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Blog: Voices of #Decolonization

#FirstNations chiefs shouldn’t be duped by the ‘#nuclear-is-green' deception

by William Eric Altvater, February 6, 2025

"Some First Nation Chiefs are victims of shenanigans, not unlike the swindle behind the purchase of Manhattan. The federal government needs the support of #Indigenous peoples to expand nuclear power generation capacity in #Canada.

"For millennia, the cornerstones of the Indigenous people that inhabit Turtle Island, now known as North America, held all that is essential to life, in reverence. Every decision considered the next 7 generations. These cornerstones are crumbling.

"Newcomers, armed with the #Colonizing tool, 'The #DoctrineOfDiscovery' and their mentality of superiority, invaded the land of those they called 'Savages,' almost totally exterminating #Skicinuwok, People of The Earth.

"Determined to bestow Christianity and civility to this wild untamed population, old growth forests were cut, rivers and streams were dammed to power sawmills, roads and railroads were built, bridges erected. All to create an infrastructure for #capitalism, a system to make a #profit, that morphed into #greed, a word of foreign root. This unbridled desire for progress has ruined what was once called Paradise.

"Now most water is not fit to drink, clean air is scarce, #deforestation is rampant, #biodiversity loss out of control, plants genetically modified, food manufactured with unpronounceable chemicals, caged fish starved of oxygen while being fed chicken feathers and pig parts, cancer cases in the millions, the list goes on.

"As the population increased over this continent the available sources for power generation have not been able to satisfy the insatiable desires of the 'bigger, better, faster, more is never enough' mentality. Some have finally acknowledged the fact that #FossilFuels are not the golden egg they were once deemed to be.

"So-called '#GreenEnergy' is required to slow the blind drive to extinction of man; man, who is considered by some to be the most intelligent creature to ever roam Earth. Unfortunately, the lure of riches and the corruption of self-serving purposes have led man to stray from practices that nurture everything required to sustain life on this tiny blue marble floating through the universe.

"#NuclearPower is now being touted as being 'Green.' It is not. Big money corporations are lobbying legislators to convince them and the public that it is. They are also lobbying to convince the public that they should foot the bill in the form of taxes and rate hikes, for a process that pollutes from the day it starts. Water is life. As soon as #uranium is mined from the earth it begins to contaminate the water in surrounding aquifers.

"When the uranium is processed sufficiently, it is used as fuel for reactors where it generates heat while delivering electricity, not just for essential needs, but also for many things once considered luxuries. This fission generated heat is then dumped into nearby waters where it kills thousands, if not millions of small beings that form the basis of life itself.

"After this radioactive fuel is depleted, it is stored in various containers where it will stay radioactive for eons. Indigenous #Grandmothers have labelled it 'Forever Dangerous.'

"The power generated during the fission process benefits only those who exist today as the process occurs, not those born tomorrow or next week or next month. All the #RadioactiveWaste and the inherent danger it creates is left to future generations, kicking the can down the road.

"What better place to dump this waste than in an area with a population that has witnessed Newcomers enrich themselves for hundreds of years? Yes, what better place than a population that has been targeted for assimilation, suffered theft of lands, witnessed the taking of naturally bestowed rights? A population that has been subjected to racial Indian Act legislation essentially stripping away all that sustained this population for thousands of years.

"Yes, let us give the Indians some more shiny beads and trinkets so that they willingly agree to care for our radioactive garbage. How do we do this? Let’s talk to the Chief and Council. Let’s wine and dine them. Let’s give them some money, take them to dinner, buy some drinks and make them feel all festive and most of all make them think we are looking out for their best interests. Some Chiefs have taken the bait.

"Egregious as it may be, this is exactly what is happening in some Indigenous communities contrary to the will of the majority. Elected Chiefs are continuing the deception as they are blinded and professing the 'Nuclear is Green' mantra. They have lost connection with the Spirit of Ancestors and traditional values. They need to have a serious introspection and realize that looking forward, we need only look back at what has sustained us to this point in time. We need not do any more than that."

Eric lives in #PeskotomuhkatiNation territory in Maine and stands shoulder to shoulder with his Peskotomuhkati relations in #NewBrunswick in the struggle to achieve Canadian Government recognition.

#NoNukes #NoNewNukes #WaterIsLife #AirIsLife #UraniumMining #UraniumMilling #LeaveItInTheGround #Greenwashing #NuclearIsNotCarbonFree #NuclearIsNotGreen #CanadaPol #NuclearWaste #NuclearIndustry #TEPCOLies #HoltecLies #NuclearColonialism

San Francisco handed #SCOTUS the chance to weaken the #CleanWaterAct -- and they took it.

This ruling will make it easier for polluters to pollute, and harder for regulators to protect the health of people and the environment. Really shameful.


#sfpuc #sanfrancisco #pollution #waterpollution #waterislife

After infiltrating #StandingRock, #TigerSwan pitched its ‘#counterinsurgency’ playbook to other oil companies

More than 50,000 pages of newly released documents detail how the security firm targeted #pipeline opponents and tried to profit off its #surveillance tactics.

by Alleen Brown & Naveena Sadasivam
Apr 13, 2023

"The Intercept and Grist contacted TigerSwan, #EnergyTransfer, the National Sheriffs’ Association, as well as Thompson, the group’s executive director. None of them responded to requests for comment.

"To TigerSwan, the emergence of #Indigenous-led social movements to keep oil and gas in the ground represented a business opportunity. Reese anticipated new demand from the #FossilFuel industry for strategies to undermine the network of #activists his company had so carefully gathered information on. In the records, TigerSwan expressed its ambitions to repurpose these detailed records to position themselves as experts in managing pipeline protests. The company created marketing materials pitching work to at least two other energy companies building controversial oil and gas infrastructure, the records show. TigerSwan, which was staffed heavily with former members of military special operations units, branded its tactics as a 'counterinsurgency approach,' drawing directly from its leaders’ experiences fighting the so-called War on Terror abroad.

"TigerSwan did not just work in #NorthDakota. Energy Transfer hired the company to provide security to its #RoverPipeline in #Ohio and #WestVirginia, the documents confirm. By spring 2017, TigerSwan was also assembling intelligence reports on opponents of Energy Transfer and #Sunoco’s #MarinerEast2 Pipeline in #Pennsylvania.

"The documents from the North Dakota security board paint a detailed picture of counterinsurgency-style strategies for defeating opponents of oil and gas development, a War-on-Terror security firm’s aspirations to replicate its deceptive tactics far beyond the Northern Great Plains, and the cozy relationship between businesses linked to the fossil fuel industry and one of the largest law enforcement trade associations in the U.S. The impetus for spying was not simply to keep people safe, but to drum up profits from energy clients and to allow fossil fuels to continue flowing, at the expense of the communities fighting for clean water and a healthy climate.

