Beiträge, die mit introduction getaggt sind
I'm a transfem (possibly also neurodivergent) sysadmin maintaining infrastructure and creating content at TechTransThai while also being a member of openKMITL, OpenTechSummit Thailand and other communities.
I'm interested in the Linux ecosystem (mostly GNOME, KDE, gaming, servers and containerization), DevOps stuff, OpenStreetMap, BOINC and open source software in general.
#introduction #trans #neurodivergent #FOSS4Change #openKMITL #TechTransThai #Linux #OpenStreetMap #DevOps #Containers #BOINC #OpenSource
Any feedback from the community is very welcome. Please feel free to share any accounts you think we should follow and do let us know what you'd like to see from us.
Check out the Flipboad app, a platform where you can discover and share stories on anything from news and politics to food and travel. Explore all of your interests in one place:
#NewHere #UKNews #News #EuropeNews #Introduction #Journalism
Home - About Flipboard
Flipboard is one place for all the top stories, deep dives and curated content you need. Get the award winning app for iOS or Android.About Flipboard
Hello, I just moved here. I draw and paint and make fractal art, mostly using #gouache, #mypaint and #chaotica.
I've recently become obsessed with making #pottery--both wheel throwing and hand building. My home is now overrun by handcrafted pots!
Any like-minded people who would like to connect with me on this platform?
After reading the @dada_drummer newsletter I discovered #mastodon. I'm a hopeless music junkie and my taste is all over the place. I only post stuff I love, adore, enjoy, gets under my skin & that moves me nicely, roughly, gently and/or brutally. I kinda try to keep track of the music I listen to and the stuff I read, see & enjoy here. No politics and so on. I have other sources for that. I just wanna have a good time here, thank you!
Be nice, Pieter
Hallo Fediverse, liebe alle,
Theologin, Pädagogin, Finanzfachfrau
wohne in Tübingen-Unterjesingen
angestellt im Ingenieurbüro ebök GmbH in Tübingen (Verwaltung/Rechnungswesen)
seit 2020 ehrenamtlich Aufsichtsrätin bei der Genossenschaft Neustart: solidarisch wohnen + leben eG
seit 2024 Aufsichtsrätin bei der n.e.s.t. Bauprojektierung und Vermietung AG
seit 1996 Radiomacherin beim Freien Radio Wüste Welle
Ich freue mich auf konstruktiven und wertschätzendem Austausch zu allem, was uns umtreibt, und ganz besonders zu den Themen bauen (Häuser, Zukunft, Welt), wohnen (gemeinsam statt einsam, nachhaltig, suffizient...) und Gerechtigkeit weltweit.
#neuhier #introduction
Been learning how to draw. Learning Linux. Learning cyber security stuff and enjoying every minute. Been sober from league for a year and happily playing games to completion now. Hope to enjoy my time here! #intro #introduction #introductions #linux
We are a new collective of practical ecologists and arboriculturalists from North/East London bringing nature recovery to urban London.
We specialise in building sustainable, long term habitat restoration from the bottom up to enhance local wildlife. Based on local knowledge of an area we create and manage woodlands, waterways and grasslands to boost existing populations and create space for other species to return.…
#ReNature #Urban #London
A thread 🧵
I’ve jumped to Mastodon after realising (again) how toxic big tech is. Trump and Musk’s obsession with controlling social media sealed it—I miss when it was about connecting, not just a tool for the rich to twist public opinion.
I’ll post a little bit about politics (Carol Cadwalladr fan!) but also pretty pictures, my pet, and travel snaps. Looking forward to actual conversations—not just whatever the algorithm wants me to see.
#Introduction #Mastodon #BigTech
I am here because I try to stop using the platforms of megalomanic oligarchs whose only two principles are money and power.
I like #frogs, #plants (in particular less common #houseplants), #photography, and people who respect each other regardless of background. I think I will post mostly in English, but it would be nice to meet other Swedes here, and perhaps even people from #umeå.
Let's see how things develop...
I use the fediverse to engage in conversations about justice on all levels. Children’s rights, antifascism, prison/policing abolition, healing trauma, +
Preschool teacher. I get joy from bicycling, music, nature, Star Trek (any), fantasy stories
#AuDHD #abolition #preschool #justice
#bicycling #StarTrek #fantasy #Palestine #Environment #Climate, #TransformativeJustice
One day, I decided to write her a song that she’d enjoy.
