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Beiträge, die mit germany getaggt sind

Fuck you #Germany.

Once again you are on the wrong side of the history.

Shamelessly supporting the apartheid state and protecting it's ongoing #genocide.

#Israel #EUpol #Politics #Palestine

@palestine group @israel group
screen capture from Bluesky: Berlin's city parliament just agreed a city partnership with Tel Aviv. All parties voted in favour. Die Linke‘s representative in fact complained that it has taken so... long, given the plan dates to 2023. So that you know...

Automating Injustice: “Predictive” policing in #Germany - https://algorithmwatch.org/en/automating-injustice-predictive-policing-germany/ #bias

We are really watching this from inside #Germany with the same curiosity (and unease) like you people from the outside.

Nothing is set and whoever considers emigrating here should wait.

An all-party coalition (including the Greens & the Left party) just gave #PeterThiel the master key to the german security apparatus in the upper house (#Bundesrat), so that should make you somewhat more careful still.

Also the leading conservative party is corrupt as fuck & the social democrats are no better.

#press #news #presse #aktuell #recht #politik #politics #germany #democracy #pressfreedom #ifg

" CDU &CSU wollen unter Verhandlungsvorsitz Amthors das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz (IFG) abschaffen. Dieses garantiert Bürger*innen den Anspruch auf Zugang zu amtlichen Informationen & ist zentral für #Demokratie & #Pressefreiheit in #Deutschland . Es ist eines der wenigen Gesetze, die Regierungsverantwortliche in die Rechenschaft vor uns zwingen & sie kontrollierbar machen"


Megathread for the Saturday March 29 #TeslaTakeDown Global Day of Action!

🇩🇪 #Germany Edition

Find your city below, or search the map at https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/teslatakedown

Interested in hosting an event? https://actionnetwork.org/events/cb4f2d0502786fcfdf9a577dc1a41f20fe71b976/edit

Find out more: https://www.teslatakedown.com

Reminder: “TeslaTakedown is a peaceful protest movement. We oppose violence, vandalism and destruction of property. This protest is a lawful exercise of our First Amendment right to peaceful assembly.”

#BoycottTesla #Resist @teslatakedown

Terror threat halts German Interior Minister Syria trip https://www.byteseu.com/870282/ #Austria #GerhardKarner #Germany #NancyFaeser #Syria #TerrorThreatHaltsGermanInteriorMinisterSyriaTrip
Terror threat halts German Interior Minister Syria trip

A very interesting insight into the history of #ElonMusk and the influence South African apartheid supporters are now having on dismantling #USPol democracy.

The clear links between #Nazi #Germany, #Apartheid SouthAfrica and #Israeli #Zionism are truly alarming.


German and Austrian ministers break off a planned Syria trip because of a possible threat https://www.byteseu.com/868164/ #BasharAssad #Conflicts #damascus #Europe #GeneralNews #Germany #GermanyGovernment #NancyFaeser #PoliticalRefugees #Politics #Syria #SyriaGovernment #Terrorism #WorldNews
German and Austrian ministers break off a planned Syria trip because of a possible threat

🚨 Frankreich boykottiert US-Marken: 62 % unterstützen Boykott, 32 % haben Kaufgewohnheiten geändert. Coca-Cola (48 %) und McDonald's (44 %) am stärksten betroffen. Trump-Politik treibt Boykott an. Ältere und Gebildete besonders aktiv. #BoykottUSA #Frankreich #USMarken #europe #news #aktuell #press #journalism #nachrichten #france #boycott #germany

➡️ https://dndnetz.blogspot.com/2025/03/boykott-von-amerikanischen-marken-in.html

My favourite economist Michael Hudson in conversation with Glenn Diesen.

"Prof. Michael Hudson: Economic Collapse in Europe"

#hudson #michaelhudson #diesen #economy #russia #europe #eu #futuresgroup #nordstream #usa #germany #gaza

An interesting way to look at the influence of #China (#PRC) on other #countries: the #ChinaIndex.

The highest-"ranking" country in Europe is mine: #Germany.

»The China Index seeks to establish an interactive world map that visualizes the PRC‘s evolving influence in different countries. The Index captures PRC influence across nine Domains: #Academia, Domestic Politics, #Economy, Foreign Policy, #Law Enforcement, #Media, #Military, #Society, and #Technology. Each of these Domains contains 11 Indicators corresponding to an observable phenomenon of PRC influence, and presents comparable data collected by regional partners through collaboration with local experts.«


Die deutsche Rüstungsindustrie steht vor Herausforderungen, um den steigenden Bedarf an Verteidigungsgütern zu decken. Eine europäische Strategie und Investitionen sind notwendig, um langfristig wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben und die Verteidigungsfähigkeiten zu stärken.

