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Beiträge, die mit qatar getaggt sind

#Qatar #Hamas

Le principal bureau politique du Hamas à l'étranger n'opère plus depuis Doha, a confirmé mardi le porte-parole du ministère qatari des Affaires étrangères, Majed al-Ansari. Cette annonce intervient dans un contexte de gel des négociations pour un cessez-le-feu à Gaza.

#Gaza #Qatar #Turchia
Secondo quanto riportato da “Channel 11”, i vertici politici di #Hamas|Islamisti radicali stanno lasciando il Qatar per recarsi nella loro nuova destinazione: la Turchia. Sarà infatti Ankara, sempre più ostile a Israele sia sul piano diplomatico che su quello comunicativo, a ospitare gli alti dirigenti del movimento palestinese.


https://www.europesays.com/1601475/ How Will Qatar’s Suspension From Mediation Impact Israel-Hamas War? #Conflicts #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #Qatar #QatarIsraelPalestineGaza
How Will Qatar's Suspension From Mediation Impact Israel-Hamas War?

#Qatar has asked #Hamas to leave Doha since negotiations btw #Israel and Hamas for a #ceasefire and hostage release deal have stalled. Hamas' political office in Doha "no longer serves its purpose," according to an official briefed on the matter.


Gaza Ceasefire Talks Stalled; Hamas Office in Doha to Stay: Qatari Foreign Ministry


#Gaza_in_Genocide #GazaHolocaust #Hamas #Qatar

Gaza Ceasefire Talks Stalled; Hamas Office in Doha to Stay: Qatari Foreign Ministry


#Gaza_in_Genocide #GazaHolocaust #Hamas #Qatar

Qatar's Foreign Ministry has refuted reports about ending its mediation role in the Gaza conflict while acknowledging a temporary suspension of talks.


#Qatar #Gaza #Mediation #Hamas #Israel #MiddleEast #PeaceTalks

Now that #Trump is the #president-elect, notice that #Qatar suspends mediation talks. They know its futile to try to help the #palestinians in #Gaza. #Netenyahu now knows #Trump will side with him unless #Putin tells #Trump differently.

#qatar #palestine #israel : #war / #gaza / #hamas / #diplomaticrelations / #ceasefire / #mediation

„Officials (…) said … that Qatar … had asked Hamas’s political leaders to leave the Gulf country, where they maintain an office.“


See also:

„Qatar suspends its mediation efforts on Gaza and the Hamas office there may have to leave“

Qatar has suspended its work as a mediator in ceasefire and hostage release talks between Israel and Hamas...
#middleeast #qatar #Israel #hamas #ceasefire #MiddleEastCrisis #newsheadlines #middleeastconflict https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c774d4p2mx6o

🇶🇦 «On ne croit plus aux négociations»: le retrait du Qatar, symbole d'une médiation dans l'impasse https://www.election-politique.com/index.php?display=M

#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #politique #politics #international #Qatar #Israel #Hamas

Qatar will resume mediation effort once all sides show ‘willingness, seriousness’ - YouTube

#Palestine #Israel #Qatar

The Gulf state told Israel and Hamas last month that it would suspend mediation after nearly a year of failed attempts to broker a ceasefire.
#Qatar #Gaza #Israel #Hamas

Qatar has suspended its work as a mediator in ceasefire and hostage negotiations between Israel and Hamas. "Qatar notified the parties 10 days ago during the last attempts to reach an agreement, that it would stall its efforts to mediate between Hamas and Israel if an agreement was not reached in that round," a statement from the Qatari foreign ministry said. @BBCNews has more: https://flip.it/8_aJ3Q
#News #WorldNews #Israel #Hamas #Qatar #War #MiddleEastConflict

Qatar pauses role as ceasefire mediators until Israel and Hamas show 'seriousness'

The Gulf state's foreign ministry said it notified Israel and Hamas during the last round of negotiations that it would "stall its efforts" to mediate a truce if an agreement was not reached.


#Palestine #PalestineNews #Israel #IsraelNews #Qatar #QatarNews #IsraeliPalestinianConflict #News

#Katar zieht sich als Mediator im Nahostkonflikt zurück. Als Grund wird der fehlende Willen für ein Übereinkommen vonseiten der beteiligten Parteien angegeben, eine Schlussfolgerung die sehr ähnlich bereits von Vertretern der #USA geteilt wurde.

Konsequenterweise rückt eine diplomatische Lösung des Konflikts, ja selbst Feuerpausen oder ein Waffenstillstand, in weite Ferne. Eine humanitäre und politische Katastrophe, es herrscht das Recht des Stärkeren.

