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Beiträge, die mit climate getaggt sind

What to know about Myanmar’s civil war complicating relief efforts https://www.byteseu.com/877877/ #ASIA #AsiaPacific #AungSanSuuKyi #Climate #ClimateAndEnvironment #Conflicts #Earthquakes #GeneralNews #HumanitarianCrises #HurricanesAndTyphoons #MilitaryAndDefense #Myanmar #Politics #WarAndUnrest #WorldNews
What to know about Myanmar's civil war complicating relief efforts

UK petition: Make private flyers pay for their Carbon emissions

Sign here: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/707608

Graph to track signatures: https://petition-track.uk/check-petition/707608

Deadline: 10 September 2025

You can sign if you are:
- A British citizen living anywhere, or
- Anyone living in the UK regardless of citizenship.

#PrivateJets #environment #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #TaxTheRich #UK #petition #CarbonTax
Screenshot of progress bar. 109 of 10,000 signatures.

The #DeepOcean is home to fragile #ecosystems, unique #species, and critical #CarbonSinks that help regulate global #climate. #Mining the ocean floor will destroy these ecosystems and release toxic #pollutants, leading to irreparable damage to ocean #biodiversity.

We know this is a longer post, but understanding the full context is crucial. The fact that #companies can now exploit this #loophole in #InternationalWaters

Explanatory graphic of a ship - production support vessel - connected to three machines with long pipes. First one in 800 - 2500 metres deep for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts. The second in 1000- 4000 metres deep for polymetallic sulphides and the third one in 4000- 6000 metres deep for polymetallic nodules.

Deep-sea mining is coming. And the U.S. is about to open the floodgates. 

The Metals Company (TMC), a controversial deep-sea mining corporation, is applying for permits under US mining law, a loophole that could allow them to exploit thr seabed in international waters.

A new PwC report reveals that most companies remain committed to their climate goals. Despite economic uncertainty and shifting regulations, 84% of businesses are maintaining or even accelerating their decarbonization efforts. Only 16% have slowed down or stepped back from their commitment


#ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #IrreversibleOverheating #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( #NOAA )called out a rapidly warming Arctic in December of last year.

“This year's report demonstrates the urgent need for adaptation as climate conditions quickly change.”


The arctic tundra is “now emitting more carbon that it stores... yet one more sign... of the consequences of inadequately reducing fossil fuel pollution.”

#climate #ClimateChange #USA #environment


(I archived the main page so far.)
2024 Arctic Surface Temperatures Second Warmest on Record Russia 60 ° N Lapetv Sea Greenland Alaska North North Pacific Oct 2024 vs. Averge (1991-2020) Canada Difference from Averaging Temature ERA5 -4 8 ° F -2.2 4.4 ° C Yearly Temperatures Since 1900: Arctic and Global Difference From Averge (° C) -3 1900 Oct -sep (1900-2024) Arctic 3.6 1.8 -1991-2020 Average 0 -1.8 -5.40 Year 1980 2000 Difference from Averge (° F) 2020 Noaa Climate.GOV Data: NASA (Top) Map of Averge Air Temperature Across the Arctic for October 2024 ComparedMber 2024 Compared to the 1991-2020 Average. Areas with Warmer-Than-Averge Temperatures Are Orange and Red, and Areas With Colder-Than-Average Temperatures Are Blue. The Graph Shows How Yearly Arctic (Red Line) and Global (Gray Line) Temperatures Compared to the Long-Term Averge (1991-2020) from 1900-2024. Noaa Climate.gov Image Based on the 2024 Arctic Report Card - Surface Air Temperature. Large Image & Full


Accessed: 28 March 2025 at 2010 MST
Arctic sea ice summer minimum (September 2024) RUSSIA median extent (4991-2020) median extent (1981-2010) GREENLAND ALASKA CANADA September 2024 Sea ice concentration (%) NOAA Climate.gov Data: NSIDC 15 100 8 Summer minimum sea ice extent (1979-2024) observations trend 4 2 01 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 year 2005 2010 2015 2020 2024 NOAA Climate.gov Data: ARC 2024 (top) This map shows average sea ice concentration in September 2024. The ice pack was smaller than median ice extent from 1991-2020 (white line) and much smaller than the median ice extent from 1981- 2010. (bottom) The graph shows the observed ice extent each September from 1979-2024 (solid line) and the trend line (dashed line). NOAA climate.gov image based on the 2024 Arctic Report Card - Sea Ice.