"'For them, it was an opportunity to help create a narrative against our tribe and our supporters,' said Wasté Win Young, a citizen of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the one of the plaintiffs in a class action civil rights lawsuit against TigerSwan and local law enforcement. Young’s social media posts repeatedly showed up in the documents. 'We weren’t motivated by money or payoffs or anything like that. We just wanted to protect our homelands.'"

Full article:

#ClimateJustice #BigOilAndGas #WaterIsLife #ACAB #StandingRockSioux #StandWithStandingRock #NoDAPL #Activism #ClimateChange

Um, all this concern about humans eating wild animals contaminated with #PFAS? How about concern that WILD ANIMALS ARE CONTAMINATED WITH PFAS!

'Do not eat' advisory issued for wildlife harvested in parts of #Kennebec, #Waldo counties

by Ariana St Pierre, WGME
Fri, October 25th 2024 at 6:47 AM

"The #Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife tested wildlife throughout the #Unity, #UnityTownship, #Thorndike, and #Albion area." [Lots of working farms in that area too!]


#ForeverChemicals #Maine #PFASPollution #WaterIsLife #PFAS #PFASContamination #AFFF #PFOS

High levels of #ToxicChemicals found in #BrunswickMaine airport hangar #sewers

#CitizenPFAS monitoring revealed concerning levels of toxic chemicals in the sewer outfall of #Hangar6 in Brunswick, though a company hired to assess risk at the hangar said there is no leak of the toxic firefighting foams on the premises.

by Kristian Moravec, The Times Record
Posted February 4, 2025, Updated February 5

"A citizens group’s testing revealed that sewer water flowing from Hangar 6 at Brunswick’s airport has high levels of harmful per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, better known as PFAS.

"#FriendsOfMerrymeetingBay conducted testing on Nov. 26. The tests detected high levels of a particularly toxic #PFAS chemical compound known as #PFOS. The update comes the same day the owner of the hangar, the #MidcoastRegionalRedevelopmentAuthority, sent a letter to the town stating that tanks that stored the chemicals were not leaking.

"PFOS is a compound known to be harmful to human health and is found in high levels in aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF). Brunswick Executive Airport’s Hangar 4, which is owned by the Navy but operated by MRRA, dumped 1,450 gallons of AFFF concentrate mixed with 50,000 gallons of water on Aug. 19, 2024.

"The spill prompted ongoing cleanup and monitoring efforts as well as a push to get rid of the foam at the airport. Concern has grown around Hangar 6, which some have speculated is leaking harmful chemicals based on the testing data around the airport that Friends of Merrymeeting Bay has collected over the years. The sewage that flows out of Hangar 6, which is not treated for PFAS, ultimately flows into the #AndroscogginRiver."

Original article:

Archived version:

#CitizenScience #WaterIsLife #CascoBay #PFASContamination #BrunswickMaine #EnvironmentalDamage #ManMadeDisasters #WaterIsLife #PFAS #AndroscogginRiver #PFASContamination #AFFF #PFOS #PicnicPond #Site8Stream #MereBrook #MerriconeagStream #CascoBay #HarpswellCove #Wildlife #OceansAreLife #PFASPollution #BrunswickNavalAirStation #BrunswickStation #Maine #FirefightingFoam #OceansAreLife

[Thread] Unfortunately, South Dakota #HB1258 was defeated [which would have put more restrictions on #LithiumMining]... And I knew Burgum would betray #NativeAmericans (even though he promised not to).

‘Unleashing American Energy’: Mining and Drilling Accelerated Under Trump Administration

By Angelica (Angie) Solloa • February 12, 2025

"You may have heard that #DebHaaland (Laguna Pueblo) transitioned out of her role as the US Secretary of the Department of Interior and announced her candidacy for Governor New Mexico. Her successor, former North Dakota Governor #DougBurgum, is steadfast in carrying out Trump’s Executive Order 14154 '#UnleashingAmericanEnergy' which aims to accelerate #mining and drilling on federal and #TribalLands.

"On February 3rd, Doug Burgum released this document which outlines all the revoked projects and programs intended to protect land and the people; giving a pathway for #MiningCompanies to hit the ground running across Turtle Island.

"In the #BlackHills, the #SacredLands of the #Lakota Peoples’, mining and drilling companies aren’t hesitating to cash out. Currently, South Dakota House Bill 1258 is under consideration by the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, where it will come to a vote this Thursday, February 13th. Community members and citizens of the area were given just six days’ notice.

WHAT IS HB 1258?

"The passage of South Dakota House Bill 1258 would hold lithium mining to the same standards and laws as silver and gold. Under the current law, lithium mining is treated like mining for sand and gravel, and there are not enough protections for human #health, #food systems, #water, #wildlife, and the #land.

"HB 1258 would offer more accountability and appropriate processes for mining companies that would better protect the land, the people, and the economy of the #Ȟesápa. #NDNCollective, alongside partner the #BlackHillsCleanWaterAlliance, collaborated to spread the word as fast as possible, calling on relatives to swiftly take action ahead of Thursday, February 13th."

Read more:
#ProtectTheBlackHills #ProtectTheSacred #DefendTheSacred #NoMiningWithoutConsent #EnvironmentalRacism #DrillBabyDrill #WaterIsLife #LandIsLife #LeaveItInTheGround #CorporateColonialism #USPol #NoLithiumMining #DefendMotherEarth

#HaulNo! and #Dine activists deserve #BadassActivist awards! They faced possible #ICE harassment and #Uranium exposure today while protesting uranium transportation!!!


"We want to encourage VISIBILITY!
This can be done through autonomous actions:
• Posting signs up
• Putting up banners (along side the haul route)
• Voicing your concerns with your council delegates & chapters

Please stay safe and practice safety measures to protect yourself.


"We do not encourage standing along the haul route due to safety risks such as possible exposure to radiation and high traffic activity.

"We encourage wearing masks (such as KN95s, N95s) in all areas contaminated by uranium and places of possible exposure.

"For folks protesting, we encourage everyone to know your rights and read available 'Know Your Rights' information, such as by ACLU and other legal resources."

