Beiträge, die mit police getaggt sind
How do you call a state which has a #political #police ?
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'This should matter to every s...
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"The American surveillance state is a public-private partnership."
#BigTech #Cops #Spyware #Surveillance #Capitalism #Antireport #Police #USA
Why Big Tech, Cops, and Spies Were Made for One Another
The American surveillance state is a public-private partnership, writes Cory Doctorow.Cory Doctorow (The Intercept)
#acab #AllCopsAreBastards #australia #anticop #antipolice #classwar #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas
“Breaking: Met Police installing permanent live facial recognition cameras”
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox
“Force slammed for racism, misogyny and homophobia, which serves police state and is stitching up anti-genocide protesters will soon be able to spy on you across the capital. What could go wrong?”
#Press #UK #Police #London #MetPolice #Facial #Recognition #Surveillance #AI #Racism #PoliceState #Fascism
Breaking: Met Police installing permanent live facial recognition cameras
Force slammed for racism, misogyny and homophobia, which serves police state and is stitching up anti-genocide protesters will soon be able to spy on you across the capital. What could go wrong? Th…SKWAWKBOX
#FreePalestine #Gaza #Israel #genocide
Germany Tried to Silence Me, a UN Official, for Talking About Israel’s Genocidal War in Gaza
Francesca Albanese on her five-day trip that exposed Germany's harsh deviation from democratic values and shrinking landscape for freedom of expression.Francesca Albanese (Zeteo)
#acab #allcopsarebastards #police #healthrisk #staysafe #protest #activist #activism #riotpolice #lrad #sabotage #policebrutality
#ICE #police #USpol #politics #Trump #immigration #HumanRights #CriminalJustice #news
"Bei einer Aktion der "Letzten Generation" vor knapp zwei Jahren ist die Berliner Polizei hart gegen Aktivisten vorgegangen - zu hart, wie ein #Gericht jetzt urteilt. Der Einsatz von Schmerzgriffen war rechtswidrig."
Polizei ging laut Gericht zu hart gegen Klimaaktivisten vor
Bei einer Aktion der "Letzten Generation" vor knapp zwei Jahren ist die Berliner Polizei hart gegen Aktivisten vorgegangen - zu hart, wie ein Gericht jetzt urteilt. Der Einsatz von Schmerzgriffen war
"Wir veröffentlichen Dokumente, die die Polizei lieber geheim gehalten hätte. Sie zeigen, wie Polizist*innen beigebracht wird, gezielt möglichst starke Schmerzen zu erzeugen."
Interne Schulungsunterlagen: So lernt die Berliner Polizei Schmerzgriffe
Wir veröffentlichen Dokumente, die die Polizei lieber geheim gehalten hätte. Sie zeigen, wie Polizist*innen beigebracht wird, gezielt möglichst starke Schmerzen zu erzeugen.FragDenStaat
#RCMP #CanadianMountieSocks #RCMPSocks #SockItToEm #TrueNorthStyle #canada #socks #noveltysocks #fashion #UniqueGifts #FunGifts #UniqueGiftIdeas #MustHaveSocks #police #blog #MountieInspired #RoyalCanadianMountedPolice #Mounties #CanadaPolice
#canadian #style
Sock It to 'Em: Marching to the Beat of Canadian Mountie Socks
Show your Canadian pride with a fun and stylish pair of Canadian Mountie Socks! Inspired by the iconic RCMP uniform, these socks are perfect for Canada Day or any day you want to celebrate Canada.Danna Bananas
by The Canary @thecanaryuk @UKLabour
“A new report authored by the Network for Police Monitoring (#Netpol) says the aggressive police use of new anti-protest laws, coupled with a growing portrayal of protesters as alleged threats to democracy rather than a vital part of public participation [..] now amounts to #state #repression”
#Press #UK #Labour #Starmer #Police #PoliticalPolicing #Autocracy
Netpol has exposed the 'state of protest' in the UK in 2025
Aggressive police use of anti-protest laws and growing portrayal of protesters as alleged threats to democracy is dire says NetpolThe Canary
#InfosVitNam #DroitsDeLHomme #Media #Police #VitNam
Dong Nai : Un homme arrêté pour activités anti-étatiques - Le Viêt Nam, aujourd'hui
La Police de la province méridionale de Dông Nai a décidé de poursuivre en justice et d’émettre un mandat d’arrêt contre Quach Gia Khang, 28 ans, résidant dans la commune de Binh Minh, district de Trang Bom, pour "avoir mené des activités visant à re…VNA_PGU (Le Viêt Nam, aujourd'hui)
It refers to ongoing events in the U.S. as unprecedented, mentioning Trump #pardoning 1,500 #criminals who supported him; #firing independent agency #watchdogs without process; #purging apolitical #police and #military brass; #ignoring #laws; and his unilaterally deleting federal programs, and even a whole organization, created by U.S. Congress
#auspol #RussianAsset
Lawyer Thomas Dickey alleges that police gave Luigi Mangione a snack so they could get his DNA.