Spotify and Apple Music were playing at work all the time, so I knew what sort of songs she was into. Classic Rock. Australian Pub Rock in particular. She was a single mum in her 50’s, a strong, hard woman, an Aussie battler.
I wrote Proud Woman in a weekend, and recorded it at home on borrowed equipment. A mate I regularly jammed with did the vocals for me and when it was done, I uploaded it to my SoundCloud and gave her the link when I got to work.
She liked it.
The experience taught me the value of an audience of one. Even though the recording is rough, the focus on writing a song for one person with the aim that they - that person in particular - enjoys it, and I think it gave me a different perspective than when I was either writing purely for own enjoyment, or simply going with some random song idea.
If you’d like to listen to it, here’s the SoundCloud link.
#indiemusic #songwriting #rock #introduction
Proud Woman
Proud Woman - Dgar [Verse] She’s looking after someone elses dreams Working every night and day it seems Spending her life scraping for the rent Takes no hand-outs, saving every cent. [Chorus] ProudSoundCloud
Hi everyone, I’m trying to make the leap from corporate-owned social platforms over to the #fediverse and #mastodon . I’m excited to be here, and would appreciate any tips to help me wrap my head around this. Thank you! #newhere
I decided to write a small #introduction, as I take my first steps as an artist on the fediverse.
I am a songwriter and a singer in my 20s. Originally I come from Poland, where I lived for the most of my life and then I made a choice to move to Austria.
Since the school, I've been writing songs and sharing them with my friends. I never had the courage to do anything more - publishing for everyone to listen felt too much and out of reach. I guess I didn't feel ready.
Couple of years ago I got into music production and decided to self-make my songs into what you can find now on streaming platforms. It's really cool nowadays, to have an opportunity to share my work, my music with you.
I've been on the mainstream social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram since always, but last years I didn't feel happy using them at all. I know, that a lot of people feel the same way, but since "everyone is there", they can't escape. Now I am following my fav saying - "be the change" - and making a hop to Fediverse in hope to find some like-minded people, who may enjoy the music and what I write.
I am looking forward to what my future on the Fediverse brings and what people will I stumble upon my journey.
Thanks for reading all of that. I wish you all the best ❤️
PS. If you would like to listen to the song, that I like the most, here's the link - rest is then easy to find ❤️ Thank you for your time!
#artist #fediverse #songwriter #singer #musicproduction #songwritersoffediverse #musiciansoffediverse
irreplaceable by Mike Split
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
(Think: Zelda II with a non-silent protagonist and a sapphic love story!)
#introduction #introductions
As with so many others, I'm emigrating from Meta. I'll mostly be posting random life updates, photos and the occasional opinions on #Agriculture, #FoodSovereignty, #communities
I'm currently living on #Yuin land on the Far South Coast of New South Wales, and soon moving to #Sweden.
Any tips on helping family and friends to adopt Mastodon if they want to stay in touch?
An extensive list of more #academic disciplines here:
Please spread the word!
#Archaeologist #Archaeodons #Prehistory
#AcademicChatter #PhD #Histodons #twitterMigration #introduction #introductions
#History #GLAM #Heritage
I'm Michael, professor in the institutes of #mathematics and #materials science and head of the @MatMat group at #EPFL.
I work on the #atomistic simulations of materials, mainly density-functional theory (DFT) methods, understanding #simulation errors and #uncertainties in predicted materials properties.
I use techniques from
#physics #computerscience #machinelearning and
develop related #julialang packages such as the density-functional toolkit (#dftk).
Wir sind nun auch hier mit Euch am Start und freuen uns sehr, an dieser grandiosen Idee eines dezentralen Social Media teilzuhaben.
Als Women in Exile & Friends kümmern wir uns unter anderem um diejenigen, die von Abschiebung bedroht und von rassistischer Ungerechtigkeit betroffen sind. Unser grundlegendes politisches Ziel ist eine gerechte Gesellschaft ohne Ausgrenzung und Diskriminierung, mit gleichen Rechten für alle, egal woher sie kommen und wohin sie gehen.
Dafür brauchen wir Eure Unterstützung und freuen uns sehr über Eure Aufmerksamkeit.
Auf dass alles besser wird!