Accessed: 28 March 2025 at 2010 MST
"This year's report demonstrates the urgent need for adaptation as climate conditions quickly change," said Twila Moon, lead editor of the Arctic Report Card and deputy lead scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. "Indigenous Knowledge and community-led research programs can inform successful responses to rapid Arctic changes."


Accessed: 28 March 2025 at 2010 MST
"Our observations now show that the Arctic tundra, which is experiencing warming and increased wildfire, is now emitting more carbon that it stores, which will worsen climate change impacts," said NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad, Ph.D. "This is yet one more sign, predicted by scientists, of the consequences of inadequately reducing fossil fuel pollution."


Accessed: 28 March 2025 at 2010 MST

"A federal judge on Wednesday found the extreme heat in Texas prisons is 'plainly unconstitutional,' but declined to order the state to immediately start installing air conditioning, which could cost billions.

The judge affirmed claims brought by advocates of people incarcerated in the state, where summer heat routinely soars above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius)."


#PublicHealth #CriminalJustice #incarceration #prisons #heat #climate #environment #texas

Figures like Trump and Musk have been lionised as mavericks, visionaries, and even saviours, when in reality, they are the harbingers of destruction. They push deregulation, spread misinformation, and ensure that policies protecting their financial empires remain intact, no matter the cost to the planet and its people


#ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #IrreversibleOverheating #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #environment #climate

🧵 4/5

This graphic from the WMO report is one of the best visuals I have seen that clearly illustrates the connection between increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, rising temperatures, and reinforcing feedback loops that lead to devastating high-impact events with consequent risks to populations around the world.

It's not a pretty picture.

LEARN MORE HERE ➡️ https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/43a9c636ab3345bfabcb11236c266153

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Informative graphic designed as a flow chart, as summarized in post. (There is far too much data to provide a complete alt text description here.)

If you do NOT want to be one of the many who remain blissfully uninformed — those who somehow can stay complacent amid increasing climate chaos — here is an excellent resource for learning what you need to know.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), an agency of the United Nations, provides an annual report on the state of the global climate. This year's effort includes a helpful explainer that covers all the basics with a few minutes reading.

SEE THE EXPLAINER ➡️ https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/43a9c636ab3345bfabcb11236c266153

I'm going to pick out several highlights and discuss them in a thread below. This post will serve as an introduction. 🧵 1/5

You can find a link to download the full report here ➡️ https://wmo.int/publication-series/state-of-global-climate-2024

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Image from the front cover of the linked report, showing a view of mountains with melting glaciers. Title is: "State of the Climate 2024."

Unterschriftenaktion: Über 13000 Wissenschaftler:innen fordern mehr Klimaengagement von Politik

Update (24.3.25, 15:00): Mehr als 13400 Wissenschaftler:innen haben mittlerweile den Appell unterzeichnet. Übergabe morgen, am 25. März, um 09.30 Uhr – vor der konstituierenden Sitzung des Bundestags – am Nordende des Friedrich-Ebert-Platzes!

@S4F #climate #climatecollapse #klima #klimakatastrophe #spreadtheword #streisandthis!

The California Heat Pump Partnership announced the nation’s first statewide blueprint to achieve the state’s ambitious goals for deploying heat pumps, a critical tech for decarbonizing buildings and improving public health. #California #climate #heatpumps #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/heat-pumps/yes-heat-pumps-slash-emissions-even-if-powered-by-a-dirty-grid

Florida is now a “solar superpower.” It built more large-scale solar than California in 2024 and was second for residential #solar #climate #renewables #renewableenergy #environment https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/solar/florida-is-now-a-solar-superpower-heres-how-it-happened

I stumbled across a small wildfire in Blackridge, W Lothian, just as firefighters were showing up.🧯🙏🏻

Scottish Fire & Rescue issued an "extreme wildfire warning". Climate change is making these destructive fires even more dangerous 🛑

#wildfires #westlothian #scotland #news #uk #climate
Grass in a field, on fire
Firefighters beat back a fire
Grass in a field, on fire
Grass in a field, on fire

"The trigger for this report was the discovery by Laurie Adamson, a physician with #CAPE, that her kid in elementary school was bringing home materials branded by #FortisBC. She was alarmed. What's a gas company doing in my children's backpack? What are they doing in the classroom?"


#BigOil #Petroganda #PetroPedagogy #abpoli #Climate #ClimateChange #EnergyTransition #CleanEnergy #Disinformation #Indoctrination #Propaganda #yyc

This is dark. It’s not an easy read. I do not recommend it for those who suffer from crippling climate anxiety, or who are prone to being depressed by learning about the abject state of today’s politics and economics.