#WhiteMesaUte #EnergyFuels #HaulNo #BuuNygren #IndigenousAction #IndigenousResistance #PinyonPlain #NuclearColonialism #ReaderSupportedNews #Dine #RestInPowerKleeBenally #NoUraniumTransport #DefendTheSacred #ProtectTheSacred #UraniumMine #NoNukes #NuclearFreeWorld #NoNuclear #NoWar #NuclearWaste #NoMoreTransportationOfUranium
#NoNuclearWeapons #NoNuclearPowerPlants #NoUraniumMining #UteNation #NoUraniumMining #Navajo #Havasupai #GrandCanyon #NuclearWeapons #InformedConsent
#EnvironmentalRacism #WaterIsLife
A protestor holding up a sign by the roadside. The sign reads:
Navajo Gov't
doesn't give a
DAMN about you

Shut Down #PinyonPlain #UraniumMine in #GrandCanyon: #AwarenessWalk

February 22, 2025

"Join residents who will be impacted by #EnergyFuels #uranium transport for a COMMUNITY WALK and gathering on February 22, 2025 in #TubaCityArizona. The event is organized and hosted by local Tuba City group #BiddyRoots with support from friends and family, #DinéCARE, #HaulNo!, #AntiUraniumMapping Project, and others. This walk is to provide information and discuss #UraniumTransport across #NavajoNation. We will walk together from the Junction of US-160 & Main Street to the Chapter House."

Follow our Facebook event page for UPDATES:

More information is also available here:

Contact: awarenesswalk2025@gmail.com

Masks required. Masks will be provided.

#IndigenousAction #IndigenousResistance #NuclearColonialism #ReaderSupportedNews #Dine #RestInPowerKleeBenally #NoUraniumTransport #DefendTheSacred #ProtectTheSacred #UraniumMine #NoNukes #NuclearFreeWorld #NoNuclear #NoWar #NuclearWaste #NoMoreMining
#NoNuclearPowerPlants #NoMining #NoUraniumMining #UteNation #Navajo #Havasupai #GrandCanyon #NuclearWeapons #InformedConsent #NuclearColonialism
#EnvironmentalRacism #WaterIsLife

We invite you to our
In Tuba City, Arizona to discuss uranium transport across the Navajo Nation.

Tuba City Junction 
US-160 & Main St to Tuba City Chapter House


More TBA follow Event Page for updates
8 AM - 4 PM

Notorious US #ChemicalPlant polluting water with toxic #PFAS, lawsuit claims

Complaint says #Chemours factory dramatized in Hollywood movie #DarkWaters continues to pollute #WestVirginia river

by Tom Perkins, January 27, 2025

"The chemical giant Chemours’s notorious West Virginia PFAS plant is regularly polluting nearby water with high levels of toxic 'forever chemicals', a new lawsuit alleges.

"It represents the latest salvo in a decades-old fight over pollution from the plant, called Washington Works, which continues despite public health advocates winning significant legal battles.

The new federal complaint claims #WashingtonWorks has been spitting out levels of PFAS waste significantly higher than what a discharge permit has allowed since 2023, which is contaminating the #OhioRiver in #ParkersburgWestVirginia, a town of about 50,000 people in #Appalachia.

"The factory was the focal point of a Hollywood movie, Dark Waters. It dramatized the story of how the pollution widely sickened Parkersburg residents, and the David v Goliath legal saga in which a group of residents and attorneys took on Chemours, then part of DuPont.
The findings ‘highlight the importance of careful scrutiny of novel chemicals’, said Irene Jacz, a study co-author and Iowa State economist.

"An epidemiological study stemming from the case blew the lid off of the health risks of PFAS, and ultimately cost #DuPont about $700m.

"Though the landmark case still reverberates across the regulatory landscape, the suit started almost 25 years ago, concluded in 2016, and Chemours’s pollution continues. The new lawsuit is part of other legal actions related to the facility that have filled the gap left by weak regulatory action, local advocates say. The never-ending struggle 'wears you out', added Joe Kiger, a Parkersburg resident who was one of the original litigants in 2001.

"'We have put up with this for 24 years, and [Chemours] is still polluting, they’re still putting this stuff in the water,' Kiger said.

"The new lawsuit, filed by the #WestVirginiaRiversCoalition, alleges 'numerous violations' since the level of PFAS the company is permitted to discharge per a consent order was lowered in early 2023. Among the contaminants are #PFOA, a PFAS chemical to which virtually no level of exposure in drinking water is safe, the #EnvironmentalProtectionAgency (#EPA) has found. It also includes #GenX, a compound for which the EPA has similarly found very low exposure levels can cause health problems.

"The EPA ordered Chemours to take corrective action, but the company has done nothing in response, and the agency has not taken further action, the suit states. The complaint does not mention drinking water, which is largely filtered. But the suit alleges the ongoing pollution prevents residents from using the river for recreation.

"In a statement, Chemours said the 'concerns are being addressed' through the consent order. It also noted it was renewing discharge permits with the state, and was working with regulators 'to navigate both the consent order and the permit renewal process'.

"'Chemours recognizes the Coalition as a community stakeholder and invites the Coalition to engage directly with the Washington Works team,' a spokesperson wrote.

"The EPA and West Virginia Rivers Coalition declined to comment because litigation is ongoing.

"Kiger and others who have taken on Chemours and DuPont railed against the company, accusing it of 'greed' and putting profits above residents’ health. Some in Parkersburg refer to the waste as the 'Devil's Piss'.

"'They do what they can to make money,' said Harry Deitzler, a West Virginia attorney who helped lead past lawsuits.

"'The officers in the corporation sometimes don’t care about what’s right and wrong – they need to make money for shareholders and the lawsuits make everyone play by the same rules.'

"Still, most residents are not aware of the ongoing pollution, those who spoke with the Guardian say. Chemours is a large employer that still wields power locally, and spends heavily on charitable giving. Many remain supportive of the company, regardless of the pollution, Kiger said.

"'That’s the kind of stuff you’re up against,' he added. 'People put a blind trust in them. It could be snowing out and Chemours would tell everyone it’s 80F [27C] and sunny, and everyone will grab their tan lotion.'

"The saga began in the late 1990s when the plant’s pollution was suspected of sickening nearby livestock, and an investigation by attorneys revealed the alarming levels at which PFAS was being discharged into the water and environment.

"A class action lawsuit yielded about $70m in damages for area residents in 2004, but the litigation did not prove DuPont’s PFAS pollution was behind a rash of #cancer, #KidneyDisease, stubbornly high cholesterol and other widespread health problems in the region.

"Instead of dividing the settlement up among tens of thousands of residents, which would have only provided each with several hundred dollars, the money went toward developing an epidemiological study with independent scientists to verify that widespread local health issues were caused by DuPont’s pollution.

"The move was a gamble that ultimately paid off – the study of about 70,000 people showed by 2012 that PFOA probably caused some forms of cancer, #ThyroidDisease, persistently #HighCholesterol, pregnancy-induced #hypertension and #autoimmune problems.

"Subsequent studies have shown links between the chemical and a host of other serious health problems – #BirthDefects, #neurotoxicity, kidney disease and #LiverDisease – that residents in the area suffered.

