Beiträge, die mit Hamas getaggt sind
#Freiheitsdienst #Grüne #Merz #CDU #CSU #SPD #Depression #NotJustSad #Hegseth #Signal #Hamas #Gaza #Proteste #Türkei #Erdoğan #İmamoğlu #RWEssen!6076161&s=K%C3%BCppersbusch/
Merz, Trump, Erdoğan und Depressionen: Ein dreckiges Dutzend
Merz schmäht den Begriff GroKo, Seehofer kehrt zurück, ein Journalist wird aus Versehen in Kriegspläne der US-Regierung eingeweiht. Wird's schlimmer?Friedrich Küppersbusch (taz)
Möge er in Frieden ruhen.
Leiche vor Haus der Familie abgelegt: Hamas foltert und tötet offenbar zentrale Figur der Gaza-Proteste
Der 22-jährige Oday Nasser Al Rabay wurde offenbar von der Islamistenmiliz ermordet. Auf sozialen Medien wird er als „einer der Anführer der Proteste“ bezeichnet.Der Tagesspiegel
Tod der #Terroristen
Das sogenannte » #Politbüro « der #Hamas in der palästinensischen Enklave ist praktisch nicht mehr existent
#Israel #Selbstverteidigung #Erfolgreich
Tod der Terroristen
Das sogenannte »Politbüro« der Hamas in der palästinensischen Enklave ist praktisch nicht mehr existentJüdische Allgemeine
Eid al-Fitr: Palestinians in Gaza somberly mark Muslim holiday - EUROPE SAYS
DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Palestinians in the Gaza Strip had little to celebrate Sunday as theyEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
"While holding Israel responsible for the slaughter of more than 50,000 people over the past year and a half, and for subjecting the Strip to a longstanding blockade that has further intensified during the war, the protesters are also directing their ire at Hamas: they are calling on the group to do everything in its power to stop the bombing before stepping aside to allow for free elections".
#Gaza #Israel #Hamas
Rage at Israel fuses with ire at Hamas as protests rock Gaza
In the enclave's largest demonstrations in years, Palestinians called for an immediate end to the war and elections to choose a new leadership.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
Yale Law fired Helyeh Doutaghi for refusing an inquiry into her alleged PFLP ties; she denied the claims and accused Yale of suppressing pro-Palestinian speech.
#Yale #Palestine #Hamas #PFPL #education #press
Preisler began public campaigning during the coronavirus but has been a regular feature of anti-antisemitism demonstrations in Berlin.
#Berlin #Hamas #antisemitism #Palestine #Gaza #press
> On Saturday, thousands of Israelis held renewed protests throughout the country, demanding a new agreement with #Hamas for the release of #hostages remaining in the #GazaStrip. #Israel #Gaza #GazaWar
Thousands of Israelis demonstrate for new hostage deal
On Saturday, thousands of Israelis held renewed protests throughout the country, demanding a new agreement with Hamas for the release of hostages remaining in the Gaza Strip.DPA (ANews)
Israel's prime minister said military pressure on Hamas was working, but that "cracks" were emerging in negotiations. Netanyahu added that Israel will ensure security in Gaza to enable Trump's controversial plan.
#OdayNasserAlRabay #FreeGazaFromHamas #Tagesspiegel #Gaza #Palästina #Terror #GazaProtest
Leiche vor Haus der Familie abgelegt: Hamas foltert und tötet offenbar zentrale Figur der Gaza-Proteste
Der 22-jährige Oday Nasser Al Rabay wurde offenbar von der Islamistenmiliz ermordet. Auf sozialen Medien wird er als „einer der Anführer der Proteste“ bezeichnet.Der Tagesspiegel
Hamas: Israel’s settlement plan seeks Palestinian displacement
2025-03-30T14:58:57+00:00 font Enable Reading Mode A- A A+ Shafaq News/ On Sunday, Hamas condemned the Israeli Cabinet’s approval of a new settlement project in occupied East Jerusalem, describing it as a “strategic escalation” to consolidate control…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Đề xuất Gaza của Netanyahu: Các lãnh đạo Hamas rời đi để đạt hòa bình qua đàm phán - Thế Giới Trong Tầm Tay
Netanyahu đề xuất một thỏa thuận táo bạo để hòa bình ở Gaza—Hamas phải giải giáp và để các lãnh đạo rời đi để tăng cường an ninh và giải cứu con tin.My News (Thế Giới Trong Tầm Tay)
#324cat #hamas #guerraagaza #gaza #israel
Netanyahu posa condicions per acabar la guerra: que Hamas deixi les armes i aplicar el pla Trump
Hamas ha acceptat la proposta d'alto el foc d'Egipte i proposa alliberar alguns ostatges si garanteix l'alto el foc durant la celebració final del ramadà3Cat
Hamas begins brutal crackdown on Gaza protests with torture, executions
Residents in the enclave say terror group executed at least six organizers; Gaza City resident returned to his family after four hours of torture and died shortly afterward, while others reported missingEinav Halabi (ynet news)
The final stage of the war, according to Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Hamas will lay down its weapons. Its leaders will be allowed to go out. We will ensure general security in the Gaza Strip and enable the implementation of the Trump plan, the voluntary immigration plan. This is the plan. We are not hiding it, we are ready to discuss it at any time."