That said, if you’re ready for a clear-eyed look at how bad things really are now — and how bad the people who run things truly are — then I suggest reading the full linked essay.

Here are a few excerpts...

The rich keep getting richer. That much is clear. But what’s often left unsaid is how they’re doing it — not just through the usual exploitation, but by actively steering the world toward catastrophe while shielding themselves from the fallout.

Let’s cut through the noise: the ultra-wealthy are not just accumulating wealth; they are hoarding it, stockpiling fortunes at a rate so obscene it makes the concept of money itself feel ridiculous. While the rest of us get lectured on cutting back — drive less, eat less meat, recycle, make do with less — they are securing their bunkers, buying up remote islands, and building escape plans for the very collapse they are accelerating.

And make no mistake, collapse is not just some distant dystopian fantasy. We are already deep into a polycrisis — climate change, biodiversity loss, resource overshoot, economic instability, and authoritarian creep all feeding into one another like an unstoppable chain reaction. Meanwhile, banks and corporations, who could be funding solutions, are instead dragging their feet or outright obstructing progress, ensuring the system remains tilted in favor of those who already have everything.

If the world’s biggest banks truly cared about avoiding collapse, they’d be moving mountains right now to fund large-scale climate infrastructure. But they’re not.

And that’s not a mistake — it’s a choice.

They have run the numbers. They know full well that unchecked climate change will devastate the poorest and most vulnerable long before it affects the ultra-wealthy. So, from their perspective, dragging their feet isn’t just about short-term profits — it’s about preserving a system that ensures their continued dominance, even as the world burns.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are left watching as climate disasters pile up — floods swallowing cities, heatwaves killing thousands, wildfires turning landscapes to ash — while the financial elite sit back and continue cashing in.

At this point, it’s not just negligence. It’s premeditated collapse.
. . .

If you’ve made it this far, you already know the truth: this isn’t capitalism failing. It’s capitalism succeeding exactly as intended.

The rich are not scrambling to prevent collapse. They welcome it — because they know they’ll be the only ones left standing. While the rest of us are told to “sacrifice” and “tighten our belts,” billionaires are building bunkers, buying private islands, and hoarding resources for the dystopia they see coming.

And why shouldn’t they? They built this system to ensure that, when it all falls apart, they’d be untouchable.

Because their goal is not to fix the system. Their goal is to extract as much as possible, as fast as possible, before everything comes crashing down.

FULL ESSAY -- https://archive.ph/Z9XYn
ALTERNATE LINK -- https://medium.com/edge-of-collapse/the-rich-are-hoarding-wealth-because-they-know-whats-coming-c84afcb2e6c1

#Politics #Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism
Headline from linked essay says: "The rich are hoarding wealth –because they know what's coming. Collapse is baked into their business plans." Below this is a photo of a bald middle-aged white man in a shirt and tie sitting at a desk and glaring at someone as he gathers large stacks of cash for himself.

In person event for #Boorloo folk: Is #Perth a Heat-Safe City?


> How do you think our communities are going to manage longer, hotter summers? Join the conversation and share your ideas.

#climate #ClimateEmergency
Photo of a suburban area with a paucity of large trees and shade, with the text "Is Perth a heat-safe city?" over the top.

Here we are. It's DegrowThursday again. 💚

Every week on this day I turn my focus toward the most important topic of all. Because if we are to have any hope of maintaining some semblance of a healthy human society going forward, our world must quickly and decisively commit to #degrowth.

We're talking real solutions here! Real answers to the many systemic problems that plague us and threaten our very extinction.

Now, I know how unlikely it is that these solutions will be adopted by our present leadership. And I know how challenging they will be to achieve. I'm under no illusion that any of this will be easy.

But — if we don't know where we want to go, we'll never get there.

So today, I'll provide two resources for learning about degrowth. The first is simpler and more basic, while also offering a more hopeful and positive outlook. The second is a darker vision, presenting additional detail about the daunting challenges we face and the many hard steps that lie ahead of us. I hope you'll read both, or I hope you'll read at least one of them.

That's my intro. 🧵1/3 The next two parts will follow soon...

#Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
An illustration of a man with angry eyebrows in a business suit who carries a briefcase as he runs upward on a grid-patterned slope... and a happy man in shorts and a green tee shirt running down into a garden on the other side.

DOGE Is Making It Harder to Track Extreme Weather. What Could Go Wrong?

"These cuts threaten your budget, too. #Insurance companies rely heavily on #data gathered by #NOAA and the #US Geological Survey to assess wildfire, flood, wind and other risks. Some firms are warning that any interruption in data availability could drive insurance premiums for customers even higher."

