Beiträge, die mit biodiversity getaggt sind
We know this is a longer post, but understanding the full context is crucial. The fact that #companies can now exploit this #loophole in #InternationalWaters
finds #pandemics are linked to #ecosystem and #biodiversity declines, with viruses jumping from animals to humans. Urgent #publichealth and #conservation needed #Boycott4Wildlife
Protect Nature to Avoid Future Pandemics
Research from University of Queensland and published in The Lancet: Planetary Health finds that the COVID-19 pandemic is linked to the decline of ecosystems and biodiversity, creating a cycle that …Palm Oil Detectives
#diversity #biodiversity #seeds #culturalHeritage #change
Small Is The New Great!
Fighting The Sludge Yesterday was one of those days that don't need to happen. I had an important appointment coming up and suddenly an indefinable mess bubbled up in…Steady
#SciArt #art #illustration #watercolor #painting #sketchbook #NatureJournal #NatureJournaling #PerpetualJournal #Tucson #SonoranDesert #NativePlants #biodiversity #environment #ecosystem #ecology #nature #outdoors #ISS #InternationalSpaceStation #Lupine #bird #birds #birding #BirdsOfMastodon #bunting #PaintedBunting
The photograph is of the middle third of the #garden, viewed across. Behind the camera is the greenhouse, a little more space and a tall hedge.
Later in the year, this area is filled with tall, flowering #perennials, ornamental #grasses and #wildflowers - you cannot see from one side to the other. It is beautiful, undisciplined and overflowing with nature.
At this time of the year it is just flat. I am anxiously waiting to see what will come back.
#ArtistsGarden #ImperfectGarden #gardener #gardening #GardenPhotography #Artist #wolfkettler #Photography #GardenWiltshire #WiltshireGarden #Wiltshire #sustainable #spring #biodiversity #natural #NaturalGarden #WeedGardening #weeds #WildlifeFriendly #PlanetFriendly #PollinatorFriendly #ecology #climate #ClimateChange #conservation #sustainability
An (illegal) selfie with wildlife
vs systematic wildlife destruction and wilful neglect
"The irony of our country’s leaders condemning the actions of a young tourist’s treatment of a wombat while shamelessly sanctioning their slaughter is impossible to overlook...Kangaroos, native birds, possums, black swans and emus are just a few of the many native animals that landholders are granted licences to kill under the ATCW list."
"Our leaders have a lot to answer for and must confront the uncomfortable truth of their own involvement in wildlife destruction. They can no longer ignore the role they play in enabling the harm of native animals while lecturing others on respect for wildlife."
#biodiversity #WildlifeCrime #Australia #culture #EPBCAct #ecocide #governance #roadkill #deforestation #logging #harm
#vegan #tofu #legumes #biodiversity #TIL
Ergo, can we grasp the immensity of the damage & carnage that will result, next time the luck runs the other way, & direct hits on high-population centres arises with rating still at 2, 3... or higher?
Do we keep sticking our heads in the sand & denying / ignoring all this, so that we can continue being climate criminals??
#AusPol #Greens #VoteGreens #ProgIndies #WeAreTotallyFscked #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #Misanthropy #FsckOffDutton! #ShitParty1 #ShitParty2 #ComeOnTanya! #WhyIsLabor #NatsAreNuts #NoNukes #racism #FuckRacists #TuckFrump #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance
Unofficial SBS News Bot (
Hundreds of thousands without power after Alfred | Morning News Bulletin 10 March 2025 #WorldChinwag Social
#WAPol #AusPol #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance
Unofficial ABC News Bot (
When will we know the results of the West Australian election? Here's what you need to know Social
There’s now a recognisable pathway between the nature reserve and the plot.
Moments after taking this a fox poked its head around the corner before ambling off again. 🦊
#Hedge #Allotment #Gardening #Biodiversity
‘More frequent, intense’: PM puts climate front and centre for election
Gaaaah, we know all this, you dweeb. We've known it for decades. We also know that you keep funding fossilfools via undeserved obscene tax breaks & subsidies, & doing their work by approving new fossilfool projects & expansions, plus demonising protesters instead of the actual climate criminals. You simply have NO credibility in this space, dear PM.
#AusPol #Greens #VoteGreens #ProgIndies #WeAreTotallyFscked #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #Misanthropy #FsckOffDutton! #ShitParty1 #ShitParty2 #ComeOnTanya! #WhyIsLabor #NatsAreNuts #NoNukes #racism #FuckRacists #TuckFrump #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance
‘More frequent, intense’: PM puts climate front and centre for election
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says global warming makes weather events more extreme and that not cutting emissions carries a significant cost.Mike Foley (The Sydney Morning Herald)
#FirstNations chiefs shouldn’t be duped by the ‘#nuclear-is-green' deception
by William Eric Altvater, February 6, 2025
"Some First Nation Chiefs are victims of shenanigans, not unlike the swindle behind the purchase of Manhattan. The federal government needs the support of #Indigenous peoples to expand nuclear power generation capacity in #Canada.