#qatar #israel #uno

#Qatar rinuncia a #mediazione #Israele-#Hamas, “Le parti non si impegnano” https://www.liberoreporter.it/2024/11/primo-piano/qatar-rinuncia-a-mediazione-israele-hamas-le-parti-non-si-impegnano.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

🌍 ■ Qatar anuncia la suspensión de su mediación entre Israel y Hamás ■ El país afirma que "reanudará esos esfuerzos con sus socios cuando las partes demuestren su voluntad y su seriedad para poner fin a la brutal guerra y al actual sufrimiento de los civiles"

#actualidad #global #qatar #israel #conflictosinternacionales #hamas
Bandera de Qatar (Europa Press/Contacto/Sergi Reboredo - Archivo)

#Qatar trekt zich terug als onderhandelaar tussen #Hamas en #Israël

"Qatar trekt zich terug uit de onderhandelingen over een staakt-het-vuren tussen Hamas en Israël totdat beide partijen "blijk geven van oprechte bereidheid om terug te keren naar de onderhandelingstafel". Dat melden persbureau AFP en Reuters op basis van functionarissen die bij de onderhandelingen betrokken zijn."


Corriere.it - Homepage by di Paolo Foschi e Redazione Online
Il Qatar si ritira dai negoziati: «La sede di Hamas a Doha non ha ragion d'essere»

Qatar is withdrawing from negotiations: "The Hamas headquarters in Doha has no reason to exist."

#qatar #Hamas #Doha

🇶🇦#Qatar‎ul și-a retras medierea dintre 🇮🇱#Israel și ☪️#Hamas, după luni de eforturi nereușite de a pune capăt războiului din #FâșiaGaza.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Vxr

#Știri #Palestina #Gaza #Terorism

“#Qatar will stop trying to mediate a #Gaza ceasefire deal until #Hamas & #Israel show a "sincere willingness" to return to the negotiating table, an official briefed on the matter …biggest setback to efforts to reach a truce since the war began.

The Gulf country has also concluded that Hamas' political office in Doha "no longer serves its purpose" in a blow to the Palestinian militant group whose top leaders have been assassinated by Israel” https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/qatar-pull-out-gaza-ceasefire-mediation-source-says-2024-11-09/

RaiNews by undefined
Gli Stati Uniti chiedono al Qatar di espellere Hamas

Il gruppo palestinese sarà costretto a lasciare la base politica che ha in Qatar dopo aver rifiutato l'ultima proposta di rilascio degli ostaggi

The United States asks Qatar to expel Hamas.

The Palestinian group will be forced to leave the political base they have in Qatar after refusing the latest hostage release proposal.

#Palestine #qatar #US #Hamas

Since #Israel assassinated #Hamas top leader Ismail #Haniyeh in an #extraterritorial strike inside #Iran, there has been pressure on #Qatar (where Haniyeh lived in luxury), to eject other Hamas representatives from there.

Now #US is accusing the group of rejecting the #Gaza #ceasefire and hostage deal and saying it will no longer accept Hamas presence in Qatar.

[Aside: Can #India say it will no longer accept the presence of #Khalistan #secessionists in #Canada? 🤔]


#Qatar agrees to kick #Hamas out of Doha after request from Biden administration

🇶🇦🇺🇸 Conflit au Proche-Orient: les États-Unis prennent une décision forte aux dépens du Hamas https://www.election-politique.com/index.php?display=M

#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #politique #politics #international #Qatar #USA #Hamas

🇺🇸#SUA cer 🇶🇦#Qatar‎ului să nu mai găzduiască oficiali ai ☪️#Hamas.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Vtn

#Știri #Palestina #Terorism

„Nu sunteți bineveniți aici”, ar fi transmis 🇶🇦#Qatar‎ul grupării teroriste ☪️#Hamas (📰#JerusalemPost).

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VsQ

#Știri #Israel #Palestina #Terorism

American defense official confirms US sending several destroyers, along with new fighter aircraft, B-52 strategic bombers & refueling tankers to the Middle East, in the coming days.

There are a lot of news about them, but most major news seems to be ignoring it.

It's very possible that Israel attacks tomorrow during US election, because most people won't care about international news when they are focused on the domestic circus.

More news can be found when searching for B-52 online


#US #Pentagon #WestAsia #Iraq #Syria #Israel #Bahrain #Qatar #Biden #USpol
Stock image of ab American B-52 bomber