#ElonMusk #Musk #Doge #Trump #GOP #USPol #Weather #Climate #News #US #USA
Headline and photo with credit.

DOGE Is Making It Harder to Track Extreme Weather. What Could Go Wrong?

March 17, 2025, 5:02 a.m. ET

A collage of a photo of the Earth surrounded by blue-gloved hands holding stethoscopes on a static background.

Credit: Shannon Lin/The New York Times ...Illustration by Shannon Lin/The New York Times; source images by Roberto Machado Noa/Getty Images, nisara Tangtrakul/Getty Images, nndanko/Getty Images, lusia599/Getty Images, herstockart/Getty Images

Fantastic new report from the Pacific Institute on how climate change will affect access to water and sanitation in vulnerable, frontline communities in the US, and what to do about it. Climate, water, and equity continue to be our focus.
#climate #equity


Been busy all last week cutting down the borders. With the temperatures on the up, I reckoned that everybody is out now of their winter quarters in stems and seedheads.
The photograph is of the middle third of the #garden, viewed across. Behind the camera is the greenhouse, a little more space and a tall hedge.
Later in the year, this area is filled with tall, flowering #perennials, ornamental #grasses and #wildflowers - you cannot see from one side to the other. It is beautiful, undisciplined and overflowing with nature.
At this time of the year it is just flat. I am anxiously waiting to see what will come back.

#ArtistsGarden #ImperfectGarden #gardener #gardening #GardenPhotography #Artist #wolfkettler #Photography #GardenWiltshire #WiltshireGarden #Wiltshire #sustainable #spring #biodiversity #natural #NaturalGarden #WeedGardening #weeds #WildlifeFriendly #PlanetFriendly #PollinatorFriendly #ecology #climate #ClimateChange #conservation #sustainability
On the left and in the background hedges and shrubs. The main section of the photograph is cut down borders and grass. In the foreground a stone sundial and in the background a stone bench.

Auch die #Hanfreunde und #Hanffreundinnen sind Teil von etwas Größerem. 😎



Kann #Cannabis oder umgangssprachlich #Hanf ein kleiner Baustein sein, um das #Klimakippen zu verlangsamen? Und ihr wisst ja was mit einer Tasse oder einem Glas passiert, wenn es über den Kipppunkt [Tischrand] dann schlagartig fällt 😭

#letztegeneration #fridaysforfuture

#Coldplay #wepray

#Melati #Movement #Hanfgeschichten #forfuture #climate #hanf_heilt #klima #klimawandel

Who DOGE Hurts: Gutting NOAA

"the #NOAA was preparing to lay off more than 1,000 workers...

People who live in #hurricane & #tornado country keep their “NOAA #weather radios” handy...

In theory, it sounds like one more bad thing to worry about. In practice, it’s much worse. We’ve just had a demonstration of precisely how effective NOAA is & what we stand to lose without it."

#Musk #Doge #Coup #Corruption #Trump #GOP #USPol #Politics #Disasters #Climate #News #US #USA
Headline and text from article:
Who DOGE Hurts: Gutting NOAA

by Joyce Vance
Mar 16, 2025

On March 12, there was reporting that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was preparing to lay off more than 1,000 workers as part of the Trump administration's "reductions in force" directive to federal agencies. Cuts like that call into question whether NOAA will continue to provide the early warnings and predictive modeling that help people prepare for weather emergencies in advance. People who live in hurricane and tornado country keep their “NOAA weather radios” handy, and they are especially important for events that occur, as they frequently do, when most of us are asleep.

In theory, it sounds like one more bad thing to worry about. In practice, it’s much worse. We’ve just had a demonstration of precisely how effective NOAA is and what we stand to lose without it.

Beginning on Friday, violent, long-track tornadoes with damaging winds of up to 80 mph and large hail materialized across the Midwest and South. This was the news Friday night. NOAA’s early warning system, transmitted on social media, radio, television, and by word of mouth, kept it from being much worse.

Insurers warn that US weather agency mass firings will hit climate risk data | Reinsurance trade group appeals to US commerce secretary Lutnick to preserve data collection after thousands of jobs axed https://www.bocvip.com/792483/insurers-warn-that-us-weather-agency-mass-firings-will-hit-climate-risk-data-reinsurance-trade-group-appeals-to-us-commerce-secretary-lutnick-to-preserve-data-collection-after-thousands-of-jobs-axed/ #CLIMATE
Insurers warn that US weather agency mass firings will hit climate risk data | Reinsurance trade group appeals to US commerce secretary Lutnick to preserve data collection after thousands of jobs axed

Declining Biodiversity and Emerging Diseases Are Entwined, More Study Needed

Instead, complex interactions between factors (including climate change, habitat loss, agricultural practices, and closer contact between wildlife, livestock and people) can contribute to emergent infectious diseases and new pandemics


#health #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #IrreversibleOverheating #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

The insurance faculty at the University of Exeter have assessed the risk from climate change (among other things).