"DuPont and Chemours in 2017 settled for $671m in costs for about 3,500 injury suits, and have paid more to install water-filtration systems throughout the region. Separately, Chemours in 2023 settled with the state of #Ohio for $110m for pollution largely from Washington Works.

"The EPA and state regulatory agencies have at times been staffed with former DuPont managers or industry allies, and litigation has been the only way to get any meaningful movement, said Rob Bilott, the attorney who led the original class-action suit.

'"It’s infuriating,' Bilott said. 'It took decades of making DuPont documents and internal data public, and getting the story out through movies, news articles, books and public engagement, and that’s what finally pushed the needle here. This is the impact of citizens forcing it through decades of litigation.'

"The latest lawsuit is a citizen’s suit under the #CleanWaterAct. Such suits give citizens the power to ask a judge to enforce federal law when a polluter is violating it and regulators fail to act.

"The lawsuit asks a judge to order the company to pay $66,000 for each day it has been in violation, which is stipulated in the permit. That would total around $50m, but the main goal is to stop the pollution.

"The EPA has acknowledged Chemours is violating the law, but has 'taken no further enforcement action regarding Chemours’s violations as of the date of this complaint', the suit reads."


#Environment #PFASPollution #PollutionRunoff #WaterIsLife #DevilsPiss

I was at a protest of one today in #PortlandMaine (not the first time). Unfortunately, I wasn't there on #January20 because I was getting over being sick, but there was a great turnout that day.

And it seems #AugustaMaine had a decent turnout today as well, so that's good.

But even though I was there by myself, most folks who saw me were supportive, a few thanked me, and only one #MAGA-type said that my protest was "Bullshit!" To which I replied, "You'll find out soon enough."

I don't mind being a protest of one, but next time, I plan on bringing some pepper spray just in case, and some cash for unhoused folks - who were way more supportive than some of the well-off passerbys.

#ProtestOfOne #50501Movement #50501Protests #ResistFascism #Resist #EndCitizensUnited #BlackLivesMatter #NoJobsOnADeadPlanet #WaterIsLife #ClimateChangeWeatherWheel #Project2025 #Resistance
A person with white hair, wearing sunglasses, a black mask, and a black hoodie, standing on a street corner in the city. A sign that reads, "End Citizens United" is behind them.
Protest signs in the snow, near a sidewalk.
1. End Citizens United
2. Resist Fascism
3. There are No Jobs on a Dead Planet
4. Climate Change Weather Wheel
Protest signs in the snow, near a sidewalk, at the base of a statue.
1. Water Is Life
2. Climate Change Weather Wheel
4. Black Lives Matter
4. End Citizens United
5. Resist Fascism

#Algonquins say proposed #NuclearWaste site near #OttawaRiver prioritizes money over safety

By Tom Fennario, Oct 18, 2024

"Verna Polson steps out of the boat and onto the sand bar of Pointe aux Baptêmes. She walks a few feet before turning back towards the water, where the August morning light shimmers off the waves.

"There she makes a tobacco offering to the Ottawa River. Except for her, this waterway that divides modern-day Quebec and Ontario is known by its original Algonquin name: Kichi-Sìbì.

"The Great River.

"'Kichi-Sìbì is a place where our ancestors used to travel. That was their highway,' explains Polson. 'This is how they kept the land, protected from many different nations.

"Polson grew up near the Kichi-Sìbì in #TemiskamingFirstNation, about 300 kilometers north of here. On this day, she finds herself downstream to take in not only the beach of #PointeAuxBaptêmes but also the industrial smokestacks of the #ChalkRiverLaboratories. It sits less than a kilometre upstream from where Polson offered her tobacco- the site sticks out in contrast to the rolling hills and blue waters of the Kichi-Sìbì.

"This place is known as the cradle of the Canadian #nuclear industry.

"'I think about the water, I think about the animals and think about future generations and what they’re going to be left with,' says Polson. 'And that’s something I don’t want to leave my granddaughter and my great-grandchildren as something to deal with this nuclear waste.'

"Established in 1944 about 200 kilometres northwest of Ottawa, Chalk River Laboratories is famous for research that led to the development of the #CANDU (CANada Deuterium #Uranium) reactor, one of the most efficient and safe nuclear reactors ever created, according to officials in the industry.

"Researchers at Chalk River have gone on to win Nobel prizes, and for decades, it was a world leader in the creation of radioisotopes for fighting cancer.

"However, Chalk River also has a darker legacy which includes supplying fuel for American #NuclearWarheads and in 1952, being home to the world’s first #NuclearMeltdown.

"But much has changed since then. Chalk River Laboratories has been absorbed into #AtomicEnergyCanada, a #CrownCorporation that contracts out to a company called Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (#CNL) to operate it.

"CNL is currently in the midst of a government funded $1.2-billion facelift. But before it can be transformed into a state-of-the-art nuclear campus, nearly 80 years of #radioactive legacy waste must be addressed.

"In a statement, CNL says 'While this waste was stored according to the best practices and regulations at the time, standards have changed.'

"So the solution CNL is trying to get off the ground is called the Near Surface Disposal Facility (#NSDF).

"Others might call it a dump.

"'This facility will not bring great things to the water or the land,' says Polson, 'every one knows across #TurtleIsland, #WaterIsLife.'"

Read more:
#NuclearWasteStorage #EnvironmentalRacism #FirstNations #Canada

Hot meals 4 Starved #Palestinian Kids in #NorthGaza

Update on January 10, 2025 by #HaniAlmadhoun, Organizer

"Dear Supporters,

Another week has passed, and I’m back with updates from the ground in #Gaza. While there’s talk of a ceasefire deal, I believe it’s little more than a gimmick—a distraction used to prolong suffering while giving political players the chance to pat themselves on the back. As the powerful negotiate in luxury, the people of Gaza endure relentless hardship—cold, hungry, and unsafe. Just my two cents.

Before diving into Gaza updates, I want to express solidarity with the people of California who are facing devastating wildfires. My heart goes out to those who have lost their homes and livelihoods.

Now, to the heart of the matter: the incredible work your generosity has made possible.

Soup Kitchens: Staying Strong

Our six soup kitchen locations remain fully operational, serving at capacity despite the immense challenges. We’ve also increased drinking water deliveries to six trucks daily, ensuring more families have access to clean water.

Here’s what’s happening across Gaza:

Khan Younes:
Crowds have grown significantly, and the team has stepped up, adding more pots to meet the need. Their food is delicious, their work tireless, and their photos uplifting. This location is now a hub of activity with three initiatives: the soup kitchen, the classroom, and the daily water deliveries. They’ve even added staff to enhance flavors and expand their impact.

Al Zawaydah:
This is our largest location, and the team here is nothing short of heroic. They cook every day, ensuring meals are hearty and nutritious by investing in extra vegetables. They’ve introduced a patron card system that guarantees meals while keeping capacity for new faces. It’s a well-oiled machine, driven by compassion.

