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Beiträge, die mit books getaggt sind

“…so long as there exists a Western self-conception that demands the appearance of purity at all times, it should be known that what shocks the most isn’t the cruelty or indifference. Many people‘s governments are cruel, many people‘s governments are indifferent. It’s this relentless parachuting of Virtue.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

A Balcony Over Jerusalem by John Lyons, 2017

A gripping memoir of life in Jerusalem from one of Australia's most experienced Middle East correspondents.

Israel has controlled the West Bank for more than 40 years. For 20 years, John Lyons has been writing about the occupation and the persistence of the conflict around the 'Settlements' - and their broader implications for world peace amid the growing turbulence in the Arab world and the emergence of the Islamic State. This is a book written from the battle-scarred heart of one of the world's most disputed territories. John Lyons lived in Jerusalem for six years, sending his son to a local school and befriending his Israeli neighbours. He has confronted Hamas officials about rockets fired into Israel and Israeli soldiers about tear gas shot at Palestinian children. He has been kidnapped in the line of work. By telling the story of his travels in the region he paints a vivid picture of daily life against the backdrop of the Arab-Israeli conflict, at times dazzling...

Hope of the Wasteland by Matt Watts now available!

"This absorbing and electrifying dystopian tale will appeal to all ages." ~ Kirkus Reviews

"I absolutely loved this book & fell in love with Huey because of his courageous attitude and how he did not let his anxiety win." ~ Digitally Lit

"Watts has taken Mad Max & Judy Blume, put them in a blender, and served up a story that is a pleasure to read & impossible to put down." ~ Mark McKinney, Kids in the Hall


About authors, publishing and their royalties: https://kristie-de-garis.ghost.io/published-doesnt-mean-paid/

#Bookstodon #Books #BookDeal #Publishing #Author #Royalties #Blog

Another deep and thoughtful review of my new book, by Lisa Timpf at The Seabord Review!


#review #reviews #book #books #bookstodon #fiction #shortfiction
slide showing cover art of the gates of polished horn by mark a rayner, and this review:
Places Strange & Familiar 
"Rayner has a unique and interesting voice, and while the characters and the events are sometimes drawn from beyond this world, they are also believable within the frame of the stories."
-Lisa Timpf, The Seabord Review

Today in Labor History March 24, 1834: William Morris, British author, textile designer and revolutionary socialist was born on this date. He wrote the utopian novel “News From Nowhere” and founded the Socialist League in 1874. He was influenced by both Marxism and anarchism.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #williammorris #anarchism #socialism #writer #author #novel #books @bookstadon
William Morris at age 53, by Frederick Hollyer, with a long gray beard, wavy hair, head resting on fist, looking straight ahead, 1887. By Frederick Hollyer - https://books.google.com/books?id=0ZQOAAAAIAAJ Google Books edition of J. W. Mackail The Life of William Morris in two volumes, London, New York and Bombay: Longmans, Green and Co., 1899, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4578235

From #Berlin to #Tokyo and #Yenan

Günther Stein in Berlin, #London Tokyo und #Yan’an

#books #review #travel #journalism

Made in Japan, London, 1935. (Reprint: 2010)
Far East in Ferment, London, 1937.
The Challenge of Red China, London, 1945. (Reprint: 1975)

“Allowed to wield silence so freely, any institution will become insatiable. It’s not only that the absence of information allows those complicit in but unaffected by wrongdoing to look away. The silence itself becomes an empty canvas onto which any fantasy can be painted.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

Extremely in love with my next book's cover, illustrated by Rebecca Burgess (a fellow autistic) 💕

This book explains what it means to be autistic to kids (and adults!!) in a neuroaffirmative and fun way, and I can't wait for it to hit shelves in June 🎉

Published by #JessicaKingsleyPublishers
Yellow book cover with 3 kids on it. Background of cover has numerous items such as fidgets, ear defenders, lava lamp etc. 
Book Title: "Being Autistic (and what that actually means)" by Niamh Garvey (me) Illustrated by Rebecca Burgess

My first two reads for #TransRightsReadathon! One fiction and one nonfic (I always read different books at different times of the day).

Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas is the first YA book I have decided to read in AGES. The world and the concept sounded very cool.

Our Lives, Our Words is a collection of life stories from aravani (hijra) women from Tamil Nadu, compiled by one of them. It is touching read.

#bookstodon #AmReading #lgbtq #queer #image #books #transgender #nonfiction #YAfiction
The cover of Our Lives, Our Words: Telling Aravani life stories by A. Revathi.
The cover of Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas.