➡️ https://dndnetz.blogspot.com/2025/03/die-notige-umstrukturierung-der.html

#Rüstungsindustrie #deutschland #news #politics #politik #europe #military #nato #germany #rheinmetall #europa #aktuell #journalism #bundeswehr #industrie #economy #wirtschaftspolitik #germaneconomy

#Germany #coalition treaty notable interim-results of the "#digital" sub-group, dated 19.03.2025

* AI buzz, e.g. cloud-based, AI-driven public administration
* "End-To-End-Digitalisation" 🤡
* Mandatory #eID
* Mandatory #AgeVerification for social media
* 'Innovation-friendly' and 'less bureaucratic' revision of #AIAct
* Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information to become Federal Commissioner for Data Usage 🤡
* 'Innovation-friendly' revision of #GDPR
* Digital ministry
Screenshot of a page of the PDF
Screenshot of a page of the PDF
Screenshot of a page of the PDF
Screenshot of a page of the PDF

“Activists are about to take on Elon Musk in the best way – by tanking Tesla shares”

by The Canary @thecanaryuk

“On Saturday 29 March, thousands of people will take on far-right billionaire and fascist #Elon #Musk in a #Tesla #Takedown #Global #Day of #Action. Across seven UK cities (and counting), protesters will pitch up at Tesla dealerships across the UK, in tandem with activists in #Australia, #Canada, and #Germany


#Press #UK

We'll continue providing weapons; we'll keep offering political and diplomatic support; we'll definitely continue repressing anyone who expresses support for the Palestinian cause.

But we condemn this ☝️

#Israel #Palestine #Germany #deutschland
Screenshot of a Jerusalem Post article with the title "Germany condemns new Israeli settlements in West Bank" and the subheadline "Germany condemns the Israeli security cabinet's decision to recognize 13 Jewish settlements in the West Bank, a spokesperson for the foreign office in Berlin said on Monday."

Die vielen Statuen an der Fassade des Aachener Doms haben mich schon häufig fasziniert. Besonders schön kommen sie zur Geltung, wenn sie von den Magnolienblüten eingerahmt werden.

#aachen #germany #aachenerdom #stadtaachen #magnolie #magnolia #frühling #firstdayofspring #spring #ig_aachen #cityscape #fujifilm #fujifilmxt5

#EU is the most hostile passive aggressive war monger making trillions from sponsoring wars around the earth. See the FR & DE arms industries growing like no others.

Any possibility for peace in Europe was broken again in 99, nothing will ever be the same.

And only blood thirsty fascists can see #Germany as a real country, it should have never been!

@smallcircles @heretical_i

#Yugoslavia #YugoBalkans

Don´t stop talking about #FreeMaja #FreeThemAll #HungarianTortures

International Antifascist Solidarity: The #BudapestKomplex

„In June 2024, a German antifascist was extradited from #Germany to #Hungary in a hasty operation intended to deny them all legal recourse. On the anniversary of their initial arrest in Berlin, we present an interview with the solidarity group advocating for their freedom and that of several others facing similar repression across Europe….“

https://antidotezine.com/2024/12/11/budapest-komplex/ Via @antidotezine

#FreeMaja #Antifaschismus #FckNzs #Antifa #FreeThemAll #Repression #Fascism

#gaza #genocide #palestine #israel #germany #Deutschland

"Germany Tried to Silence Me, a UN Official, for Talking About Israel’s Genocidal War in Gaza" -

#UN #specialrapporteur
on her five-day trip that exposed Germany's harsh deviation from democratic values and shrinking landscape for #freedom of expression.


#BDSmovement #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #USA #Germany #UN #ICJ #genoside #StopGazaGenocide #SuspendIsrael #StopArmingIsrael

"The #MaskOffMaersk Campaign Demands are clear:
1. Stop transporting military cargo complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people.
2. Terminate all contracts that support war and genocide, including Maersk’s contract with the US Department of Defence and the Israeli Ministry of Defence"


#politics #journalism
#USpol #Germany #USA #fascism

Another example of superior German coverage of America that I wish would be translated as an example: "The word fascism is appropriate." An interview with political scientist Natascha Strobl.
Trump, AfD und Co.: »Das Wort Faschismus ist angemessen« https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/donald-trump-afd-und-co-das-wort-faschismus-ist-angemessen-a-d10af890-ac0b-42e7-a39a-a8a2fc9d063c?sara_ref=re-so-tw-sh

#FrancescaAlbanese #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #USA #Germany #UN #ICJ #genoside #StopGazaGenocide #SuspendIsrael #StopArmingIsrael

"Israeli strikes on Gaza kill hundreds, ..."


Erinnert ihr euch noch an Roland Koch. Der Typ, der gegen die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft Unterschriften gesammelt hat und Hessen aus der Tarifbindung der Länder herausgelöst hat? Der soll für die Arbeitgeber den Tarifstreit im ÖD schlichten. Für mich klingt das wie eine Kriegserklärung.
#dgb #öd #offentlicherdienst #gewerkschaft #politik #deutschland #germany

Must-read account by #UN special rapporteur Francesca #Albanese of how my home country #Germany, its politicians, universities and #police have threatened, intimidated and silenced her during her last visit.


#FreePalestine #Gaza #Israel #genocide

Joint statement from the Foreign Ministers of #France, #Germany and the #UK (E3) on #Gaza, calling for immediate return to a ceasefire

„#Israel should fully respect international law and allow the flow of aid immediately. Civilians should be protected and not be cut off from essential aid or assistance. We call on Israel to restore humanitarian access, including water and electricity, and ensure access to medical care and temporary medical evacuations in accordance with international humanitarian law.“


Land before #blood ‒ even their own! THIS is #Zionism. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

This is what #Fotzenfritz stands for. #Shame on #Germany! #BDS Germany!


@palestine #Israel #Palestine #Hannibal #HannibalDirective #FreePalestine #Palästina #HannibalDirektive #Zionismus #Stirn