Beach Camp:
Chef Faten and her team are doing wonders here. Five days a week, they bake savory pies, mini pizzas, sweet breads, and pastries. Fridays are reserved for rice dishes, a staple that also sustains three other locations in North Gaza, including the one providing meals for the Arab Baptist Hospital.

Al Shaikh Radwan:
Our northernmost location came under fire this week, with bullets landing alarmingly close to the cooking pots. It gave the crew a scare, but they soldiered on. Their courage inspires us all.

Hospital Deliveries:
Chef Kabar and his team prepare meals daily for the Arab Baptist Hospital, with Omar and Fatema ensuring these hot meals are delivered safely. Their dedication makes us so proud.

What’s Next?

I often ask myself: How can we do more? What else can we do? Sometimes we have answers; other times, we don’t. What’s certain is that our work remains critical. From distributing blankets, classroom supplies, to hygiene kits and care packages in both North and South Gaza, every dollar you donate is stretched to serve the community.

We need more resources, yes. And while moving funds into Gaza is a constant challenge, we persist, finding ways to get resources into the hands of our courageous crews who make all this magic happen.

How Can You Help?

Share and Engage: Social media platforms are slowing us down, and we need your help to amplify our stories. Share, engage, and tag us—it makes a bigger difference than you might think.

Boycott and Advocate: Support ethical companies and continue advocating for peace with justice.

Keep Gaza in Your Prayers: Your prayers and well wishes matter.

Thank you for being such incredible allies. Your generosity keeps the Gaza Soup Kitchen alive, and your support inspires us to keep going. Together, we’re making a tangible difference.

With gratitude and hope,
Gaza Soup Kitchen Team"

Read more / donate / share:
#NorthGaza #IsraeliWarCrimes #Starvation #GazaAid #GazaFundraisers #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow #FoodIsLife #WaterIsLife #GoFundMe #IsraelHumanRightsViolations
#StopArmingIsrael #WorldWarBibi #BeitLahiya #BaitLahiya #BibiIsAWarCriminal #Genocide #GoFundMe #KhanYounes #Palestine #HumanRightsAreNeverWrong #NorthernGaza #Gaza #AlZawaydah #KamalAdwan #KamalAdwanHospital

The Lies Have It: #XcelEnergy Wins Operating Extension for Nation’s 5th Oldest Nuclear Reactor

by John Laforge, January 10, 2025

"I.F. Stone famously said, 'All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.' The aphorism applies well to #NuclearReactor operators, including Minneapolis-based Xcel Energy.

"The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (#NRC) has granted Xcel a second license extension for operating its 54-year-old #MonticelloReactor on the #MississippiRiver in #Minnesota. The decision will permit this GE jalopy, a #Fukushima clone, to run until it’s 80 years old — a dangerous feat never been done in the history of nuclear power. The NRC received over 3,000 public comments mostly critical of the extension, but the the commission has rubber stamped 87 of 92 similar requests, so call the NRC Never Really Concerned.

"The NRC nod is based partly on the commission’s Final Environmental Impact Statement (#EIS) for the re-licensing, even though the document confirms that Xcel repeatedly made false statements about its massive 2022-‘23 leak of #radioactive cooling water. According to a March 16, 2023 Associated Press (AP) story, Xcel’s first public response to the major leak was, 'There’s no danger to the public.' Xcel then proceeded to understate by more than half the leak’s actual volume, only estimating it was 400,000 gallons.

"Xcel eventually acknowledged that volume of the leak, from an old corroded underground pipe, was 829,000 gallons, and that the #groundwater plume of reactor cooling water — some of which would later reach the Mississippi River — had a radioactive footprint of some fourteen curies of #tritium — a very large amount. (For a reference, the 1979 partial reactor meltdown at Three Mile Island released an estimated 15 curies of gaseous radioactive iodine-131 to the Pennsylvania atmosphere. Other radioactive materials went into the Susquehanna River.)

"Xcel’s 829,000-gallon leak was always a direct threat to drinking water because — as the company’s own 2023 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report states on page 13 — 'It is assumed groundwater continuously flows to the river…' The Mississippi is the drinking water source for 20 million people, including #Minneapolis, #StPaul and their surrounding suburbs 37 miles downstream from the leaky reactor."

Read more:
#RethinkNotRestart #NoNukes #NuclearPowerCorruptionAndLies #WaterIsLife #MonticelloNuclearPlant

Hot meals 4 Starved #Palestinian Kids in #NorthGaza

Update on January 3, 2025 by #HaniAlmadhoun, Organizer

"Thank you for being here with us and standing in solidarity. It's deeply troubling that, in 2025, we are still needed, and even more devastating that #Gaza remains under relentless military assault. Just yesterday, 69 defenseless #Palestinians lost their lives to Israeli violence. Yet, we press on, because giving up is not an option.

"Our winterization efforts are expanding across Gaza through several initiatives. In #NorthGaza, we are distributing heavy blankets—updates on this will be shared later today on social media. Yesterday in #KhanYounes, we handed out hats and gloves to the students in our classroom led by Ms. Fatma. These small but crucial interventions are aimed at helping families cope with the brutal winter. Still, the images of people drenched and freezing in the rain are heart-wrenching, especially knowing that at least seven babies have succumbed to the cold. It’s overwhelming, but we refuse to stop. In addition to cooking daily meals—stews and soups—we’re challenging ourselves to find new ways to keep people warm. While we wish we could provide tents or tarps to shelter those most vulnerable, for now, we are focused on winter clothes and blankets. Each blanket costs about $40, and we’ve sourced the heaviest kind available. We also hope to find sleeping bags soon.

"Before diving into more updates, I want to share some exciting news. Slate Magazine just published a podcast interview with me, where I talk about #UNRWA, the #GazaSoupKitchen, and #ChefMahmoud’s inspiring contributions. I hope you get a chance to give it a listen—it’s a glimpse into the work we’re doing and the people behind it."

Read more (and share and contribute if you can)...
#Starvation #GazaAid #GazaFundraisers #FreePalestine #CeasefireNow #FoodIsLife #WaterIsLife #GoFundMe #Genocide #BeitLahiya #BaitLahiya #BibiIsAWarCriminal #GoFundMe #KhanYounes #Palestine #HumanRightsAreNeverWrong #NorthernGaza #Gaza #AlZawaydah #AlNussairet #SouthGaza #ArabBaptistHospital #StopArmingIsrael #WorldWarBibi #IsraeliWarCrimes #IsraelHumanRightsViolations

#Ghana hollows out #forests and green protections to advance #mining interests

Malavika Vyawahare
28 Aug 2024
via @mongabay

Key points:

- The Ghanaian government has significantly ramped up the approval of mining permits under legislation passed in late 2022, intensifying concerns about runaway environmental damage.