#law #crime #police #Trending #USNews #LuigiMangione
#US #Police #Surveillance #Spying #protests #fascism #israel #policeState #politics #USpol
@palestine @israel
LAPD Surveilled Gaza Protests Using This Social Media Tool
Police records obtained by The Intercept show Dataminr tracked Gaza-related protests and other constitutionally protected speech.Sam Biddle (The Intercept)
#US #Police #Surveillance #Spying #protests #fascism #israel #policeState #politics #USpol
LAPD Surveilled Gaza Protests Using This Social Media Tool
Police records obtained by The Intercept show Dataminr tracked Gaza-related protests and other constitutionally protected speech.Sam Biddle (The Intercept)
"At 6 a.m. on March 22, pro-#Palestinian activists Said and Yasemin, who were asleep in their respective Berlin homes, were awakened by armed and masked police officers who broke down their doors at the same time."
"This is not the first time Berlin police raided people’s homes over social media posts. Earlier this month, police knocked down the door of a middle-aged woman who wrote “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” on her social media and arrested her. She was charged with “using the symbols of unconstitutional organizations,” Berlin police said in a statement."
"In #Berlin most recently, the state and the media have tried their best to shut down the Palestine Congress, a gathering of international scholars, activists, and journalists. "
"A Palestinian friend of mine, Mahmoud, is currently being targeted by the state of Karlsruhe for saying the following during a protest: “Palestine is for all people, from the river to the sea, regardless of their denomination or religion.” That was enough for the state to say he had committed a hate crime by questioning Israel’s right to exist. He is being forced to pay 7,500 euros in fines. "
This is extremely DANGEROUS.
Germany is becoming a police state when it comes to Palestine activism
The German state is taking extraordinary measures to clamp down on pro-Palestinian activism, including arresting activists in their homes in the middle of the night.Hebh Jamal (Mondoweiss)
#video #usa #america #classwar #fascism #oppression #repression #humanrights #acab #AllCopsAreBastards #ausgov #politas
Holocaust Survivor Summoned for Police Interview Over Gaza Solidarity March – Byline Times
Stephen Kapos, 87, is among dozens of activists interviewed or charged by police for their part in the January 18th pro-Palestine protest in LondonJosiah Mortimer (Byline Times)
#usa #israel #palestina #gaza #genocide #weapons #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #masssurveillance #police #military #oppression
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox
@UKLabour @BBC5Live
@guardian @Independent @thetimes
Anti-Zionist Jews mounted an emergency protest at the Met’s New Scotland Yard on Friday evening, after the force [..] banned their weekly protest outside the residence of #fascist #Israeli #ambassador Tzipi #Hotovely”
#Press #UK #Starmer #Police #Repression #Israel
Video: anti-genocide Jews protest at Scotland Yard after Met Police ban Israel embassy demo
Anti-Zionist Jews mounted an emergency protest at the Met’s New Scotland Yard on Friday evening, after the force – no doubt acting on the instructions of Keir Starmer’s government…SKWAWKBOX
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox @palestine
@israel @BBC5Live
@guardian @Independent @thetimes
“Professor David Miller, the noted anti-Zionist academic [..] was detained by British counter-terrorism police under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 as he returned to Heathrow Airport from Beirut earlier this week”
#Press #UK #Labour #Starmer #Police #TerrorismAct #Miller
Anti-Zionist academic David Miller detained as Starmer’s war on anti-genocide speech continues
Prof David Miller Professor David Miller, the noted anti-Zionist academic – whose landmark employment tribunal case, after he was dismissed by Bristol University despite its lawyers finding h…SKWAWKBOX
De la cocaïne cachée dans les toilettes de l’aéroport de #Cayenne, des agents de la #police aux frontières soupçonnés d’avoir facilité le transport de la drogue, des relais en métropole : un procès pour #TraficDeStupéfiants d’une ampleur peu commune s’ouvre lundi à Créteil.