The headline is:

"Highly likely Catastrophic warming levels experienced pre-2050, with Extreme warming possible".

"Catastrophic" is their category for >2 billion deaths, and "Extreme" is >4 billion deaths.


#Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCollapse
Bar chart.
Title: Not the end of the world
What we think is effective in cutting our carbon footprint often isn't.
The bars show actions along with how many tonnes CO2 equivalent that that action saves in a year.
From "upgrade light bulbs: 0.1 per year" to "Give up SUV: 3.6 per year", with many others in between.
To these has been added "Shut down oil refinery: 5.0 per MINUTE".

Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit

"A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in the Brazilian city of Belém.

It aims to ease traffic to the city, which will host more than 50,000 people - including world leaders - at the conference in November.

The state government touts the highway's "sustainable" credentials, but some locals and conservationists are outraged at the environmental impact.

The Amazon plays a vital role in absorbing carbon for the world and providing biodiversity, and many say this deforestation contradicts the very purpose of a climate summit."


#climateChange #Amazonas #COP30 #Nature #Capitalism #Climate #CapitalismIsADeathCult #Brasil #UN #ClimateSummit

BBC: Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c9vy191rgn1o

#climate #COP30 #climateemergency #deforestation

#BBCNews - Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit
#COP30 #Belém #Climate #ClimateChange

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected on Monday a bid by 19 Republican-led states led by Alabama to block five Democratic-led states from pursuing lawsuits accusing major oil companies of deceiving the public about the role fossil fuels have played in causing climate change. #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #environment https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/10/supreme-court-nixes-challenge-to-state-climate-suits-against-oil-firms.html

Monthly global climate data update from NASA/GISS for the month of February 2025.
Third hottest month of February since 1880.
Graph with monthly world temperature anomalies as reported by NASA/GISS compared to the 1951-1980 average, since 1880, plus a 10 year moving average.
This has gone from -0.3 around 1900 to +1.0 now.

Ewww gross.

#Asia #climatechange a low priority making fighting #globalwarming trends impossible for other nations.
"Its capital #NewDelhi featured as the world’s most polluted capital for the sixth consecutive year, with a PM2.5 concentration of 91.8. The report also listed six satellite cities – Faridabad, Loni, Delhi, Gurugram, Noida and Greater Noida – making the list.."

For at least one capitalist corporation (actually for *most* of them), Business As Usual is continuing and maybe even getting better.

Drill, baby, drill? BP loves that idea! To hell with "net zero" and a Green Transition, which they probably never took seriously anyway.

Oil giant BP has abandoned its net-zero plans and will invest more in fossil fuel expansion.

Five years ago, the company promised to cut oil and gas production to 1.5 million barrels a day by 2030. But oil’s falling share price and the Trump administration's pro-fossil fuel policies have prompted a rethink, and the company now plans to increase production to 2.4 million barrels a day while cutting $5 billion from its renewable energy investments.

With deregulation making oil and gas more attractive to investors, BP has chosen to prioritise short-term profits over long-term sustainability — a move that could embolden other energy giants to follow suit, undermining efforts to curb climate change. It’s a bet against the urgency of the crisis — a gamble with far-reaching consequences for the planet’s habitability.

Trump's "drill, baby, drill" mantra and regulatory rollbacks — such as expanded drilling leases and eased restrictions on LNG exports — have made oil and gas a safer bet.

FULL ARTICLE -- https://theclimatehistorian.substack.com/p/bps-u-turn-betting-big-on-oil-and?r=1qy42b&triedRedirect=true

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
Image of a giant oil rig in the North Sea, with this headline: “Betting big on oil and gas.”

A massive storm has hit the Argentinian port city of Bahia Blanca. Nearly a year's rain fell flooding streets and even the hospital.

13 are dead, as well as 2 girls- reportedly aged 4 & 1 who are missing after possibly being swept away by floodwaters.

For environment official Andrea Dufourg, the extreme weather event "is a clear example of climate change."

#climate #ClimateCollapse #environment
Overturned vehicles on a storm-damaged road in Bahia Blanca, Argentina.

The Riverfly initiative is an organisation training citizen scientists to help protect their local rivers. Find out more and get involved if you're interested.


#Rivers #Climate