Since I can't resist a reading challenge, and Hungary is being horrific about queer rights right now, I decided to participate in the #TransRightsReadathon. I have nonfiction books on my TBR already, but I welcome recommendations for other genres 😊 Following the hashtag too!

#bookstodon #lgbtq #AmReading #ReadingChallenge #books #transgender #queer

How many deaths to end a war? ‘Eyes Turned Skywards’ is a fast-paced thriller set mainly in northern Scotland during World War Two. It uses many real settings, transported eight decades back in time.

The book’s central character uses a Hawker Hurricane as his personal transport as he pursues his investigations in Oban and Caithness. This Hurricane was seen some years ago at an airshow at what was then RAF Leuchars.

Find out more on my website:

#Books #Bookstodon
This modern image shows a Hawker Hurricane fighter painted in grey and green camouflage parked on concrete and seen from the rear. The tail fills much of the centre of the frame and the wings extend out of the sides. Two of the propellor blades can be seen beyond the fuselage. In the background are other parked aircraft and then parts of two large green hangars. The scene is in sunlight. The front cover of ‘Eyes Turned Skywards’ is shown in the top right corner.

A great perspective! Old books often contain timeless wisdom, unique perspectives & ideas that can inspire new thoughts &creativity.
It seems to me that all too many imitates & copies what others do these days. Few seem to have an interest in being unique.

#books #bookstodon #ideas #creativity #inspiration
”If you want new ideas, read old books”.

Well... I guess... I have a blog now! Now i can finally write down all my thoughts in epic length haha.

Seriously, you can find multiple things there.
- Philosophy
- Game Design
- Poems
- Book suggestions
- And anything else thats on my mind

I invite you to take a look 🥰

#blog #blogging #blogger #blogpost #philosophy #philosophie #poem #poesie #gameDesign #bookstodon #books #book

“In time there will be findings of genocide. There will be warrants issued, even. The structures of international law, undermined at every turn, will nonetheless attempt to operate as if law were an evenly allotted thing. As though criminality remains criminal even when the powerful support, bankroll, or commit the crime.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

Ce mercredi signait le retour des éditions de L’Homme sans nom en librairie avec le tout nouveau roman d’Adrien Mangold, Passé sans silence. Fan de l’auteur de la première heure, j’avais à la fois très hâte de lire ce titre mais aussi beaucoup de craintes. Mais c’est une vraie réussite! Inclassable, difficile à expliquer, très humain, Passé sans silence est un roman remarquable et touchant qui m’aura emportée sans faillir. A la fois enquête, anticipation, hommage à la création artistique et récit sur la perte de mémoire, c’est un texte multiple et surprenant.

Et je vous en parle plus en détails sur le blog: https://yuyine.be/node/1309

#blog #critique #critiquelitteraire #bookreview #book #books #livre #lecture #Pixelbook #roman #anticipation #passésanssilence #HSN #lhommesansnom #AdrienMangold #Alzheimer
Livre posé sur une table avec devant une boite d'allumettes dont une déjà brûlée. La couverture du livre montre une silhouette en chemise blanche dont la tête a été remplacée par une fumée orangée-rouge

Sometimes you have to wonder whether the Gruaniad are being paid for these advertorials 🤣

Just joking folks, of course they are. That is why they won't tell you about the way that Amazon will control the hardware and the books you have leased (not bought) from them. Then they will screw you ro0yally.

Stay sensible, better hardware better software, available elsewhere.


A link to some suggestions


#Amazon #Books #Kindle #DontBuyThem

https://booknerdni.wordpress.com/2025/03/19/paul-zenon-street-magic/ #booksky #press #magic #illusion #paulzenon #review #blogger #books #blog

“Waiting on a Western judicial institution to cast judgment on a killing spree financed and endorsed by the West means, inevitably, watching a disjointed ballet of impossible reconciling.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

Tonight on Stacy Solomon Sorts Your Life Out (which incidentally shows Stacy as a really humane & compassionate person), they transferred a family's belongings to a warehouse to sort out the masses of things littering their house - the show requires them to shed 50% of their belongings, if you've not seen it and....

the family had (and it was treated as a shocker) 552 books.....

Well, if they think that's a lot they need to see my house!