"For millennia, the cornerstones of the Indigenous people that inhabit Turtle Island, now known as North America, held all that is essential to life, in reverence. Every decision considered the next 7 generations. These cornerstones are crumbling.
"Newcomers, armed with the #Colonizing tool, 'The #DoctrineOfDiscovery' and their mentality of superiority, invaded the land of those they called 'Savages,' almost totally exterminating #Skicinuwok, People of The Earth.
"Determined to bestow Christianity and civility to this wild untamed population, old growth forests were cut, rivers and streams were dammed to power sawmills, roads and railroads were built, bridges erected. All to create an infrastructure for #capitalism, a system to make a #profit, that morphed into #greed, a word of foreign root. This unbridled desire for progress has ruined what was once called Paradise.
"Now most water is not fit to drink, clean air is scarce, #deforestation is rampant, #biodiversity loss out of control, plants genetically modified, food manufactured with unpronounceable chemicals, caged fish starved of oxygen while being fed chicken feathers and pig parts, cancer cases in the millions, the list goes on.
"As the population increased over this continent the available sources for power generation have not been able to satisfy the insatiable desires of the 'bigger, better, faster, more is never enough' mentality. Some have finally acknowledged the fact that #FossilFuels are not the golden egg they were once deemed to be.
"So-called '#GreenEnergy' is required to slow the blind drive to extinction of man; man, who is considered by some to be the most intelligent creature to ever roam Earth. Unfortunately, the lure of riches and the corruption of self-serving purposes have led man to stray from practices that nurture everything required to sustain life on this tiny blue marble floating through the universe.
"#NuclearPower is now being touted as being 'Green.' It is not. Big money corporations are lobbying legislators to convince them and the public that it is. They are also lobbying to convince the public that they should foot the bill in the form of taxes and rate hikes, for a process that pollutes from the day it starts. Water is life. As soon as #uranium is mined from the earth it begins to contaminate the water in surrounding aquifers.
"When the uranium is processed sufficiently, it is used as fuel for reactors where it generates heat while delivering electricity, not just for essential needs, but also for many things once considered luxuries. This fission generated heat is then dumped into nearby waters where it kills thousands, if not millions of small beings that form the basis of life itself.
"After this radioactive fuel is depleted, it is stored in various containers where it will stay radioactive for eons. Indigenous #Grandmothers have labelled it 'Forever Dangerous.'
"The power generated during the fission process benefits only those who exist today as the process occurs, not those born tomorrow or next week or next month. All the #RadioactiveWaste and the inherent danger it creates is left to future generations, kicking the can down the road.
"What better place to dump this waste than in an area with a population that has witnessed Newcomers enrich themselves for hundreds of years? Yes, what better place than a population that has been targeted for assimilation, suffered theft of lands, witnessed the taking of naturally bestowed rights? A population that has been subjected to racial Indian Act legislation essentially stripping away all that sustained this population for thousands of years.
"Yes, let us give the Indians some more shiny beads and trinkets so that they willingly agree to care for our radioactive garbage. How do we do this? Let’s talk to the Chief and Council. Let’s wine and dine them. Let’s give them some money, take them to dinner, buy some drinks and make them feel all festive and most of all make them think we are looking out for their best interests. Some Chiefs have taken the bait.
"Egregious as it may be, this is exactly what is happening in some Indigenous communities contrary to the will of the majority. Elected Chiefs are continuing the deception as they are blinded and professing the 'Nuclear is Green' mantra. They have lost connection with the Spirit of Ancestors and traditional values. They need to have a serious introspection and realize that looking forward, we need only look back at what has sustained us to this point in time. We need not do any more than that."
Eric lives in #PeskotomuhkatiNation territory in Maine and stands shoulder to shoulder with his Peskotomuhkati relations in #NewBrunswick in the struggle to achieve Canadian Government recognition.
#NoNukes #NoNewNukes #WaterIsLife #AirIsLife #UraniumMining #UraniumMilling #LeaveItInTheGround #Greenwashing #NuclearIsNotCarbonFree #NuclearIsNotGreen #CanadaPol #NuclearWaste #NuclearIndustry #TEPCOLies #HoltecLies #NuclearColonialism
#openaccess 🔓
#ecology 🌴
#biodiversity 🌍
Mapping the global distribution and conservation status of oases—ecosystems of pivotal biocultural relevance
Background Oases are azonal, highly productive, densely vegetated areas within drylands, often converted to agriculture, and characterized by significant biocultural diversity.PeerJ
One of the most enjoyable phases has now begun: setting up the garden step by step. This morning I placed the first box, with a rack that courgettes and tomatoes can climb against.