- The country is already the top #gold producer in #Africa, but much of the mining is done in #forest reserves and other #biodiverse #ecosystems.

- The government has long cracked down on artisanal illegal #GoldMiners, but activists say the real damage is being wrought by #industrial operations, both legal and illegal.

- A debt default in 2022 has seen #Ghana lean even more heavily on its gold to mitigate the crisis, prompting warnings that such a policy is neither #economically nor #environmentally #sustainable.

Read more: https://news.mongabay.com/2024/08/ghana-hollows-out-forests-and-green-protections-to-advance-mining-interests/

#ApampramaReserve #HeritageImperial #WaterIsLife #SaveTheForests #NoMiningWithoutConsent #CorporateColonialism #C&GAleska #GoldMining #GSBA #LithiumMining #BodiForestReserve #IMFLoans #WorldBank #IMFLoanSharks

#Rewilding #Romania advances river #restoration project in #SouthernCarpathians

Irina Marica, 04 December 2024

"#RewildingRomania has successfully completed the first phase of its river restoration project in the Southern Carpathians, an effort backed by a EUR 74,700 grant from the #EuropeanOpenRiversProgramme. Moving forward, the organization plans to apply for new grants starting next year to continue its long-term efforts to improve river connectivity and restore #biodiversity.

Over four months, the team mapped 72 barriers across five key river catchments - #Belareca, #PârâulRece, #Feneș, #Sebeș, and #Bistra. These include 39 dams, 26 weirs, 3 natural waterfalls, and other obstacles impacting river connectivity.

"This phase enabled the inventory of species, assessment of the impact of these barriers, and the prioritization of those suitable for removal. Rewilding Romania has also established clear priorities for future actions and is preparing to advance to the next two phases of the initiative, which require additional funding.

"Marina Drugă, Team Leader at Rewilding Romania, stated: “The progress we’ve made in identifying and evaluating river barriers is an essential step toward restoring aquatic ecosystems and the habitats of numerous fish species. This initiative is part of our long-term vision to enable rivers to flow freely again and restore natural processes. By undertaking scientifically grounded interventions and feasibility studies that account for associated risks, we aim to generate sustainable benefits for both biodiversity and local communities.'

"The project, funded by the Open Rivers Programme, will continue until the end of March 2025 and ensures the completion of the first phase of Rewilding Romania’s broader river restoration initiative.

"Upon concluding this phase, the organization plans to secure additional funding to proceed with subsequent phases of the same initiative: phase two - conducting technical feasibility studies and obtaining the necessary permits and phase three - the actual removal of the selected barriers.

"Planned actions for 2025 include collaborating with land owners to secure the necessary consent for removals, engaging with stakeholders, and creating a report with best practices to guide similar initiatives.

"Rewilding Romania is working to ensure the long-term health of aquatic ecosystems in the Southern Carpathians by increasing river connectivity, improving breeding habitats, and boosting the resilience of key species. Removing obsolete barriers will improve sediment transport and water quality, benefiting several fish species."


#SolarPunkSunday #NativePositiveApproaches #RestoringNature #WaterIsLife #LandIsLife #RestoreTheRivers #OpenRivers

Remember how #Skynet and #Terminators were just fine with a #nuclear devastated world? Hmmm... #BigTech is going all in on #NuclearPower as sustainability concerns around #AI grow

Yahoo Finance
Daniel Howley
October 23, 2024

"#ArtificialIntelligence has driven shares of tech companies like #Microsoft (#MSFT), #Amazon (#AMZN), #Nvidia (N#VDA), and #Google (GOOG, GOOGL) to new highs this year. But the technology, which companies promise will revolutionize our lives, is driving something else just as high as stock prices: #EnergyConsumption [and #WaterConsumption].

"#AI #DataCenters use huge amounts of power and could increase energy demand by as much as 20% over the next decade, according to a Department of Energy spokesperson. Pair that with the continued growth of the broader cloud computing market, and you’ve got an energy squeeze.

"But Big Tech has also set ambitious sustainability goals focused on the use of low-carbon and zero-carbon sources to reduce its impact on climate change. While renewable energy like solar and wind are certainly part of that equation, tech companies need uninterruptible power sources. And for that, they’re leaning into #NuclearPower.

"Tech giants aren’t just planning to hook into existing plants, either. They’re working with energy companies to bring mothballed facilities like Pennsylvania’s Three Mile Island back online and looking to build small modular reactors (#SMRs) that take up less space than traditional plants and, the hope is, are cheaper to construct.

"But there are still plenty of questions as to whether these investments in nuclear energy will ever pan out, not to mention how long it will take to build any new reactors."

Read more:

#AI #NoNukesForAI #Cryptocurrency #WaterIsLife #NoNukes #RethinkNotRestart #ThreeMileIsland #TheTerminator #JudgmentDay #NuclearPowerNoThanks

#Cree Journalist #BrandiMorin -- In #Ecuador Reporting on Canada's #Mining Atrocities

By Brandi Morin, #CensoredNews, December 10, 2024

"I've just returned to Canada after two weeks reporting from Ecuador's sacred lands, where the ancient Andes rise like guardians, their mist-shrouded peaks holding centuries of Indigenous wisdom.

"Here, where emerald mountains cascade into valleys painted with every shade of green imaginable, I documented horrific atrocities committed by Canadian-owned mining companies, backed by both the Canadian and Ecuadorian states, against Indigenous Peoples.
Where emerald mountains cascade into the Amazon basin – a living tapestry where towering ceiba trees stretch their cathedral-like buttresses into rich earth, where iridescent morpho butterflies flash brilliant blue against a thousand shades of green.

"In this realm life pulses in every corner – from the haunting calls of wildlife echoing through dawn mist, to the brilliant flashes of macaws painting the sky, to the delicate orchids that bloom in the embrace of ancient trees.

"The parallels to Canada's treatment of our own people are stark – the same calculated playbook of manufactured/false consent, manipulation, and human rights violations. But here, in these mountains where condors still soar and in forests where the very breath of Earth rises from countless leaves, the violence escalates to near-execution levels."

Read more:

#ReaderSupportedNews #NoMiningWithoutConsent #WaterIsLife #SilencingDissent #TargetingActivists #Activists #WaterProtectors #EarthDefenders #Assassinations #AmazonBasin #Ecuador #CanadianMiningCompanies

#RSN: The Deadly Fight for #EnvironmentalJustice in #Honduras

The assassination of #Honduran #WaterDefender #JuanLópez offers a chilling reminder of the threats local leaders face in the most dangerous region in the world for #EnvironmentalActivists.

by Giada Ferrucci / NACLA
22 October 24

"On September 14, 2023, Juan Antonio López, a prominent environmental defender, anti-corruption activist, and community and faith leader in Tocoa, Honduras, was murdered. He was in his car after attending a religious event at a local Catholic church when an unidentified hitman shot him multiple times. Due to previous death threats and harassment linked to his defense of the Guapinol River, López had received precautionary measures from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), the same measures that failed to protect fellow environmental defender Berta Cáceres from being killed in 2016.

