Beiträge, die mit opinion getaggt sind
But, so is protecting Mira.
#callersbooks #blog #opinion #scifibooksky #fantasybooksky #books #bookstodon
What Does Responsibility Mean to You?
What does responsibility mean to us?Ok everybody, say it with me now. “With great power there must also come great responsibility.” - Uncle BenWe all know the saying. We all know what it means.Xin Graves (Callers Books)
#média #confiance #monde #Canada #France #USA #Chine #Inde #Indonésie #opinion #idéologies #statistiques
The sentencing of Alexei Navalny’s lawyers marks a new era of unchecked lawlessness.
#Trussia #authoritarianism #Russia #Putin #Trump #Navalnt #opinion #press
#Gifsartidote: #Starmer & Co behave like any other neo-liberal #capitalist gov bc they are in collaboration with big business to protect the system. They all are consumed by greed and narcissism, the end result of white-supremacy colonialism. Nobody has sufficiently addressed the collective trauma centuries of this trajectory has caused, hence why we are here
#press #news #opinion
Welfare cuts: Labour's political suicide - Freedom News
Or could this all be an undercover anarchist joke to show the system’s bankruptcy? ~ Tabitha Troughton ~ Cheerily kicking kittens, earnestly pulling wings off flies, making the difficult choice to slam the freezer shut on next door’s puppies: has the…anarchy (Freedom Press)
🐘 in the room: #capitalist system is dead and we need a new system.
#GifsArtidote :
New system can't contain:
1. hierarchy
2. profit
3. ownership of land and buildings.
It has to focus on what humans need to thrive.
#GarysEconomics #opinion #press #news
A test for Europe: Will the EU defend media freedom in Serbia?
Protesters march during a major rally against populist President Aleksandar Vucic and his government, in downtown Belgrade, Serbia, March 15, 2025. Media freedom should be a pillar of democracy, yet it is under siege in Serbia.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Trump’s strikes on the Houthis show he’s not Joe Biden mumbling ‘Don’t’
The change in White House leadership is promising change in the Middle East. Big change. Needed change. President Donald Trump made that crystal clear by launching a campaign against Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen over the weekend.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Trump's strikes on the Houthis show he's not Joe Biden mumbling 'Don't' - EUROPE SAYS
The change in White House leadership is promising change in the Middle East. Big change. Needed change. PresidentEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
What does pride mean to you?
Check out our take in our little blog:
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#writer #writercommunity
#indieauthor #bookstodon
What Does Pride Mean to You?
What does Pride mean to us? • Satisfaction of pleasure taken in one's own or another's success, achievement, etcIt's that feeling you get when you're in a tournament and you land that extra long combo you'd been practising for the past six weeks.Xin Graves (Callers Books)
Gifsartidote :
As a transitional tactic I agree, but ultimately I argue for anarcho (no authority governance)-communism (sharing resources economy).
#press #opinion #Solutions
Stop the Houthis, now!, Europe’s wake-up call on defense
Mideast journal: Stop the Houthis, Now! Yemen’s Houthis “are testing a model of 21st-century piracy that, if successful, will be made permanent and likely copied by others,” warns Commentary’s Seth Mandel.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Gaza is struggling to keep clean water flowing.
Paywall Free:
#news #politics #opinion #israel #gaza #palestine #water
#GifsArtidote :
This is a historic lecture which contains lessons now, and for future generations, if we last that long.
#press #news #opinion #GlobalNews #BreakingNews #BlackMastodon #GlobalSouthMastodon #educate #organise #resist #empathy #solidarity
#analysis #debate #SystemChange #MoralResponsibility #ClassWar #press #opinion
Nuke deal? The clock is running out on Iran
We genuinely hope Iran’s rulers react seriously to President Donald Trump’s letter urging them to come to a rapid agreement to abandon their nuclear-weapons programs.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Bluesky #academia #Twitter #SocialNetworks #Opinion #Blogs #SocialScience
Bluesky will trap academics in the same way Twitter/X did - Impact of Social Sciences
Commercial platforms & social media companies are designed to maximise switching costs to retain users. Will Bluesky do the same for academics?Taster (Impact of Social Sciences)
The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed?
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) German-American philosopher, political theorist
Interview (1973-10) with Roger Errera, Office de Radiodiffusion-Télévision Française (ORTF)
[small]Sourcing, notes:[/small]
#quote #quotes #quotation #dictatorship #freepress #freedomofthepress #information #journalism #judgment #media #opinion #pressfreedom #publicopinion #totalitarianism
The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? Other parts of this inte…
De escombros a pistas: La propuesta de un aeródromo y puerto marítimo en Gaza
Narrativa: Gaza depende en gran medida de Israel y Egipto para el movimiento de carga y personas hacia y desde el territorio, a pesar de que ambos países tratan de desvincularse de ese territorio conflictivo. Algo que falta para la fu [...]
#Gaza #GuerraDeGaza #Israel #Opinión #PropuestaDeUnAeródromo #PuertoMarítimo
De escombros a pistas: La propuesta de un aeródromo y puerto marítimo en Gaza
De escombros a pistas: La propuesta de un aeródromo y puerto marítimo en Gaza Opinión - El Mundo CRRedacción (El Mundo CR)
By Farah Zaina
Lecturer at the University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza
'What Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders like him seem not to understand is that Gaza is not just a place for us, it is our home.'
Full opinion in link.