Mehr über uns könnt ihr auf unserer Webseite erfahren:
#NeuHier #Introduction
Hallo, dies ist der Mastodon-Account zu meiner privaten Initiative #Baptist_innenGegenRechts (
Ich bin Michaela Molthagen, Baptistin im BEFG und Laienpredigerin und habe angesichts der aktuellen Situation beschlossen, als Baptistin etwas gegen Rechts auf die Beine stellen zu wollen. Im sog. Dritten Reich haben wir #Baptisten ja versagt und uns mit dem Nazi-Regime arrangiert. Das darf sich nicht wiederholen; darum: #NieWiederIstJetzt
Das #Soziologiemagazin ist eine deutschsprachige Zeitschrift für Soziologiestudierende und Soziologieinteressierte. Uns gibt es seit 2009 mit inzwischen mehr als 40 Ausgaben.
I am a retired gentleman living in the Northeast US. I am a life-long #gardener of vegetables with a general love of #Nature. When I'm not #gardening, I observe native #birds at my feeding station for the #CornellOrnithologyLab #ProjectFeederWatch
Sharkey: a Fediverse project that is beautiful inside & out
Discover the beauty and joy of Sharkey, a stunning Fediverse platform that is a Misskey fork. Explore its elegant design, user-friendly onboarding, and unique features – like Antennas.Elena Rossini
An introductory post
Who am I
Hey, I'm Alex. Well, onto the next chapter we go...or not?
I'm a 40 years old kid, trying to understand how stuff works. I started long time ago, dissecting my toys and then continued to do so, just using bigger tools and more expensive toys.
I designed chemical plants, fire fighting systems and more, working as a Risk Analyst for environmental hazard, as well as designing and enhancing physical models for calculating impacts after major chemical leaks, explosions and such. Then I twisted my life and started working in IT, as an IT Architect. Once again, even bigger tools and even more expensive toys.
This is even boring to write, I imagine how boring would be to read, so let's move on.
Why I am here
As many of you may have experienced, sometimes life gets pretty hectic and chaotic, requiring you to lazo a thought in the middle of the vortex and put it on a page, black on white. This is the exact reason I'm here, trying to write stuff and talk about (mostly boring) stuff. And if you're wondering why “Here be (boring) dragons)”, the reason is quite simple: in maps all uncharted areas reported the phrase “Hic sunt dracones”, literally “Here be dragons”, to summarize that that area would have been dangerous, because unexplored. And what better way to do it than making your mind runs to a mythological creature to cause you to fear and cower in face of the unknown?
Well, living my life as an adult is pretty much all uncharted areas. I hadn't a dad for the major part of my life and I hadn't a great relationship with my mother. I'm in unexplored territories and don't know where to go. Some of you may sympathize with this statement, others may feel in the same situation. I'm no special by any means, and that's why on my map the adulting territory is marked with “Here be (boring) dragons”
If you read until here and managed to not yawn, congratulations. You may be as well in the same uncharted area.
#Introduction #FirstPost #Blog #HereBeBoringDragons
The journey into the adult life is basically moving on uncharted areas of the map. And there, there be dragons.
Hallo, Mastodon!
#neuhier #introduction
The editorial team shares egalitarian and #anticapitalist views. Therefore, in our publications, we discuss how to transform #society so that there is no place left for exploitation, #inequality, and #discrimination.
Follow us and share our posts!
#commons_journal #introduction #socialism #Ukraine #progressive
Hii there I’m a neurodivergent not-really-functioning-in-a-neurotypical-capitalistic-society cosmic entity (aren’t we all)
I’ve found a small community of birds outside my window that serve as my primary communication channel with the outside world. Trying this mastodon thing out though, seeing if y’all as cool as the birds.
Sometimes found in the kinder parts of Aarhus, Denmark.
It's my hope that having an online presence will help me to learn more about my interests and meet like-minded people.
#introduction #linux #nixos
I would like to share here anonymously various fragments of life, my thoughts and the experiences I have gained. I hope you enjoy it.
We are a group of local civically engaged citizens who live in Cheney, Washington. Keeping plugged in on local city government and community activities. Believe in playing an active role in our democracy and having our voices be heard.
*Not affiliated with the City of Cheney. Fully run by local citizens.
#Introduction #Community #Cheney #WashingtonState #CivicEngagement