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Beiträge, die mit opinion getaggt sind

Manna Ken is the director of Combat Augment Security Enforcement. It doesn't matter how she feels about it, protecting the borders is her responsibility.
But, so is protecting Mira.


#callersbooks #blog #opinion #scifibooksky #fantasybooksky #books #bookstodon

Factual commentary analysis of #Labour's 'governing' by Tabitha Troughton in #FreedomNews.

#Gifsartidote: #Starmer & Co behave like any other neo-liberal #capitalist gov bc they are in collaboration with big business to protect the system. They all are consumed by greed and narcissism, the end result of white-supremacy colonialism. Nobody has sufficiently addressed the collective trauma centuries of this trajectory has caused, hence why we are here
#press #news #opinion

3 multi-millionaires discussing how to solve #inequality.
🐘 in the room: #capitalist system is dead and we need a new system.
#GifsArtidote :
New system can't contain:
1. hierarchy
2. profit
3. ownership of land and buildings.
It has to focus on what humans need to thrive.

#GarysEconomics #opinion #press #news

A test for Europe: Will the EU defend media freedom in Serbia? https://www.byteseu.com/853025/ #Media #Opinion #Politics #protest #Serbia
A test for Europe: Will the EU defend media freedom in Serbia?

Trump’s strikes on the Houthis show he’s not Joe Biden mumbling ‘Don’t’ https://www.byteseu.com/846170/ #Conflicts #DonaldTrump #Editorial #Hamas #houthis #Iran #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #JoeBiden #MarcoRubio #NuclearWeapons #Opinion #Russia
Trump's strikes on the Houthis show he's not Joe Biden mumbling 'Don't'

"A lioness is nothing without her Pride."
What does pride mean to you?
Check out our take in our little blog:

#blog #bookblog #callersbooks #books #opinion #writerblog
#writer #writercommunity
#indieauthor #bookstodon

#GarysEconomics saying through #unity and #TaxTheRich we can stop economic collapse.

Gifsartidote :
As a transitional tactic I agree, but ultimately I argue for anarcho (no authority governance)-communism (sharing resources economy).

#press #opinion #Solutions

#ChrisHedges analysis of what's happening in the world and what #theResistance should look like.

#GifsArtidote :
This is a historic lecture which contains lessons now, and for future generations, if we last that long.

#press #news #opinion #GlobalNews #BreakingNews #BlackMastodon #GlobalSouthMastodon #educate #organise #resist #empathy #solidarity


Custom Keyboard Company WASD Keyboards Goes Defunct?

Can keyboard enthusiasts find answers to the questions we all have been wondering, has WASD Keyboards company gone out of business or was it acquired?


#blog #opinion #keyboard #tech #news
A bold title of 'WASD Keyboards Goes Defunct?' by two CODE 104-key mechanical keyboards in black with white keycap labels.

#RussellHoward showing his #resistance to the state of the country and the world today. Thanks Russ, more ppl should take their responsibility to change public discourse.

#analysis #debate #SystemChange #MoralResponsibility #ClassWar #press #opinion


Nuke deal? The clock is running out on Iran https://www.byteseu.com/808855/ #Conflicts #Diplomacy #DonaldTrump #Editorial #Iran #Israel #NuclearWeapons #Opinion
Nuke deal? The clock is running out on Iran

A quotation from Arendt
The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed?

Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) German-American philosopher, political theorist
Interview (1973-10) with Roger Errera, Office de Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française (ORTF)
[small]Sourcing, notes: https://wist.info/arendt-hannah/45087/[/small]

#quote #quotes #quotation #dictatorship #freepress #freedomofthepress #information #journalism #judgment #media #opinion #pressfreedom #publicopinion #totalitarianism

De escombros a pistas: La propuesta de un aeródromo y puerto marítimo en Gaza

De escombros a pistas: La propuesta de un aeródromo y puerto marítimo en Gaza
Narrativa: Gaza depende en gran medida de Israel y Egipto para el movimiento de carga y personas hacia y desde el territorio, a pesar de que ambos países tratan de desvincularse de ese territorio conflictivo. Algo que falta para la fu [...]

#Gaza #GuerraDeGaza #Israel #Opinión #PropuestaDeUnAeródromo #PuertoMarítimo


Netanyahu’s plan to deprive and rule in Gaza will fail again | Israel-Palestine conflict |#Opinion - @AlJazeera
By Farah Zaina
Lecturer at the University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza

'What Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders like him seem not to understand is that Gaza is not just a place for us, it is our home.'

Full opinion in link.