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #Trump
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has offered to let the leaders of Hamas leave Gaza but demanded the group abandoned its arms, as his country kept up its bombardment of the Palestinian territory.
#Israeli #BenjaminNetanyahu #Hamas #Gaza #Palestinian
Israel must not ignore the anti-Hamas protests in Gaza
Though still relatively small in scale, the anti-Hamas demonstrations in Gaza clearly indicate a shift in opinion.Konstanty Gebert (The Japan Times)
‘Eid of sadness’: Palestinians in Gaza mark Muslim holiday with dwindling food and no end to war
DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Palestinians in the Gaza Strip had little to celebrate on Sunday as they began marking a normally festive Muslim holiday with rapidly dwindling food supplies and no end in sight to the Israel-Hamas war.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“Israeli occupation forces opened fire during Eid prayers in several areas of Gaza, killing scores of Palestinians, including children”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
LIVE BLOG: Eid-Day Massacres in Gaza | Ballistic Missile from Yemen - Day 541 - Palestine Chronicle
Israeli occupation forces opened fire during Eid prayers in several areas of Gaza, killing scores of Palestinians, including children.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
Netanjahun mukaan Israel on toimittanut oman vastaehdotuksensa aseleponeuvotteluita välittäville maille. Äärijärjestö Hamas on kertonut, ettei se aio luopua aseistaan.
#Gazansota #Hamas #Gazankaista #Israel #Palestiinanpoliittisetpuolueet #Lähiitä #Palestiinalaisalueet #Terrorismi #Benjaminnetanjahu #Panttivangit #Aselepo #Terroristijärjestöt #Palestiinanpolitiikka #Ääriislam #Ulkomaat
Israel vaatii Hamasin riisumista aseista ehtona aselevon toteutumiselle
Netanjahun mukaan Israel on toimittanut oman vastaehdotuksensa aseleponeuvotteluita välittäville maille. Äärijärjestö Hamas on kertonut, ettei se aio luopua aseistaan.Roni Kuronen (Yle Uutiset)
#Netanyahu #Hamas
Juan Cole: Top 5 Ways Israeli PM Netanyahu kept Hamas in Power
Amid the Gaza protests, Juan Cole breaks down the top five ways that Netanyahu has kept Hamas in
Hamas ha concordato una proposta di cessate il fuoco di Gaza che ha ricevuto due giorni fa dai mediatori Egitto e Qatar, ha detto il capo del gruppo militante palestinese. #hamas #gaza #israelhamaswar #middleeast #middleeastconflict #ceasefire #news #reuters #newsfeed Leggi la storia qui: 👉 abbonamento: Segui Reuters su Facebook: Segui Reuters su Twitter: Segui Reuters su…
Hamas heeft ingestemd met een staakt -het -vuren voorstel dat het twee dagen geleden ontving van bemiddelaars Egypte en Qatar, zei de Chief van de Palestijnse militante groep. #hamas #gaza #Israelhamaswar #middleEast #MideasteastConflict #CeaseFire #News #Reuters #NewSfeed Lees hier het verhaal: 👉 Abonneer u: Http:// Keep Up with…
Die meisten #Demonstranten in der Türkei setzen auf friedliche Mittel. Anders die #Polizei . Menschenrechtsorganisationen schlagen kurz vor einer in #Istanbul geplanten Groß-Demo Alarm.
>> Krusi:
Wen soll das eigentlich wundern? Erdogan ist ein überzeugter radikaler Islamist. Wie diese regieren kann man in #Gaza , dem #Libanon und auch im #Iran sehen. Und natürlich auch anderswo, zum Beispiel in#Afghanistan . Aber das finden ja auch viele bei uns in #Deutschland gut. Oder? <<
#Islamisten #Hamas #Hisbollah #Iran #Erdogan
Menschenrechtler prangern Polizeigewalt in Türkei an
Die meisten Demonstranten in der Türkei setzen auf friedliche Mittel. Anders die Polizei. Menschenrechtsorganisationen schlagen kurz vor einer in Istanbul geplanten Groß-Demo
Hamas heeft ingestemd met een staakt -het -vuren voorstel dat het twee dagen geleden ontving van bemiddelaars Egypte en Qatar, zei de Chief van de Palestijnse militante groep. #hamas #gaza #Israelhamaswar #middleEast #MideasteastConflict #CeaseFire #News #Reuters #NewSfeed Lees hier het verhaal: 👉 Abonneer u: Http:// Keep Up with…
Hamas ha concordato una proposta di cessate il fuoco di Gaza che ha ricevuto due giorni fa dai mediatori Egitto e Qatar, ha detto il capo del gruppo militante palestinese. #hamas #gaza #israelhamaswar #middleeast #middleeastconflict #ceasefire #news #reuters #newsfeed Leggi la storia qui: 👉 abbonamento: Segui Reuters su Facebook: Segui Reuters su Twitter: Segui Reuters su…
„On Saturday, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave no details about Israel's counter-proposal, which it said was offered after Netanyahu held consultations on Friday.
