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Beiträge, die mit journalism getaggt sind

Sugarcoating #Greenland occupation on #BBCWorld with uncontested lies in the fashion of "Denmark has not invested into Greenland, all buildings are US-built from WW2" is just the absolute low in British #journalism. Sad.

The Signal chat among Trump advisers accidentally shared with The Atlantic editor dominated this week's news cycle - & provides an important #NewsLiteracy lesson on the standards of quality journalism. 🎞 Full video: www.tiktok.com/@newslitproj...#Journalism #EduSky

The Signal chat among Trump ad...

This book on MBS’s “ruthless quest for global power” sadly seems an inspiration to those currently leading the U.S.
Let’s hope they don’t kill any journalists as MBS had Jamal Khashoggi brutally assassinated.
#dictators #strongmen #saudiarabia #journalism #books
Blood and Oil: Mohammed Bin Salman’s Ruthless Quest For Global Power - by Bradley Hope & Justin Scheck

Casi 200 periodistas han muerto en la actual guerra de #Gaza. Reporteros sin Fronteras ha documentado los casos y culpa al ejército israelí de la mayoría de ellos. La organización critica que la libertad de prensa siga bajo presión en Jerusalén Este y Cisjordania. - https://netzpolitik.org/2025/pressefreiheit-reporter-ohne-grenzen-kritisiert-israels-angriffe-auf-journalistinnen/ #Israel #journalism #periodismo

"Right now, we are not trying to win an election. We are doing damage control...to delay the destruction of our system and the consolidation of Trump’s personal power for as long as we can." @adamgurri on the need for an "opposition media bloc" #journalism www.liberalcurrents.com/forming-an-o...

Forming an Opposition Media Bl...

FUTURENEWS: Fox rebrands as Trump News. No word yet on what its tag phrase will be but All The News That's Fit To Stink, comes to mind. #journalism

🔴 Swedish Journalist Detained in Istanbul

🔸 Joakim Medin detained after reporting protests over Erdogan’s rival Imamoglu’s arrest.
🔸 Sweden demands answers, calls it a threat to press freedom.
🔸 BBC’s Mark Lowen deported earlier this week under “public order threat.”
🔸 1800+ detained including 11 journalists in nationwide protests.

#Turkey #PressFreedom #JoakimMedin #MarkLowen #Imamoglu #Journalism #Erdogan #MediaCrackdown #Istanbul

Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed -- everything else is public relations.
-- George Orwell

⬆ #Wisdom #Quotes #GeorgeOrwell #Journalism

⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Hammock #KinderhookCreek #NewYork
photo by richard rathe

Hoppas innerligt att regeringen arbetar hårt med att få Joakim Medin släppt ur häktet i Turkiet. Detta är absurt.

#pressfrihet #journalism

How do wildlife corridors shape conservation efforts?

Join Mongabay’s upcoming webinar on April 11, 2025, at 2:30 am UTC, where experts will explore the crucial role of wildlife corridors in protecting ecosystems, enabling species migration, and influencing policy decisions. Learn how journalists can cover these topics effectively and why they matter for biodiversity.

Watch live on Mongabay’s YouTube channel and LinkedIn page. Register now! https://mongabay.org/opportunity/register-for-mongabays-webinar-on-how-to-cover-wildlife-corridors-on-april-11/

#Webinar #Journalism

Robert McChesney, a #media scholar, #author, and co-founder of media advocacy #nonprofit #FreePress, died from cancer at 72


#journalism #journalist #democracy #academia #activism #obituary #RIP

Michael Savage : #BBC reporter arrested and deported from #Turkey after covering protests: Mark Lowen considered ‘threat to public order’ after reports on nationwide anti-government demonstrations

#Journalism #erdogan #protests #democracy #autocracy

A good movie script about a journalist taking down fascists in America would be a huge hit right now. Who wants to write it with me? I can handle the storytelling aspect. Who wants to provide the juicy details?

We need heroes. #Writing #Screenwriting #Journalism
Woman with writing on her face surrounded by newspapers.

How To Spot A Media Distraction - taking a look at a couple of stories that jumped out at me as examples of obvious attempts to manipulate you via media, and media's failure to stop falling for it. #disinformation #propaganda #mediacriticism #media #journalism


Margaret Sullivan: The Atlantic handled ‘Signalgate’ with good judgment: Shining a bright spotlight on this mess was a public service. One can only imagine what other information has been as recklessly handled

#TheAtlantic #trump #maga #journalism #Signal

in an article about maga wanting to defund PBS because the truth hurts them I found an interesting statistic "According to a 2024 poll by YouGov, PBS was Americans’ third-most trusted news source after The Weather Channel and the BBC."
It's very telling that the most trusted news source in the states is the British Broadcasting Company, even people from here don't trust US news organizations to be honest.
#FundPBS #PBS #BBC #TheWeatherChannel #Journalism #NewsSources #MediaBias

My very least favorite category of journalist headline: "There are zero documented cases of anyone anywhere saying X is true, but here is why X is not true." Try harder. #journalism
A title of an article reads: "'Why schools can't solve it alone': New book tackles chronic absenteeism"

The top news story in Austin, Texas according to a local TV station: “Fart Smells No Longer Plague Local Neighborhood.” Henceforth, please do not lament the quality of journalism in one of the ten largest cities in the USA and home to Texas’ flagship public university.
#Journalism #Austin #Texas #News
A photo of two children, their silhouettes appearing like shadows behind black and orange netting with green grass in the background, the photo having no apparent relationship to a superimposed headline in white print that reads, “Top Story: Fart Smells No Longer Plague Local Neighborhood.”