"López’s assassination has sent shockwaves through the region, a chilling reminder of the violence and impunity that threaten environmental activists across Latin America and globally. His murder also reflects a disturbing pattern of attacks on those who dare to challenge economic and political powers in Honduras, a country that consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous in the world for environmental activists. These risks are especially pronounced in highly militarized areas like the Aguán Valley, where López lived, a resource-rich epicenter of land grabs and conflicts along the north coast. Dozens of Aguán environmental defenders have been systematically targeted, threatened, and murdered for more than a decade.

In 2023, 18 environmental defenders were killed in Honduras, the highest number per capita of any country in the world, according to Global Witness. Among the victims were three fellow Guapinol defenders: Aly Magdaleno Domínguez Ramos, Jairo Bonilla Ayala, and Oquelí Domínguez Ramos. In López’s case, authorities have arrested the alleged hitman and an accomplice.

"The Honduran state’s failure to protect López despite IACHR protective measures speaks to the broader issue of impunity and lack of political will to safeguard those who defend natural resources and human rights in the face of powerful economic interests. His murder also highlights systemic corruption, recently laid bare by scandals involving drug traffickers and high-profile political figures. In short, López’s assassination is part of a wider global crisis of relentless violence and persecution targeting activists who stand up to mining, logging, and other extractive industries."

Read more / support:

#ReaderSupportedNews #IACHR #ExtractiveIndustries #Mining #Logging #LandDefenders #WaterIsLife #GuapinolRiver #BertaCáceres #HumanRights #AlyMagdaleno #DomínguezRamos #JairoBonillaAyala #OquelíDomínguezRamo #Capitalism #Greed #Corruption #CorporateColonialism

[Film] The #ApacheStronghold defending #sacred #OakFlat land from a #CopperMine

The Real News Network
May 21, 2024

"In the heart of the #Arizona high desert lies a battle for the soul of the land. The ancient, sacred grounds of #Apache #Native territory are under threat from a looming giant — a massive copper mine that promises riches for the locals, and a pathway to the so-called green transition. But, as is often the case, it comes at a cost.

"The #SanCarlosApache tribe calls it Chi’chil Bildagoteel; English speakers call it Oak Flat. It sits on a mountainous plateau within a 17.3-kilometer oasis in the #TontoNationalForest. #RioTinto and #BHP, two of the world’s biggest mining companies, have staked their claim here through a joint venture called #ResolutionCopper. For over 10 years they’ve been lobbying governments for the right to build a colossal mine that would cover roughly 7,000 acres of surface area, and extend more than a mile into the ground.

"The only thing that stands in their way is the #resistance of the Apache Stronghold, a nonprofit community organization of #Natives and non-Natives uniting to counter ongoing #colonization, defend holy sites and protect freedom of religion, which was created to protect Chi’chil Bildagoteel.

"A short film by #BrandiMorin and #GeordieDay for #RicochetMedia. Support for this journalism provided by #CulturalSurvival."


#ChichilBildagoteel #RioTinto #CopperMine #SanCarlosApache #Arizona #ProtectOakFlat #protectthesacred #DefendTheSacred #IndigenousActivism #SCOTUS #SaveOakFlat
#WaterIsLife #SacredSite #CopperMining #RecycleCopper #MiningWithoutConsent
#ProtectTheSacred #CulturalGenocide #Ecocide #NativeAmericanNews
#Greenwashing #NoMiningWithoutConsent #CorporateColonialism

[Short film] Tides of Tradition

"Communities like the #Unangax̂ rely on traditional #foodways instead of customary, expensive grocery suppliers. This film by Kanesia McGlashan-Price of #Unalaska, #Alaska, follows the journey of a local subsistence hunter and shares the realities of food access in the changing Arctic and the values that inform their harvest."


#NativeAmericanHeritageMonth #ClimateChange #TidesOfTradition #WaterIsLife #OceansAreLife #California #ClimateChangeSolutions
#PublicTelevision #WGBH #FilmSeries #LegacyOfTheLand #ClimateChange #ChangingClimate #ArcticMelt #IndigenousFilmmakers #NOVA #FoodAccess #TraditionalHunting

[Short Film]: Keepers of the #Coastline – #California’s #Indigenous #MarineStewards

"In 2023, the Tolowa Dee-ni’ people alongside partnering tribes asserted sovereignty over the 700 square miles of their ancestral fisheries. Now in 2024, in this film by Jeremy Charles of Smith River, California, we see how marine science and resource management can be guided by community and culture."


#NativeAmericanHeritageMonth #ClimateChange #TolowaDeeni’ #KeepersOfTheCoastline #WaterIsLife #OceansAreLife #California #ClimateChangeSolutions
#PublicTelevision #WGBH #FilmSeries #LegacyOfTheLand #LandBack #IndigenousFilmmakers #NOVA

#Permafrost Thaw May Cause #Arctic River Erosion to Speed Up

October 09, 2024

"Permafrost, the thick layer of perennially frozen ground that covers much of the Arctic, slows down the migration of Arctic rivers, according to a new Caltech study. River migration is a common process in which a river's path meanders over time due to erosion of the riverbanks. This rerouting, which can also occur in #SuddenFloods, poses a threat for many communities that live along and depend on rivers. The findings also have implications for how the Arctic region will be impacted by a warming climate as permafrost thaws over time.

"The research was conducted in the Caltech laboratory of Michael Lamb, professor of geology, and is described in a paper appearing in the journal Nature on October 9.

"Led by graduate student Emily Geyman, the study focused on the #KoyukukRiver, a large tributary of the #YukonRiver that winds for hundreds of miles through interior Alaska. There was debate within the scientific community about whether the frozen soil along the riverbanks serves to fortify the banks against erosion or to promote it.

"'Large rivers like the Yukon or the Amazon can move tens to hundreds of feet per year,' Geyman says. "Arctic rivers in particular differ from temperate rivers because they need to thaw the material of their banks before they can pick that material up and move it.'

"Due to #ClimateChange, permafrost is slowly thawing over decades. But a river can experience drastic natural changes within a single year, with flow conditions changing from very cold and fast in early spring to warm and slow a few months later. Geyman and her collaborators leveraged these major changes that take place within a single season to gain a glimpse into how the rivers will behave in response to climate change decades or centuries into the future.