Israel a week and a half ago ended its ceasefire with Hamas by launching a surprise wave of strikes that killed hundreds of people. The White House blamed Hamas for the renewed fighting.“
Hamas says it accepts a new Gaza ceasefire proposal but Israel makes a counter-offer - The Mainichi
CAIRO (AP) -- The Hamas militant group said Saturday it has accepted a new Gaza ceasefire proposal from mediators Egypt and Qatar, but Israel said itThe Mainichi
Israels Armee weitet Bodenoffensive in #Rafah aus
Im Kampf gegen die #Terrororganisation #Hamas ist das israelische Militär in einem weiteren Stadtteil in Rafah mit Bodentruppen im Einsatz
#Terroristen #Mörder #PIJ
Israels Armee weitet Bodenoffensive in Rafah aus
Im Kampf gegen die Terrororganisation Hamas ist das israelische Militär in einem weiteren Stadtteil in Rafah mit Bodentruppen im EinsatzJüdische Allgemeine
Hamas says it agrees to new Gaza ceasefire proposal, but Israel makes counteroffer
The Hamas militant group said Saturday it has accepted a new Gaza ceasefire proposal from mediators Egypt and Qatar, but Israel said it has made a counter-proposal in 'full coordination' with the third mediator, the United States.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Gaza : le Hamas dit accepter une nouvelle proposition de trêve présentée par les médiateurs
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza
Mass protests in Gaza are making headlines—but where are the photos? Major outlets like Reuters, CNN, and AP are relying on vague social media clips or skipping coverage altogether. Why? Because Hamas controls what gets seen, what gets filmed, and what gets shared. When there’s no media freedom, there’s no full picture.
#Hamas #terrorists #uprising #Gaza #media #censorship #press
▶ The Footage Hamas Doesn’t Want You to See | HonestReporting
Mass protests in Gaza are making headlines—but where are the photos? Major outlets like Reuters, CNN, and AP are relying on vague social media clips orHonestReporting Staff (HonestReporting)
Journalistes tués à Gaza : douze médias internationaux unis pour enquêter et poursuivre le travail des reporters palestiniens
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #journalistes
Journalistes tués à Gaza : douze médias internationaux unis pour enquêter et poursuivre le travail des reporters palestiniens - [mcInform@ctions]
Depuis le 7 octobre 2023, près de 170 journalistes palestiniens ont été tués dans la bande de Gaza. Après que le Gaza Project a révélé
Des Palestiniens témoignent devant l’ONU des abus sexuels infligés par des Israéliens
dans les prisons israéliennes ou par des colons
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #ONU
Des Palestiniens témoignent devant l'ONU des abus sexuels infligés par des Israéliens - [mcInform@ctions]
Des Palestiniens dénoncent, à visage découvert, les coups et les violences sexuelles qui leur ont été infligés dans les prisons israé
"Hamas accepts cease-fire and will release 5 hostages, including an American"
#Hamas #terrorists #murderers #Gaza #Palestine #MiddleEast #Israel #hostages #press
Hamas accepts cease-fire and will release 5 hostages, including an American -
Hamas' leader in Gaza, Khalil al-Hayya, on Saturday said the terrorist group has agreed to release five hostages, including the American-Israeli Edan Alexander, as part of a 50-day cease-fire proposal.UPI
Hamas says it accepts a new Gaza ceasefire proposal but Israel makes a counter-offer - EUROPE SAYS
CAIRO (AP) — The Hamas militant group said Saturday it has accepted a new Gaza ceasefire proposal fromEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Hamas agrees to Gaza ceasefire proposal from Egypt and Qatar
Hamas has agreed to a Gaza ceasefire proposal it received two days ago from mediators Egypt and Qatar, the Palestinian militant group’s chief said on Saturday.“Two days ago, we received a proposal from the mediators in Egypt and Qatar.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Guerra Israele - Hamas, le notizie di oggi 29 marzo sul conflitto a Gaza. LIVE - EUROPE SAYS
L'esercito israeliano ha annunciato di aver ampliato la sua offensiva terrestre nella Striscia di Gaza meridionale. 'Le IdfEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)