From the Committee to Protect Journalists: Pig’s head, rats sent to Indonesian news outlet as president attacks foreign-funded mediacpj.org/2025/03/seve...#FreePress #Journalism

Pig's head, rats sent to Indon...

New post on my Media Gifts blog: ‘The Rest Is Substack: Mehdi Hasan, Zeteo and the Parallel Establishment’


‘I recently watched an interview with Mehdi Hasan, the journalist behind Zeteo. He’s using Substack to build a left-leaning media company as an alternative to legacy outlets such as the BBC. Naomi Klein, Owen Jones and Cynthia Nixon are already involved in delivering content.

I'm not uncritical of Substack, nor unaware of how it works. Still, at first glance, I could see the appeal. …

But before even more of us rush out to join Substack, let me say that lasted all of about five minutes.

Then I came across this piece ... which delves into the politics of Substack. It highlights how the platform isn’t just a neutral tool for independent journalism - it’s a key pillar of what Marc Andressen, Balaji Srinivasan and other advocates of the 'Network State' call the 'parallel establishment...'

#Substack #zeteo #journalism #media #bbc #podcast

Ein Vorbild für nachhaltigen Tourismus.
Nizza stoppt große Kreuzfahrtschiffe.

Die französische Stadt Nizza hat eine wegweisende Entscheidung getroffen: Große Kreuzfahrtschiffe dürfen künftig nicht mehr im Hafen der Stadt anlegen.

#goodnews #news #klimaschutz #umweltschutz #nachhaltigkeit #tourism #nachrichten #presse #journalism

➡️ https://goodnews-magazin.de/nizza-stoppt-kreuzfahrtschiffe-fuer-klima/

The new idw expert database

The new centrepiece of idw's expert placement service has been an expert database.

Our idw members can upload extensive information about their own institution's experts.

Journalists accredited with idw can search for experts in the expert lists
or search for any keywords directly in the database or filter the entries by region and language.

Take a look - it's worth it!

#journalism #journalist #research #scicomm
Discover the new expert database - for journalists - there is a screenshot from the new database https://experten.idw-online.de/

LibGen is a wonderful evidence machine for all of the inevitable lawsuits to come. Kudos to The Atlantic and Alex Reisner on creating a great tool 👏


#GenAI #law #journalism

🚨 Frankreich boykottiert US-Marken: 62 % unterstützen Boykott, 32 % haben Kaufgewohnheiten geändert. Coca-Cola (48 %) und McDonald's (44 %) am stärksten betroffen. Trump-Politik treibt Boykott an. Ältere und Gebildete besonders aktiv. #BoykottUSA #Frankreich #USMarken #europe #news #aktuell #press #journalism #nachrichten #france #boycott #germany

➡️ https://dndnetz.blogspot.com/2025/03/boykott-von-amerikanischen-marken-in.html

Are people subscribing to "The Atlantic" in a show of support? Looks like the yearly take is from $80 to $120. Seriously considering it. And haven't had a 'zine subscription in years.

#magazine #journalism #subscription #theatlantic #atlantic

This stuff is just plain nuts, and a massive danger to our military.

“The statements by Hegseth, Gabbard, Ratcliffe, and Trump—combined with the assertions made by numerous administration officials that we are lying about the content of the Signal texts—have led us to believe that people should see the texts in order to reach their own conclusions.”

#Politics #USPolitics #SignalGate #YemenWarPlans #TheAtlanticExclusive #Journalism


#HossamShabat #Gaza #genocide #journalism

Very few people on earth have the power to remove the fascist dictator currently destroying our nation. They are Senators and Congresspeople.

Ignoring them. Failing to put maximum pressure on them to do the right thing and save our country is simply wrong. On every level.

#ImpeachTheFascist #uspol #USPolitics #journalism #media #socialmedia #immigrantRights #MakeThemFight #Hardball #impeach #impeachment #DoSomething #NoKings

Please, if you can, subscribe or donate to The Intercept, an invaluable source of #IndependantNews and investigative #journalism, which is going to become increasingly important. #Resisters#Resistance

RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:vtwv2edeyhasfqgd53x5yius/post/3ll7tzfk24y24

The Texas Observer mourns the loss and celebrates the life of Carlton Carl—longtime board member, fierce supporter, and fighter for progress—who passed away Tuesday. We'll publish more soon, but for now we hope you'll revisit this 2024 interview: https://www.texasobserver.org/carlton-carl-texas-observer-70th/

#journalism #media #RIP #Texas

Die deutsche Rüstungsindustrie steht vor Herausforderungen, um den steigenden Bedarf an Verteidigungsgütern zu decken. Eine europäische Strategie und Investitionen sind notwendig, um langfristig wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben und die Verteidigungsfähigkeiten zu stärken.

➡️ https://dndnetz.blogspot.com/2025/03/die-notige-umstrukturierung-der.html

#Rüstungsindustrie #deutschland #news #politics #politik #europe #military #nato #germany #rheinmetall #europa #aktuell #journalism #bundeswehr #industrie #economy #wirtschaftspolitik #germaneconomy

Hello Mastodon! 👋 Flipboard's UK editorial team are taking our first steps into the open social web. We'll be posting and boosting top news stories about the UK, Europe and highlighting analysis and opinions on news and politics events around the world, specifically on how it all affects us.

Any feedback from the community is very welcome. Please feel free to share any accounts you think we should follow and do let us know what you'd like to see from us.

Check out the Flipboad app, a platform where you can discover and share stories on anything from news and politics to food and travel. Explore all of your interests in one place: https://about.flipboard.com

#NewHere #UKNews #News #EuropeNews #Introduction #Journalism