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Beiträge, die mit USPol getaggt sind

Fascist illegal immigrant Elon Musk threatens to use the power of the United States' federal government to 'go after' critics of himself and his businesses. Makes shooting hand gesture.

#uspol #tesla #teslatakedown

Hmmmm... Why am I having #DejaVu?

From 2022: "Vladimir #Putin has mentioned 'gender freedoms' more than once to justify #Russia’s war against #Ukraine and simultaneously crack down on its own citizens.

"Most directly, he alleged that Russian citizens who seek '#GenderFreedoms' (alongside foie gras and oysters) are part of the anti-Russian 'fifth column.'

"Gender and sexuality freedoms — or rights, as they are more typically called — are about #BodilyAutonomy, #diversity and #inclusivity. #Feminist and #LGBTQ+ activists assert that every human being deserves respect, recognition and equal rights regardless of their gender or sexuality.

"What’s the connection between Putin’s animosity toward Ukraine and toward #gender and #sexuality rights in Russia and around the world?

Gender and Putin’s regime

"Putin’s regime has increasingly relied on very conventional gender and sexual norms.

"When he first ascended to the presidency, image-makers used Putin’s #KGB background and penchant for physical fitness to frame him as a #macho #strongman who could reverse Russia’s waning power and 'remasculinize' the country after a decade of supposed geopolitical flaccidity in the wake of the #Soviet collapse.

"In other words, an inflexible and clearly #patriarchal notion of masculinity has been central to the Putin regime’s legitimacy.

"Russia’s foreign policy has relied on rigid gender norms as well. When Ukraine underwent its first pro-democracy revolution in 2004, Russian media questioned its leaders’ masculinity.

"Putin likewise used homophobic terms to dismiss #Georgia’s #RoseRevolution in 2003, responding to a reporter’s question by saying: 'A rose revolution — next they’ll come up with a light blue one.' In Russian, 'light blue' or goluboi is slang for “gay male.”

Gender and appealing to constituencies

"Putin has often been represented as the unquestioned leader of the pack ruling Russia — a masculinity-driven image.

"However, even as the leader of a personalist #dictatorship — a regime in which there are few institutional limits on the leader’s power — Putin must balance competing interests among significant elites and maintain at least the appearance of public support in order to be considered a legitimate ruler.

"Until 2020, Putin was using gendered language in his speeches to signal his alignment with a variety of elites and public constituencies that supported him. He was sending mixed signals to both relatively progressive Russians who value women’s roles in the workplace and to #conservatives wishing for a return to '#TraditionalFamilyValues,' in order to keep everyone in his camp.

"But after July 2021, when he published an essay contending Ukrainians and Russians are a single people, Putin no longer shied away from making sexist and LGBTQ+-phobic comments in prominent settings.

"At an October 2021 meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club — a Moscow-based think tank and discussion forum that Putin is closely associated with — he said teaching children about #GenderFluidity was 'truly monstrous' and 'verging on a crime against humanity.'"

Read more:
#USPol #TrumpIsPutinsPuppet #GBLTQRights #HumanRights #WomensRights #ToxicMasculinity #GenderFascists

Do This: Tesla Mass Action Protest on March 29th

This Saturday, March 29th, is Tesla Takedown Day, a day of peaceful protest at every US Tesla dealership and as many other dealerships and facilities outside the US as possible.

Here’s a map of planned protests you can join – places, times of day, and so on. They aren’t all at the same time, which might be useful for you. Find one close to you that’s at a time you can make and be there, preferably with a sign. If you don’t want to design your own sign, feel free to print and use one of these, or adapt them to your own ideas. They’re high resolution at 11×17 and plenty good enough at two times that.

Tesla Takedown is also helping people find protests on other days as well. Here’s the home website for the movement, with all the details you need.

Get out there. And good hunting.

#fascism #politics #uspol #uspolitics

For USAians, Saturday, April 5 is a day of action and mass mobilization.

This is challenging in a large country, where few live near the seat of power. It comes down to local planning and organization.

