Beiträge, die mit zionism getaggt sind
we have a choice
#Gaza #genocide
#genocidio #Palestine #Palestina
#starvingpeople #starvingcivilians
#iof #idf #colonialism #sionisti
#izrahell #israelterroriststate
#invasion #israelcriminalstate
#israelestatocriminale #colonialismo
#colonialism #colonialismo #Gaza #genocide #genocidio #ICC #icj #IDF #invasion #IOF #israelcriminalstate #israelestatocriminale #israelestatoterrorista #israelterroriststate #izrahell #massmurders #Palestina #Palestine #sionismo #sionisti #sionistiassassini #starvingcivilians #starvingpeople #warcrimes #zionism
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox
“‘Ruthless, hateful, deeply racist and fundamentally violent ideology’ is a ‘grave threat to the world’, says former UN expert who resigned over UK, US complicity in Israel’s genocide”
#Press #UK #US #Israel #Zionism #BloodLust #Barbarity #Genocide #WarCrimes #Racism #FarRight #Lawlessness #Resistance #Cruelty #Genocide
‘Darkness is falling across the globe’ – human rights expert Mokhiber’s call to resist Zionism and its allies
“Ruthless, hateful, deeply racist and fundamentally violent ideology” is a “grave threat to the world”, says former UN expert who resigned over UK, US complicity in Israel…SKWAWKBOX
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“Israeli occupation forces opened fire during Eid prayers in several areas of Gaza, killing scores of Palestinians, including children”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
LIVE BLOG: Eid-Day Massacres in Gaza | Ballistic Missile from Yemen - Day 541 - Palestine Chronicle
Israeli occupation forces opened fire during Eid prayers in several areas of Gaza, killing scores of Palestinians, including children.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
The Zionist narrative is collapsing. From Gaza’s destruction to the West’s complicity, Historian Ilan Pappé unpacks the Nakba al-mustamirra (ongoing Nakba), Israeli genocide, and the urgent need for global solidarity to challenge apartheid and safeguard human rights. What does this mean for the future of Palestine—and the world?
#Zionism #Narrative #Collapse #Gaza #Genocide #Palestine #World
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Iran slams fresh Israeli airstrike on Beirut - EUROPE SAYS
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Esmaeil Baghaei said on Friday that the attack occurred on the International Quds DayEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
mira, 4 years old, shot by an israeli quadcopter
BEWARE, SHOCKING IMAGES in this video from Palestine:
#Gaza #genocide
#genocidio #Palestine #Palestina
#starvingpeople #starvingcivilians
#iof #idf #colonialism #sionisti
#izrahell #israelterroriststate
#invasion #israelcriminalstate
#colonialism #colonialismo #Gaza #genocide #genocidio #ICC #icj #IDF #IOF #israelcriminalstate #israelestatoterrorista #israelterroriststate #izrahell #massmurders #Palestina #Palestine #sionismo #sionisti #sionistiassassini #starvingcivilians #starvingpeople #warcrimes #zionism
The clear links between #Nazi #Germany, #Apartheid SouthAfrica and #Israeli #Zionism are truly alarming.
#Zionism #IsraelTerroristState #IsraelTerroristEntity #Oscars2025 #Muslim #Islam #Palestine #Palestinian #gaza #GazaHolocaust #GazaGenocide #StopGenocide
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Read today’s edition of the Middle East Eye for the truth about the horrific things Israel and the Imperialist West are doing to people and countries in West Asia and beyond!
@guardian @Independent @thetimes
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
Middle East Eye: News, Opinion, and Analysis
Latest news, opinion, video and analysis with a focus on the Middle East and wider region.Middle East Eye
#Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #Genocide #Palestinians #Politics #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Zionism #BDS #Ceasefire #ArmsEmbargo #FreeGaza
Why Israel is waging war on Palestinian children
The young inherited from past generations a love of the land, preserving the dream of return - and for that, they must be eliminatedMiddle East Eye
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox
“Medics refuse to abandon their patients, even after attack on US surgeons, but UN reduces its personnel by a third after tank attack”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
Israel ‘orders foreign medical workers to leave Gaza within 48hrs’ in preparation for use of ‘new bomb’
Medics refuse to abandon their patients, even after attack on US surgeons, but UN reduces its personnel by a third after tank attack Illustrative image of bombing in Gaza. Israel has ordered foreig…SKWAWKBOX
A Palestinian Director of ‘No Other Land’ Is Attacked and Detained, Witnesses Say
via @newyorktimes
#palestine #israel #zionism
by Jeremy Salt in Palestine Chronicle
“Gaza has fully exposed the limitless violence inherent in a colonial settler state. Israel’s genocide is aimed at extinguishing everything that is Palestinian, the people, the water they drink, the food they eat & the trees they grow”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Zionism #SettlerColonialism
Genocide in Gaza is Unfolding - And There's Still More to Come - Palestine Chronicle
Israel repeatedly deceived the US about Dimona’s true purpose but intelligence agencies gradually worked out what was going on.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“Israeli forces continued to bombard Gaza, killing and wounding scores of Palestinians, while the fate of nine paramedics who went missing three days ago in Rafah remains unknown”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
LIVE BLOG: Ongoing Massacres in Gaza | Political Tensions Over Israeli Captives - Day 536 - Palestine Chronicle
Israeli forces continued to bombard Gaza, killing and wounding scores of Palestinians, while the fate of nine paramedics remain unknown.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
by Jonathan Cook on Substack
“Israel has justified bombing a Gaza hospital because an injured Hamas politician was there. The laws of war only ever seem to be forgotten when it is Israel violating them”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
Would it be okay for Hamas to strike a hospital treating Benjamin Netanyahu?
