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Beiträge, die mit bds getaggt sind

344 young Palestinian footballers have been killed by #Israel in its ongoing, livestreamed #GazaGenocide. FIFA must kick Israel off the field now! #BDS

US state Dept official blatantly lies through his teeth , while denying facts and reality. Alternate facts from professional liars ,usual and customary US behaviour .

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Paris Erupts Against Netanyahu's Far-right Minister and Israeli Genocide of Palestinians

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


The US being a willing partner in the US Israeli Genocide coalition has no defense to offer other than we disagree, like all guilty parties with no defense for their horrendous, criminal , inhuman actions .

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Israeli MP suspended from Knesset for calling government’s actions genocide against Palestinians

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media



#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Israeli propaganda is truly ridiculous

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


UN expert slams Canada’s complicity in Gaza assault.

Colonizers are gonna proxy colonize

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


It is no surprise that the nation, with a history of war crimes and criminal invasions now supporting an ongoing Genocide voted against human rights and for human wrongs. The Criminal Oligarchy of Trumplamdia

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media

Everything Israel and the US do in Palestine is a War Crime, in contravention of the Geneva Convention and other international laws

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media



#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Israeli Baby Butchers

Surgeon breaks down in parliament

explaining how IDF Drones Target Children

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


#bds is it!
When it looks like #genocide and smells like #warcrimes , then a society is in free fall. The state #Israel has detached from it's founding principles and operates openly terror and apartheid. Not accepting, not swallowing, can't close my eyes anymore!

A small but sweet victory ✊🏻

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich canceled his visit to Paris due to pressure from human rights groups. He was to attend the far-right "Israel forever" conference (notably, the French government didn't ban the conference, though they've repeatedly banned pro-Palestinian events out of "security concerns").

#Israel #Palestine #France #BDS
Screenshot of an article in French with the headline "Le ministre israélien Bezalel Smotrich ne viendra pas à Paris, annonce son porte-parole" ad the subheading "Le ministre israélien d'extrême droite, Bezalel Smotrich, dont la venue à Paris était attendue cette semaine, ne se rendra pas en France, a affirmé mardi 12 novembre son porte-parole."

Samah Sabawi delivers the 2024 Edward Said Memorial Lecture: The Ethnocentric State and Our Fragile Australian Democracy - How Support for #Israel Erodes Democratic Values and Practices in Australia and the West. #BDS #StopArmingIsrael

Genocide speak .

Israeli Murderers called Commandos

Arab Commandos are called Terrorists

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Israelis get the boot

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Israel is the Terrorist

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Lying media Israel uses to lie to demonize and incite hate against Palestinians .

Just one example.

#Truth #MediaLies #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


See the US lie , oh how they lie, the greatest liars in the world committing Genocide with Israel wielding the US knives to cut throats and sta5ve babies with no end but total annihilation

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Jewish Lady goes Viral for Defending Muslims in Amsterdam, a F around and find out moment for Racist Israelis attacking citizens of the Netherlands

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


"Israel no longer belongs in the civilized community of nations "

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


" FU and Israel Bit*h "

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Israeli operatives attempt to attack, dominate, and subjugate residents of Amsterdam. Of course the residents defended themselves

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media #Netherlands #Amsterdam


Tribunal rules anti-Zionist views are not antisemitic & are worthy of respect .

His view is

"Zionism – defined as the ideology advocating for a Jewish state in the territory of the former British Mandate of Palestine – is inherently racist, imperialist, and colonial, and thus offensive to human dignity."

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


What Really Happened in Amsterdam? Mouin Rabbani on How

Israeli Hooligans Incited Anti-Arab Violence

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media #Netherlands #Amsterdam


Civilized people world over reject Israel

#Truth #Cdnpoli #Uspoli #Uspol #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Apartheid #Occupation #Invasion #Genocide #WarCrime #Starvation #BDS #Murder #Media


Novo obxectivo da #BDS: CISCO
Cisco tendo coñecemento ofrece a #Israel tecnoloxía que se emprega para cometer #CrimesDeGuerra e crimes contra a poboación #palestina.
En 2017, #Cisco asociouse co municipio israelí de #Xerusalén para desenvolver, de xeito gratuíto, a tecnoloxía "Smart City" deseñada especialmente para vixiar aos palestinos en Xerusalén Leste ocupada.
Novo obxectivo da BDS: CISCO
Cisco tendo coñecemento ofrece a Israel tecnoloxía que se emprega para cometer crimes de guerra e crimes contra a poboación palestina.
En 2017, Cisco asociouse co municipio israelí de Xerusalén para desenvolver, de xeito gratuíto, a tecnoloxía "Smart City" deseñada especialmente para vixiar aos palestinos en Xerusalén Leste ocupada. 
Entre 2013 e 2022, Cisco vendeu equipos e software por valor de máis de 151 millóns de dólares á Policía de Israel, coñecida polas violacións dos dereitos humanos.
Cisco ten operacións nos asentamentos ilegais de Israel no Territorio Palestino Ocupado.

Cisco e Israel uníronse para construír 100 Tech Hubs, sete dos cales están en asentamentos ilegais --que son crimes de guerra segundo o dereito internacional-- cinco na ocupada Cisxordania e dous no ocupado Golán sirio.

En xullo de 2024, o Tribunal Internacional de Xustiza determinou que toda a ocupación israelí de Gaza e Cisxordania, incluída Xerusalén Leste, é ilegal e debe poñerse fin.

Each divestment decision, each company withdrawing from "#Israel's" economy, symbolizes an imperial fissure, exposing the cracks beneath "Israel's" polished armor. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/Economy/why--israel-s--ultimate-defeat-will-come-from-economic-isola #BDS #StopArmingIsrael