Spain suggests that she had Down syndrome.Laura Geggel (Live Science)
The amazing figurine of a woolly mammoth is carved in mammoth ivory. It will be on display at Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg from Saturday.
Found in the Vogelherd cave on the Swabian Jura, south-west Germany.
And yes, I'm really, really happy 😊
#bestjobintheworld #archaeology
Photo: Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier & Thomas Zühmer
#archaeology #RomanArchaeology
I was going to wear a shirt advertising "Ea-Nasir's Fine Quality Copper", and a whole lot of cheap plastic jewelry spray-painted to a copper color. Over the course of the evening the paint was going to start rubbing off.
#memes #archaeology #EaNasir
#image #archaeology #minoan #octopus #animals #Crete #ChristmasSweater
12-Year-Old Girl Discovers 3,500-Year-Old Egyptian Amulet While Hiking
Imagine finding a pebble and discovering it’s actually a 3,500-year-old artifact. That’s exactly what happened to a young girl in Israel, who suspected her find was special even before she and her mother sought expert advice.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
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Hoard of Roman coins found during building work in Worcestershire
The discovery of 1,368 Iron Age and Roman coins is expected to be valued at more than £100,000.Will Jefford (BBC News)
Bow brooches were a common element of women’s dress in south-west Germany. They were worn im pairs as decorative element on a strap hanging from the belt.
Currently on display at "THE hidden LÄND" in Stuttgart.
Indiana Jones (Original Trilogy), with David West Reynolds
Podcast-Folge · Movies We Dig · 22.11.2024 · 1 Std. 26 Min.Apple Podcasts
via @fab_lesguer
Fabien Lesguer (
Urgent Call to Save Baalbeck a UNESCO World Heritage site at risk
#histodons #archaeology #academia
I am very excited, and very nervous. I put my heart and soul into researching these myths. Maybe because I am an archaeologist, but this one makes me more nervous about what people will think than any of my previous books 😬
#mythology #MythologyMonday #storytelling #archaeology #Classics #bookstodon
#archaeology #death
I am reading an article about how every time ancient art depicts a goddess as sexually alluring, they always get labeled a "goddess of fertility". Even when there is no indication of children, pregnancy, or anything fertile.
The article argues that some goddesses were deities of sex and pleasure, without the maternal fertility aspect.
I am like 🤯 🤯 I have a whole entire archaeology degree and we never addressed this...
#mythology #sex #religion #archaeology