For most, you should be able to find a local demonstration where you can be with others and make yourselves heard.


#uspol #democracy #handsoff #April5

A very interesting insight into the history of #ElonMusk and the influence South African apartheid supporters are now having on dismantling #USPol democracy.

The clear links between #Nazi #Germany, #Apartheid SouthAfrica and #Israeli #Zionism are truly alarming.


“There is substantial reason to believe that Rep Mills may have entered into, held, or enjoyed contracts with fed agencies while he was a MOC,” reads the OCC report released Thursday by the Ethics CMTE.

Mills declined to cooperate with investigators from the OCC. “This concerted effort to limit [the office’s] access to relevant info., often from witnesses also represented by Rep Mills’s attorney, undermined these investigative efforts.

#Corruption #Republicans #USPol https://rollcall.com/2025/03/27/house-ethics-panel-continues-scrutiny-of-rep-cory-mills/

Interview: "Erasing History: How Fascism Works"

How Trump's second term could mean "the completion of the American fascist state."

Key to spreading fascism quickly is to attack a central pillar of democracy: education.

This includes attacking crucial parts of the US education system, eg, critical race theory, Black history & now the sanctity of free speech.


#trump #fascism #education #racism #uspol #christiannationalism #history .
Trump and thiel

#USpol #MEpol #ICE #immigration #ChingaLaMigra #StopICE #MutualAid #Urgent

[From uselesscops on Instagram]

Edit: the fundraiser has been taken down by Donorbox - this is not the first time this has happened while trying to help affected families. People have reported the page before, while trying to demand proof from families that need to remain anonymous - to avoid ICE stalking them. Still watch the video - *especially* if you're a cishet white person in the US. There is a message that needs hearing there.

Please, watch this. Especially if you are a cishet white person in the US. And *do something.*

If nothing else, share the fundraiser around, to help this family and others impacted in #Maine towards justice. Help them stay in the community that they call home - that they have *every right* to be in.



"It's not too late to stop this train, although it gets more difficult with every day that goes by, every media outlet that rolls over and pays off, every law firm that grovels before Trump. The key — as it has been throughout history — is to mobilize public opinion...

History suggests that mobilizing 3.5% of the populace of a country is enough to produce change"

#Resist #Resistance #Trump #GOP #Fascism #Authoritarianism #Politics #USPol #USPolitics #News #US #USA
Text from article:
It's not too late to stop this train, although it gets more difficult with every day that goes by, every media outlet that rolls over and pays off, every law firm that grovels before Trump. The key — as it has been throughout history — is to mobilize public opinion and pressure politicians to act on behalf of traditional American values of freedom, liberty, and the rule of law.

History suggests that mobilizing 3.5% of the populace of a country is enough to produce change, although recent experience in Belarus and Israel suggests that may depend on how entrenched an authoritarian regime has become, particularly if their legitimacy is enhanced by an external attack (see Reichstag Fire, Moscow Theater, 10/7, and 9/11).

Nonetheless, there are things we can do right now:

— Support independent, progressive media.
— Show up for protests in your area.
— Post your opinions on social media.
— Share this and other like-minded newsletters.
— Reach out to your elected officials from the federal to state to local levels.
— Run for office yourself.
— Join your local Democratic Party and volunteer as a precinct committeeperson.
— Wake up everybody you know.

"The goal of this sort of kidnapping and hellish incarceration isn’t to clear the streets of criminals or promote public safety or even prevent immigration: it’s to create #terror. And it’s working.

This is a playbook as ancient as the world’s first kings...

every #tyrant throughout #history has used the threat of arrest and imprisonment as a way to force public compliance with their regime."

#Trump #Fascism #Terrorism #GOP #Politics #USPol #USPolitics #News #USA #US
Text from article:
This morning, the world learned that Trump’s goons also shipped a married father with no criminal record (and no tattoos!) off to that same prison in El Salvador, again with no due process. The man had not committed any crime.

The goal of this sort of kidnapping and hellish incarceration isn’t to clear the streets of criminals or promote public safety or even prevent immigration: it’s to create terror. And it’s working.