@bookstodon #books #hoarding #TV

“… The bedrock of this particular identity isn’t conformity or nonconformity – it’s self-interest. Anyone who buys into both the narrative of American rebelliousness and the reality of American authority understands that both have been created to serve them. The man in the action movie looks one way, the man the cops just shot in a traffic stop another.“ One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

- JFK - MINUTE BY MINUTE #jfk #press #booksky #murder #news #blogger #Review #books https://booknerdni.wordpress.com/2025/02/10/jonathan-mayo-the-assassination-of-jfk-minute-by-minute/

From bestselling author of The Shipping News comes one of the most celebrated short story collections of our time. Annie Proulx’s masterful language and fierce love of Wyoming are evident in Close Range, a powerful collection of stories which includes Brokeback Mountain.

#books #wyoming #usa #reading #uk #lgbtqia #book #author #news #media

A beautiful review from Olga Miret, author and reviewer extraordinaire!

She outlines each story on Amazon and on Goodreads, here:

#book #books #review #reviews
slide that shows cover of The Gates of Polished Horn by Mark a. Rayner (markarayner.com/gates) with a quote titled: wonderful and varied! “I loved this collection of stories. They are all beautifully written and make one stop and think. Best savoured slowly, and you should give them time to sink in.”
    –Olga Miret, author of The Man Who Never Was

“Absent an act to describe and the language to describe it, we are capable of believing nothing, or multiple contradictory things, or anything at all.” One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

Just imagine how different our world could be, if we only started with the basics. As Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis once stated: “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.”


#uk #manchester #reading #books #literature #news #education #usa #media

In advance of the April #AtoZChallenge I wrote another blog post. This one is about the epics that have women heroes, but I won't include them in the series in April.

To read the list, and the reasons why, visit the blog:

(And if anyone has any suggestions for getting translations for some of these, that would be great 😉 )

#WomensEpics #epics #folklore #literature #storytelling #mythology #books #blogging #bookstodon

After Meta Blocks Whistleblower's Book Promotion, It Becomes an Amazon Bestseller

#books #bookstodon #publishing

"A lioness is nothing without her Pride."
What does pride mean to you?
Check out our take in our little blog:

#blog #bookblog #callersbooks #books #opinion #writerblog
#writer #writercommunity
#indieauthor #bookstodon

ich nutze dafür bookwyrm.und find das eine der besten Entdeckungen Eine Anwendung im Fediverse mit Büchern im Mittelpunkt, lesen, Rezensionen,... Und auch zum Erfassen der eigenen gelesenen Bücher ein schönes Archiv.

#unplugtrump #books #buch #bücher #lesen #fediverse #Bookwyrm

A little library humor to brighten your day. Seen at my local library.

Thank you, mysterious Cathy.

#Library #Libraries #Librarians #Reading #Books #Funny
Library book return box on an external wall. There are two self-printed signs below it. The first one reads “drop box is broken! Please visit Cathy inside to return books.” The second one reads “update! Drop box is not broken! Cathy is just super lonely and wants to talk to you about her nine ferrets.”

📚 #readingnook #books

The Gaza Strip is among the most densely populated places in the world. More than two-thirds of its inhabitants are refugees. Since 2004, Israel has launched eight devastating "operations" against Gaza's largely defenseless population. Thousands have perished, tens of thousands have been left homeless. In the meantime, Israel has subjected #gaza to a merciless illegal blockade.

By Norman Finkelstein

Publ. University of California Press
ISBN 978-0-520-29571-1 (English)

“To watch the descriptions of Palestinian suffering in much of mainstream Western media is to watch language employed for the exact opposite of language’s purpose – to watch the unmaking of meaning.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

At the end of the march from Selma to Montgomery on March 25, 1965, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood in front of a crowd and celebrated the effort that had been done by all in the fight against racial injustice and for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

“Our God Is Marching On” showcases a message of determination, faith, and the unyielding pursuit of equality while remaining committed to nonviolence.

#books #usa #reading #uk #politics #news #media #protest #education #manchester

“The moral component of history, the most necessary component, is simply a single question, asked over and over again: When it mattered, who sided with justice and who sided with power? What makes moments such as this one so dangerous, so clarifying, is that one way or another everyone is forced to answer.” from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation #palestine

“Whatever the quality of its rhetoric, any politics that buckles at the prospect of even mildly inconveniencing the rich, or resisting an ally’s genocidal intentions, will always face an uphill battle against a politics that actively embraces malice. ‘Yes We Can’ is a conditional. ‘Yes We Will’ is not.“ from One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad #books #literature #gaza #genocide #occupation