I have zero experience as a vegetable gardener, so I am very curious about what this project will bring me. And what this project will bring to nature, because one of my most important goals is to contribute to biodiversity.
#nature #gardening #biodiversity #garden #vegetables #herbs #flowers
#allotment #gardening #biodiversity
„Bei den Toprisiken für Unternehmen steht in den nächsten zehn Jahren an Platz zwei der Verlust der Biodiversität.““
#COP16 #biodiversity #Trump #schwarwel
Add a touch of nature to every call and spark conversations about our #biodiversity. 🐪🐳🐙🪸🍄
Download them for free:
Minister for Arse-Kissing Gina & Co
, now on #730. She's terrible, Muriel. #AusPol #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance
#Biodiversity #Animals
- eine ernsthafte Auseinandersetzung mit den Thesen des SRU zur SUFFIZIENZ als "Strategie des Genug"
- und eine ehrliche Positionierung dazu.
Mit wenigen Klicks könnt Ihr mitmachen. Wie es funktioniert erfahrt Ihr hier:
#Suffizienz #KlimaSchutz #KlimaKatastrophe #biodiversity #PlanetareGrenzen
-fermentation is low tech sustainable food preservation
-by allowing us to directly observe microbes transforming our food and helping our bodies, it teaches us about biodiversity and the lack of separation between humans and nature
-fermentation encourages communal, distributed approaches to food security
#Degrowth #biodiversity #FoodSecurity #fermentation
Peace Keeper Training
CALLING ALL WHO WANT TO LEARN TO KEEP OUR PEOPLE SAFE! Mujeres Marcharan prides itself on training its own Peace Keepers to ensure the safety of the attendees at International Women\'s Day.degrowth (Deceleration)
Incredible news for human and environmental wellbeing!
#nature #biodiversity #sustainability
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #SunOrchids #Thelymitra
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #Cymbidium #CymbidiumOrchids
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #SunOrchids #Thelymitra
Feeling undesirably placid today?
Wanna get some justifiable climate rage into you instead?
Here ya go.
Burnt mansions: Why the next election is a fork in the road#podcast #AusPol #WhyIsLabor #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance
7am Saturday Paper
Fri Jan 24 2025
As wildfires tore through some of LA’s most affluent neighbourhoods, burning down mansions owned by celebrities, some wondered if it might be a turning point in how seriously we take the climate crisis.
But climate scientist Joëlle Gergis wasn’t sharing that hope.
Instead, Gergis was angered by our heartache for wealthy communities while the impact of climate change disproportionately affects the poor.
And to make matters even worse, a climate denier has entered the White House.
Now, Gergis is turning her attention to the upcoming election here in Australia, where she says we have a choice to make about how comfortable we are being complicit on climate.
Today, climate scientist and contributor to The Saturday Paper, Joëlle Gergis, on why the next election is a fork in the road for our climate.
Guest: Climate scientist and contributor to The Saturday Paper, Joëlle Gergis
On #PenguinAwarenessDay, learn about the impact of marine litter on migratory species. ⬇️
#SfEP #Biodiversity
Green turtles in remote Azores feeding grounds are ingesting plastic, reveals new study
Issue 591: Analysing two decades of data on stranded turtles in the North East Atlantic, researchers have found that 14% of turtles were entangled in litter and 86% of those examined after death had ingested plastic.Environment
#springtail #globularspringtail #nature #wildlife #ecology #water #surfacetension #floating #cleaning #selfcare #biodiversity #animal #arthropod #scotland #soilanimal #cuteanimals
#biodiversity #nitrogen #pollution
Greenpeace wint zaak tegen Staat, rechter dwingt kabinet meer haast te maken met stikstofaanpak
Greenpeace wilde met de zaak afdwingen dat de overheid concreet beleid moet maken om de stikstofuitstoot drastisch te verminderen.NOS Nieuws
#Petition #nature #biodiversity #Ecosystem #ecosystems #deforestation
UK: Deforestation-Free Products!
Forests around the globe are under attack – not just from climate change but from the unsustainable production of commodities like palm oil, soy, and timber. And while EU politicians take their sweetEkō
Listening to the Quiet
#blog #biodiversity #biology #ecology #harrisonford #conservation #halfearthproject
Listening to the Quiet - Marion's Mumblings
Tonight, I watched with awe and admiration, as Harrison Ford narrated an impassioned five-minute video on behalf of the half-earth project.ProudDaughter (Marion's Mumblings)
#nature #biodiversity
Tasmania's environment department argued against status upgrade of endangered Maugean skate
A submission to the federal environment department on the conservation status of Tasmania's endangered Maugean skate argued that the population estimates were a "miscalculation" and "underestimates" the true number of individuals.Adam Langenberg (ABC News)