This is a playbook as ancient as the world’s first kings. Defy the monarch, or even challenge the monarch, and your quality of life rapidly goes to hell.

From the Tower of London in the twelfth century to Stalin’s gulags, from the medieval Popes’ Palacio de la Inquisición torture chambers to Hitler’s concentration camps, from Xi’s Dabancheng Re-education Camp to Trump’s ICE agents snatching people off the streets, every tyrant throughout history has used the threat of arrest and imprisonment as a way to force public compliance with their regime.

"Columbia student #MahmoudKhalil remains in the hellhole of a notoriously brutal private prison in #Louisiana for daring to speak out against the #Israeli slaughter of Gazans.

And #Columbia student #YunseoChung, who’s been a legal permanent resident of the #US since she was 7 years old, is in hiding while her lawyers sue to prevent her arrest for also speaking up about the violence #Netanyahu is inflicting on people in #Gaza."

#Trump #GOP #Fascism #USPol #News #USA

"This is how it begins.

Tuesday night, Tufts University PhD student #RumeysaOzturk was going out to a restaurant to meet friends when masked federal #ICE agents dressed in street clothes seized her off a public sidewalk and disappeared her. Her apparent crime was co-authoring an op-ed critical of #Trump & #Netanyahu."
- @ThomHartmann


#DonaldTrump #GOP #Fascism #Authoritarianism #Republicans #Politics #USPol #USPolitics #News #US #USA
Headline and photo with credit from The Hartman Report:
Daily Take
She Stepped Onto a Sidewalk in Boston — and Vanished Into Trump’s Shadow State

Masked ICE agents are now snatching dissidents off the streets like a scene from Stalin’s Russia. This isn’t speculative fiction. It’s happening right now, in America…

by Thom Hartmann
Mar 27, 2025

Photo: Video still showing ICE agents in plain clothes and with masks over their faces abducting Rumeysa Osturk.

Credit: Image from Wonkette



"Beyond cracking down on protest on campus, Columbia has essentially ended its status as an independent intellectual institution."

- Grant Miner, Ph.D. student in Jewish studies expelled for Palestinian activism.


#palestine #gaza #FreeSpeech #HigherEd #USPol

#JewishCurrents | #ColumbiaU's surrender

"#PeterBeinart and #Columbia professor #NadiaAbuElHaj, who also serves as the co-director of the Center for Palestine Studies, spoke just hours before this shocking development, but their conversation probes what’s been happening at Columbia and #Barnard, and what’s at stake—both for the study of #Israel / #Palestine and for the future of #higherEd."


#USpol #PalestineSolidarity #StateRepression #StudentProtests @palestine

« Elle me dit que le président du département craint que ma présentation ne soit perçue comme antisémite, car on y trouve un tableau tiré de l’Aid Worker Security Database qui démontre qu’un des lieux où il y a eu le plus de victimes humanitaires en 2024 était la bande de #Gaza. »

Dre #JoanneLiu : « Ma présentation a été annulée par l’#UniversitéDeNewYork »


#NYU #USpol #politiqueAméricaine #censure #Palestine @palestine

lol apparently the reason JD Vance's trip to #Greenland was canceled was that they could not find a single person in #Nuuk who wanted to receive an in home visit from the vice president's family.

According to Danish TV they literally knocked on every door in the entire city (not that hard, there's only ~5,000 houses) trying to find someone who wanted an in home visit from Usha Vance... and 100% of the Greenlanders said no.



#JDVance #Trump #Denmark #eupol #uspol
screenshot of link

To think I was banging on about the United States since primary school.

'They're government's evil,' I said.

'They treat us a like a Roman province,' I said.

What I never factored in was an internal take down by fucking idiots.

Take it away, George Martin:

'You would not believe half of what is happening in King's Landing, sweetling. Cersei stumbles from one idiocy to the next, helped along by her council of the deaf, the dim, and the blind. I always anticipated that she would beggar the realm and destroy herself, but I never expected she would do it quite so fast.'