#Gaza #Israel
Netanyahu has now ordered all humanitarian aid to be cut off again and is planning to forcibly expel Palestinians from the north to the south once again.

His aim is clear: to tear apart communities, to separate and weaken us, to turn us against each other through extreme deprivation. But his strategy failed in the past 16 months, and it will fail again.

In the face of a genocidal war, the people of Gaza showed immense solidarity with each other. Whoever had a home standing would open it to shelter the displaced, including their families, friends, neighbours and even strangers. Whoever had some food would also share.

Israel’s to-do list as Phase 1 ends? Get the hostages, destroy Hamas https://www.byteseu.com/794112/ #AlQaeda #Conflicts #Editorial #GazaStrip #Hamas #hostages #ISIS #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #MiddleEast #Opinion #Terrorism #terrorists
Israel's to-do list as Phase 1 ends? Get the hostages, destroy Hamas

Serbian president apologises for voting ‘yes’ to UN resolution on Ukraine https://www.byteseu.com/778230/ #africa #BreakingNews #business #China #context #economy #Europe #Explainer #Germany #globalisation #HumanInterest #humans #journalism #MiddleEast #News #Opinion #rt #Russia #Serbia #trends #trt #TrtWorld #Turkey #Türkiye #US
Serbian president apologises for voting 'yes' to UN resolution on Ukraine

Bilfinger Cooperation with ROMCIM in Romania https://www.byteseu.com/776325/ #analysis #Electric #Energy #Event #Gas #industry #interview #magazine #Media #Metals #mining #oil #Opinion #power #print #Renewables #review #Romania #TECH

Mira Holt merely seeks the chance to learn her history and chase her future. All she wants is her freedom.

What does freedom mean to you?
Answer in the comments, then go check out our take at

#bookblog #opinion #freedom #callersbooks #blog #bookstodon

Costa Rica: comerciar libremente con Israel… como si ¿nada pasara?

Costa Rica: comerciar libremente con Israel… como si ¿nada pasara?
“Lo que está ocurriendo en Gaza no es una operación militar, es una agresión a gran escala contra nuestro pueblo. Son masacres contra civiles inocentes. Nada en el derecho natural ni en el derecho internacional permite atacar a civiles y perp [...]

#ComerciarConIsrael #CortePenalInternacional #FranjaDeGaza #Israel #LibreComercio #Opinión


Hamás no deja lugar para la humanidad

Hamás no deja lugar para la humanidad
Las imágenes nos persiguen: una joven madre, Shiri Bibas, removida de la vida cotidiana, abrazando a sus dos pequeños hijos pelirrojos, Ariel, de cuatro años, y Kfir, de solo, nueve meses. Sus rostros, marcados por el miedo, reflejan el horror mientras son arrastrados a Gaza. Esta escena, filmada por los propios terroristas [...]

#FranjaDeGaza #GrupoTerroristaHamas #Israel #Opinión #ShiriBibas


El doble estándar en el conflicto palestino israelí y algunas omisiones respondidas desde el derecho internacional

El doble estándar en el conflicto palestino israelí y algunas omisiones respondidas desde el derecho internacional
Hace algunos días salió en este mismo medio, un larguísimo artículo cuyo autor es un asiduo crítico a las acciones de Israel y q [...]

#ConflictoPalestino-israelí #ConvenciónDeGinebraDe1949Y #FranjaDeGaza #GrupoTerroristaHamas #Israel #Opinión


The fight to save Radnor Forest


#TariqAli's call to arms to the oppositon of #neoliberalism which he says is what's caused this coup of fascist leaders and billionaires overriding national and international law.

I'm saying #Trump, #Musk ao are on the far end of narcissistic psychopathic PD's, as many academic psychology scholars have stated, and it's entirely up to you and me to treat them as such, instead of enabling their toxic, homicidal behaviour by taking them as mentally healthy
#press #opinion


E.ON Energie Romania Concludes Its First PPA https://www.byteseu.com/736871/ #analysis #Electric #Energy #Event #Gas #industry #interview #magazine #Media #Metals #mining #oil #Opinion #power #print #Renewables #review #Romania #TECH

Costa Rica: comerciar libremente con Israel… como si ¿nada pasara?

“Lo que está ocurriendo en Gaza no es una operación militar, es una agresión a gran escala contra nuestro pueblo. Son masacres contra civiles inocentes. Nada en el derecho natural ni en el derecho internacional permite atacar a civiles y perpetrar contra ellos ataques tan indiscriminados y bárbaros / What is happening in Gaza is not […]

#ComerciarConIsrael #CostaRica #Gaza #Israel #Opinión
