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Beiträge, die mit westernmedia getaggt sind

So #Isreal just assassinated several #Gaza government leaders, among others the president, the leader of the interior department, the foreign department - as well as their families.

This is a part of #EthnicCleansing and #genocide in effect. Most articles ignore this fact - because #WesternMedia - but #NRK does not, because they are objective.

Certain #Norwegian #evangelicals would call NRK "#antisemetic", because they've been #brainwashed by #zionists.


"When will the #BBC conclude that Israel IS violating international law, and shape its coverage around that truth? As the old saying goes, the journalist’s job isn’t to report that it may or may not be raining. It’s to look outside and tell the public if it is."


#Gaza #Palestine #GazaCoverage #PalestineCoverage #media #WesternMedia #MSM #mediaBias @palestine @israel

Malcolm X on bourgeois media

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." —Malcolm X

#malcolmx #media #newspaper #westernmedia #socialmedia #bourgeoisie

Israel INVADES Syria - Western Media And Politicians Complicit
#OwenJones #Syria #Israel #StopIsrael #WesternMedia #MediaBias #IndependentMedia

In January, 24, #Israeli historian Lee Mordechai released a 124 page report with 1,400 footnotes detailing evidence of #Israel’s #genocide [1]. The 750 page memorial compiled by #SouthAfrica, the 827 pg report by #ForensicArchitecture [2] & the 300 pg report by #AmnestyInternational [3] all refer to the videos uploaded proudly by Israeli soldiers, that we all have seen & #WesternMedia & govts pretended not to




#NaomiKlein a stronger defender of #Journalism and #Journalists than the entire #WesternMedia defending or ignoring the #genocide and #WarCrimes taking place.