Who else has been #disappeared? #uspol


lots of unnamed immigrants who haven't been given due process as was done under every other president AFAIK

i work at a university in doctoral research and today was the first time in my career where a student was asked to remove *references* to diversity equity and inclusion from their work and my heart broke

#dei #uspol

As measles breaks out across the country, Donald Trump and Elon Musk cut funding for global vaccination, and appoint a vaccine skeptic to decide vaccine policy.


Report Hamdan Ballal, a Palestinian co-director of the Oscar-winning documentary, No Other Land, was brutally attacked by West Bank settlers and then detained by the Israeli military.

He has since been released

Basel Adra, another co-director, witnessed the detention: “We came back from the Oscars and every day since, there is an attack on us."


Exactly how fascists work to silence dissent

#NoOtherLand #israelicrimesagainsthumanity #westbank #ethniccleansing #uspol .
Codirectors of the film

Very few people on earth have the power to remove the fascist dictator currently destroying our nation. They are Senators and Congresspeople.

Ignoring them. Failing to put maximum pressure on them to do the right thing and save our country is simply wrong. On every level.

#ImpeachTheFascist #uspol #USPolitics #journalism #media #socialmedia #immigrantRights #MakeThemFight #Hardball #impeach #impeachment #DoSomething #NoKings

On Tyranny.

“Whosoever of you sees an evil,
let him change it with his hand;

and if he is not able to do so,
then [let him change it] with his tongue;

and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart [..]”

#gaza #palestine #genocide #uspol #warcrimes

Oscar-Winning #Palestinian Filmmaker Hamdan Ballal Brutally Beaten in Mob Attack by #Israeli Settlers


#usa #news #uspol #gaza #westbank

---White House press release for all occasions---
a) it didn't happen
b) it's not a problem anyway
c) it's the fault of [the journalist/the Democrats/EDI/other]
d) it happens to everyone once in a while
... all of the above is true at the same time
#uspol #signal

Tried watching part of the hearing for PBS and NPR. It's too painful.

#USPol #Media #NPR #PBS

Inhaltswarnung: Rant über #USpol

»Trump-Kahlschlag – Open Technology Fund steht vor dem Aus:
Der Open Technology Fund ist eine tragende Säule für Open-Source-Projekte. Jetzt steht er vor dem Aus, denn US-Präsident Trump hat die für Förderung zuständige US Agency for Global Media so weit beschnitten, dass sie nicht mehr handlungsfähig ist.«

Dies beeinflusst ua auch Software die Mensch im Hintergrund unbemerkt nutzt und betrifft somit uns alle.

🔊 https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/open-technology-fund-vor-dem-aus-100.html

#trump #usa #opensource #software #it #technologie #uspol

vor ein paar wochen hatte mir hier ein mensch aus der fraktion "israel muss vernichtet werden" gesagt, der einzige safe space der juden in der welt könne niemals in #israel sein, sondern in den USA.

das finde ich derart absurd, dass mir klar war, ein weiteres gespräch macht keinen sinn.

"from the river to the sea" ist im angesicht der weltlage imo automatisch antisemitisch, sogar wenn sich die erfüllung dieses wunsches ohne erneute genozidale verbrechen an jüdischen menschen erzeugen ließe (was ich ebenfalls für absurd halte).

>US-Präsident Donald Trump inszeniert sich als Verteidiger der Juden und Israels, gleichzeitig äußert sich bei seinen prominenten Unterstützern der Antisemitismus immer unverhüllter.<


#antisemitismus #maga #uspol

I thought it was clear to everybody, but maybe not.

To restore checks and balances, the Legislative Branch must reclaim the power to oversee the Executive Branch and remove all the criminals from that branch through the impeachment process.

The only other option is American Fascist Dictatorship.

#SignalGate #Dolts #Morons #Hegseth #Waltz #natsec #Tulsi #Fascist #FascistTakeover #MAGA #impeach #impeachment #DemandMore #uspol #USPolitics #journalism #media #socialmedia #NoKings