"In spring, the Koyukuk River swells in volume from snowmelt, flowing with fast, cold water. For more temperate rivers, a fast flow means more erosion. But in the Arctic, the temperature of the water matters—cold water is unable to thaw the frozen banks in order to migrate.

"In the new study, Geyman and her collaborators used satellite imagery of the Koyukuk over the past several years and developed a technique to decode high-resolution changes from the images. The team hypothesized that if permafrost was slowing the river's migration, they should only see migration later in the summer when the river water has warmed up. Their hypothesis matched with the satellite data, suggesting that permafrost does, in fact, slow down river migration.

"Next, the team compared sections of the river that flow through permafrost with those that do not. The Koyukuk is special because it traverses a patchwork of both permafrost and unfrozen ground. The team traveled to the Arctic to map the erosion on various bends of the river and found that sections without permafrost migrated twice as fast as analogous riverbends through permafrost terrain.

"The research is part of a larger effort to understand the dynamics of rivers and how they transport carbon, nutrients, and other materials trapped in the soil.

"'River migration has implications for local communities and infrastructure, and also for the Arctic environment,' Lamb says. 'About 1,500 gigatons of #carbon are stored in the frozen permafrost—about twice as much carbon as in the atmosphere, for comparison. There is also #mercury frozen in the soil that could be liberated into rivers as permafrost thaws. We are, ultimately, trying to understand what happens to these elements in the context of river erosion.'

"The work was a collaboration with local Alaska #Native communities, in particular from the town of #Huslia."

Read more:

#GlobalWarming #PermafrostMelt #MercuryPoisoning #CarbonSinks #WaterIsLife #ClimateChange #Arctic #Alaska

[Thread] Reciprocity: #Indigenous #Storytellers #FilmSeries, Watch Now

November 21, 2024, via #CensoredNews

"This Reciprocity Project is a short film series made in partnership with Indigenous storytellers and their communities that invites learning from time honored and current Indigenous ways of being.

"In recent years, the Reciprocity Project has been heavily featured in DCEFF's shorts programming. Led by Indigenous filmmakers, the first season of this initiative featured stories about land defenders, traditional knowledge, and sustainability. Those films are now free to stream online."

Watch series now:


#ReaderSupportedNews #DCEFF #IndigenousStorytellers #IndigenousFilms #LandDefenders #LandDefenders #DefendTheSacred #WaterIsLife #ReciprocityProject #Reciprocity #IndigenousFilmMakers #IndigenousWisdom

I knew Klee's grandmother, #RobertaBlackgoat -- and supported her with #MutualAid and telling her side of the story in the early days of the web. Rest in Power, Klee!
💔 :anarchoheart2:

#KleeBenally 'Carry On'

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, April 9, 2024

"Klee, discussing resource extraction, and how the #NavajoTribalCouncil was created to sign #oil and #gas leases, quotes our friend, the gentle, soft-spoken farmer from Shiprock, who received his doctorate degree before passing, Larry Emerson.

"'There is no point in trying to #decolonize the Navajo government -- it was not right for us from the start. Its structure and process is a replica of the American system, and the American system appears to be edging toward the possibility of failure like the great #RomanEmpire.'

"Writing on these monsters, oil and gas extraction, and coal mining, Klee quotes #LouiseBenally of #BigMountain, his aunt, whose family spent their lives resisting coal mining, #ForcedRelocation, and the machinery of the tribal government.

"Louise said, 'The natural laws and the Indigenous Peoples were already here in a good relationship before the coming of the #colonial society who draws laws and boundaries. However, we #IndigenousPeoples will always have ties with these lands, we will continue to live that way with #nature and we will carry on.'

"Klee shares the words of his grandmother, Roberta Blackgoat, who never gave up the fight. 'The Coal they strip mine is the Earth's liver."
Although many have passed, and too many have died from broken hearts, there are those who live on, carry on.

"Klee writes, 'The remaining resisters to forced relocation have outlived the monster that was consuming our lands, stealing our water, and polluting our lungs.'

"Before passing, Klee described the monsters, the rage against the machine, and the ways of restoring balance and harmony. Klee Benally's book, 'No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in the Defense of the Sacred,' can be ordered at: https://detritusbooks.com/products/no-spiritual-surrender-indigenous-anarchy-in-defense-of-the-sacred
at April 09, 2024


#PeabodyCoal #BigMountainResistance #LandBack #LandBackNow #IndigenousPeoples #Dineh #NoUraniumMining #DefendTheSacred #EnvironmentalRacism #CulturalGenocide #Colonialism #CorporateColonialism #BigOilAndGas #RageAgainstTheMachine #IndigenousAnarchy #EarthDefenders #WaterIsLife

In my email inbox this morning. I'll be working at the time, but if you're free tomorrow at 9am PST, this looks interesting

#music #LiveMusic #activism #WaterIsLife #WaterIsEverything
Flyer: "Join us for 
Virtual Viewing Premiere Hosted by 
We invite you to celebrate the release of Water Is Everything with us! This inspiring collaboration is a testament to the power of music to connect and uplift communities. Join us for an exclusive listen, artist insights, and an exciting announcement!
November 15th
9:00 AM PST" 
Below are two photos, one of a Black youth with short hair and headphones on, singing into a professional mic. The second is of a girl and a man, both singing, the man is playing the guitar. Both wear beaded headbands and have red facepaint or tattoos around their eyes. The girl is wearing a yellow dress with red geometric beaded decorations, and the man is wearing a multicolored poncho. Also his headband has a fringe of feathers extending out from its bottom edge. The whole thing is on a background of white with yellow rounded accents.

#StandingRock -- #Police gang broke hip of Comanche water protector, now Bismarck officer facing justice

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, September 28, 2024

BISMARCK, #NorthDakota -- "When a gang of thirty law enforcement chased and pounced on Comanche water protector #EricPoemoceah -- Eric cried out in pain and told them they had broken his hip, but they laughed at him, and made him walk to an ambulance.

"Now, an appeals court has returned the case to the district court, as Eric seeks justice. It has been more than seven years after the Standing Rock camps were brutally cleared by law enforcement on Feb. 22, 2017."


#Commanche #WaterProtector #Poemoceah to police: "I know you have a job to do and a family to provide for, but why do it with protecting oil? That’s all we’re trying to do sir, is protect—protect the water. I know—I know you’re looking at me and I know you just shook your head yes because you have a heart. You have a soul and so do we know—you look like a very prayerful man. Why don’t—why don’t you be honorable and set down your badge in front of 6,100 people."


#WaterIsLife #ACAB #BigOilAndGas #WaterProtectors #LandDefenders #StandWithStandingRock #PeacefulProtest #Pipeline #CorporateColonialism #EarthDefenders #CriminalizingDissent