#Gaza #Israel
Netanyahu’s plan to deprive and rule in Gaza will fail again
In the face of displacement, homelessness and hunger, Palestinian solidarity has remained unshakeable.Farah Zaina (Al Jazeera)
Israel’s to-do list as Phase 1 ends? Get the hostages, destroy Hamas
Phase 1 of the Gaza cease-fire is done; what now? Under the original plan, Phase 2 meant talks to free the remaining hostages (basically, male Israeli soliders), resolve the future governance of Gaza and see Israel withdraw completely.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#USA #oligarchie #média #censure #modération #presse #opinion #liberté #idéologie #droite #capitalisme #néolibéralisme
Serbian president apologises for voting ‘yes’ to UN resolution on Ukraine
'As far as the American resolution is concerned, we voted exactly as it should have been. We abstained. We should have abstained, in my opinion, from the European resolution as well.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Bilfinger Cooperation with ROMCIM in Romania
This story started mid of 2023, when Bilfinger managed to sign new project for ROMCIM, a CRH company. CRH is the leading provider of building materials solutions that build, connect and improve our world.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Bilfinger Cooperation with ROMCIM in Romania - EUROPE SAYS
This story started mid of 2023, when Bilfinger managed to sign new project for ROMCIM, a CRH company.EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
What does freedom mean to you?
Answer in the comments, then go check out our take at
#bookblog #opinion #freedom #callersbooks #blog #bookstodon
What Does Freedom Mean to You?
What does Freedom mean to us?Ask the average person in the west if they have freedom and they'll probably say they do. And, in a sense, they're correct. They're not imprisoned, enslaved, or restrained, so they must be free.Xin Graves (Callers Books)
Costa Rica: comerciar libremente con Israel… como si ¿nada pasara?
“Lo que está ocurriendo en Gaza no es una operación militar, es una agresión a gran escala contra nuestro pueblo. Son masacres contra civiles inocentes. Nada en el derecho natural ni en el derecho internacional permite atacar a civiles y perp [...]
#ComerciarConIsrael #CortePenalInternacional #FranjaDeGaza #Israel #LibreComercio #Opinión
Costa Rica: comerciar libremente con Israel... como si ¿nada pasara?
Costa Rica: comerciar libremente con Israel... como si ¿nada pasara? Opinión - El Mundo CRRedacción (El Mundo CR)
Hamás no deja lugar para la humanidad
Las imágenes nos persiguen: una joven madre, Shiri Bibas, removida de la vida cotidiana, abrazando a sus dos pequeños hijos pelirrojos, Ariel, de cuatro años, y Kfir, de solo, nueve meses. Sus rostros, marcados por el miedo, reflejan el horror mientras son arrastrados a Gaza. Esta escena, filmada por los propios terroristas [...]
#FranjaDeGaza #GrupoTerroristaHamas #Israel #Opinión #ShiriBibas
Hamás no deja lugar para la humanidad
Hamás no deja lugar para la humanidad Opinión - El Mundo CRRedacción (El Mundo CR)
The future of journalism in the age of artificial intelligence - Academia - EUROPE SAYS
he role of the press in a democratic ecosystem is being increasingly tested as artificial intelligence continues toEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Romania’s Ministry of Energy and GeoAlliance Discuss Geothermal Investments - EUROPE SAYS
On February 13, representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Energy met with GeoAlliance project experts to discuss theEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
What Putin really wants
The Kremlin sees Trump’s move as a correct response to Moscow’s demand to respect the Russian president as an equal partner.Andrei Soldatov (POLITICO)
El doble estándar en el conflicto palestino israelí y algunas omisiones respondidas desde el derecho internacional
Hace algunos días salió en este mismo medio, un larguísimo artículo cuyo autor es un asiduo crítico a las acciones de Israel y q [...]
#ConflictoPalestino-israelí #ConvenciónDeGinebraDe1949Y #FranjaDeGaza #GrupoTerroristaHamas #Israel #Opinión
El doble estándar en el conflicto palestino israelí y algunas omisiones respondidas desde el derecho internacional
El doble estándar en el conflicto palestino israelí y algunas omisiones respondidas desde el derecho internacional Opinión - El Mundo CRRedacción (El Mundo CR)
Victims of international crimes need justice — and the ICC
We call on the EU’s member countries and institutions to be the voice of human dignity globally, and to mobilize, defend and support the court.Mounir Satouri (POLITICO)
The fight to save Radnor Forest
Jonty Colchester, CPRW, The Welsh Countryside Charity, Chairman. Here in Powys, as in many other parts of Wales, we are bracing for a torrent of planning applications for onshore wind farms.Mark Mansfield (Nation.Cymru)
I'm saying #Trump, #Musk ao are on the far end of narcissistic psychopathic PD's, as many academic psychology scholars have stated, and it's entirely up to you and me to treat them as such, instead of enabling their toxic, homicidal behaviour by taking them as mentally healthy
#press #opinion
#Opinion #Podcast #RussianInvasion #RussianWar #Substack #Ukraine
The Trump Plan Has Been Basically The Same For 6 Months
And Its Not Great For UkrainePhillips P. OBrien (Phillips’s Newsletter)
E.ON Energie Romania Concludes Its First PPA
E.ON Energie Romania has become a producer of green energy following the completion of the construction of a photovoltaic power plant for the Webasto factory in Arad, under a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA).BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
E.ON Energie Romania Concludes Its First PPA - EUROPE SAYS
E.ON Energie Romania has become a producer of green energy following the completion of the construction of aEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
“Lo que está ocurriendo en Gaza no es una operación militar, es una agresión a gran escala contra nuestro pueblo. Son masacres contra civiles inocentes. Nada en el derecho natural ni en el derecho internacional permite atacar a civiles y perpetrar contra ellos ataques tan indiscriminados y bárbaros / What is happening in Gaza is not […]
#ComerciarConIsrael #CostaRica #Gaza #Israel #Opinión
Costa Rica: comerciar libremente con Israel... como si ¿nada pasara?
Costa Rica: comerciar libremente con Israel... como si ¿nada pasara? Opinión - El Mundo CRRedacción (El Mundo CR)