#Cocaïne #Guyane
#RevueDePresse #Press
De la cocaïne dissimulée dans des cubis de rhum : 11 policiers jugés pour l’organisation d’un trafic depuis la
De la cocaïne cachée dans les toilettes de l’aéroport de Cayenne, des agents de la police aux frontières soupçonnés d’avoir facilité le transport de la drogue, des relais en métropole : un procès pour trafic de stupéfiants d’une ampleur peu commune s…Par afp (La Voix du Nord)
by The Canary @thecanaryuk
“On Monday afternoon Cornwall Resists were able to block one of the entrances to the conference that Farage was attending. We didn’t try to storm it, we simply stood in the way”
#Press #UK #Cornwall #Reform #Farage #CornwallResists #Police #DevonAndCornwallPolice #Fascist #Racist #Misogynist #FarRight
Cornwall Resists slams man-baby Nigel Farage as a 'fascist'
Oh dear. Cornwall Resists seems to have rattled Nigel Farage the fascist. The group is going to celebrate that as a win...!The Canary
#ISIS #Terrorism #MiddleEast #Turkey #Police #NewYork
U.S. charges Tajik man living in New York with conspiring to help ISIS
A Tajik man living in New York was arrested and charged with conspiring to provide material support to the ISIS and ISIS-K terrorist groups, according to court documents.Jacob Rosen (CBS News)
#InfosThailande #Israel #Police #Thailande #Tourisme
L’ambassade d’Israël en Thaïlande exhorte à la retenue et au respect - Le Viêt Nam, aujourd'hui
L’ambassade d’Israël en Thaïlande a publié des directives visant à promouvoir la bonne image et la dignité des ressortissants israéliens dans le royaume.VNA_PGU (Le Viêt Nam, aujourd'hui)
The Trump administration has removed a nationwide database of federal police officers’ misconduct, launched by the Biden administration to keep bad cops from jumping from job to job.
The official request to the head of Kolomyya’s Jewish community is dated Feb. 18, 2020, according to a photograph of the document that Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian #Jewish #Committee, shared on Twitter Sunday.
“Please provide us the following information regarding the Orthodox Jewish religious community of Kolomyya, namely: The organization’s charter; list of members of the Jewish religious community, with indication of data, mobile phones and their places of residence,” read the letter.
The letter was signed by Myhaylo Bank, a high-ranking officer in the national #police force who handles organized crime. The letter did not explain his unit’s particular interest in Kolomyya’s Jews.
#zionism #Chabad #Zelensky #ukrainian #politics #ukraine #history
Ukrainian Police Chief Investigating Organized Crime Requests List Of City's Orthodox Jews - Christians for Truth
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) A high-ranking police official in the Ukraine requested a list of all Jews in the western city of Kolomyya as part of an inquiry into organized crime, which elicited the perfunctory accusations of ‘antisemitism’ from the c…CFT Team (Christians for Truth)
#police #press
Investigation: Dozens of police recruits have died while training to become officers
At least 29 recruits have died during basic training at law enforcement academies nationwide in the last decade.RYAN J. FOLEY (AP News)
"Documenting #Police Tech in Our Communities with Open Source Research. Search our database of police tech — enter a city, county, state or agency in the United States." #DomesticSpying #DomesticSurveillance #ACAB
Atlas of Surveillance
Documenting Police Tech in Our Communities with Open Source