Israel has justified bombing a Gaza hospital, killing civilians, because an injured Hamas politician was there. The laws of war only ever seem to be forgotten when it is Israel violating themJonathan Cook
Send this to all your political and social representatives today and demand them to speak out and act swiftly and forcefully in order to stop this gut-wrenching #barbarism IMMEDIATELY!
@palestine @politicalscience #Palestine #Israel #Palestina #Palästina #Gaza #Jabalia #Sionism #Zionismus #Sionisme #Sionismo #NSFW #Death
Today’s Middle East crises are rooted in 20th-Century European imperialism.
Attached image is adapted from the transcript at:
#imperialism #zionism #palestine #ww1 #israel #us #uspol .
The Making of the Modern Middle East: Juan Cole on History, Politics, and Today’s Turmoil - Tamooda Interview
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) - Juan Cole interviewed by Martin Asser at Tamooda : "The Making of the Modern Middle …Informed Comment
#Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Palestinians #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia #Qatar #USA #Zionism #BDS #Ceasefire #CeasefireNow #ArmsEmbargo #ArmsEmbargoNow #Netanyahu #FreeGaza #FreePalestine
Israeli troops encircle parts of Rafah, leaving wounded 'bleeding to death'
Israeli ground forces have encircled the Tel al-Sultan area in Rafah, southern Gaza, leaving 50,000 Palestinians trapped with little access to food and water, and the wounded "left to bleed to death".Mohammed al-Hajjar (Middle East Eye)
l’invasore sionista si prepara a entrare con altri carri armati nel nord di gaza (23 marzo)
La 36a divisione carri armati di Israele si prepara ad invadere la parte nord di Gaza. L’IDF ha pubblicato domenica 23 marzo alcuni video che mostrano un dispiegamento imponente di tank ai confini israeliani con il nord di Gaza.
La 36ma divisione ha portato avanti operazioni in Libano durante la guerra da settembre a novembre 2024 e nella stessa Gaza, durante i mesi di genocidio del 2024.
L’arrivo di altri carri armati a Gaza peggiorerà ulteriormente il disastro umanitario in corso producendo ancora più morti e distruzione.
#gaza #israel #idf #tank #war
#gaza #israel #idf #tank #war #Gaza #genocide
#genocidio #Palestine #Palestina
#starvingpeople #starvingcivilians
#iof #idf #colonialism #sionisti
#izrahell #israelterroriststate
#invasion #israelcriminalstate
#carriArmati #colonialism #colonialismo #Gaza #genocide #genocidio #ICC #icj #IDF #InsideOver #invasion #IOF #Israel #israelcriminalstate #israelestatocriminale #israelestatoterrorista #israelterroriststate #izrahell #massmurders #nordDiGaza #Palestina #Palestine #sionismo #sionisti #sionistiassassini #starvingcivilians #starvingpeople #tank #war #warcrimes #zionism
#Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Palestinians #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #Gaza #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Yemen #USA #Zionism #BDS #Ceasefire #CeasefireNow #ArmsEmbargo #ArmsEmbargoNow #Netanyahu #BenjaminNetanyahu #FreeGaza #FreePalestine
’His [Jacob Israël de Haan, an Orthodox Jewish queer poet and lawyer ] steadfast opposition to mainstream Zionism made de Haan a controversial figure, drawing the ire of Zionist leadership. On 30 June 1924, de Haan was assassinated by a member of the Zionist organization Haganah.’
Zionists have that way with bullets
#Racism #Zionism #Consolidation #Authoritarianism
"The redefinition of antisemitism isn’t simply a policy shift – it’s part of a deeper transformation of American democracy."
#USPol #Israel #Palestine #Zionism
by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox
“Board of Deputies exists to ‘advance Israel’s security, welfare and standing’ and is telling the BBC how to cover Israel’s genocide in Gaza – though of course that word is not used”
#Press #UK #BBC #Israel #Gaza #Coverage #BoardOfDeputies #British #Jews #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust #Berg #Demands
Pro-Israel pressure group ‘demands control’ of BBC’s Gaza coverage
Board of Deputies exists to ‘advance Israel’s security, welfare and standing’ and is telling the BBC how to cover Israel’s genocide in Gaza – though of course that word is not used Isra…SKWAWKBOX
@palestine #Palestine #Palästina #Israel #Zionism #Zinonismus #GazaGenocide #GazaGenozid #AntiZionism #Antizionismus #Antisemitismus
This is what #Fotzenfritz stands for. #Shame on #Germany! #BDS Germany!
@palestine #Israel #Palestine #Hannibal #HannibalDirective #FreePalestine #Palästina #HannibalDirektive #Zionismus #Stirn
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This is what #Fotzenfritz stands for. #Shame on #Germany! #BDS Germany!
@palestine #Israel #Palestine #GazaGenocide #FreePalestine #Palästina #GazaGenozid #Gaza #Zionismus #Minensuchgeschwader